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Sacred 2

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Sacred 2

Post by Azzoun »

Hello all!

Wanted to know what opinions are out there for Sacred 2? I played the first one and loved it, and I'm very excited about 2. Can't decide if I want to get the PC, or wait and get the 360 version. Haven't heard/found anything about the game being modiable so the 360 version should be a straight port and a ton of fun.

Anyway, just wanted some thoughts for the community!

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Post by DaveO »

Everything that you learned in Sacred 1 goes out the window in Sacred 2. At the moment, there are number of bugs still with the game after several months of release. The pros are that you have a huge area to explore and several quests you can choose. The cons are that leveling takes a LONG time, so you feel like you're in an MMORPG grinding away. I'd advise waiting until the inevitable expansion pack.
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Post by Azzoun »

Cool, thanks. Now there will be expansions, but the question is will those be DLC for the XBox 360 or not? I'd have to figure that by the time it comes out on the XBox they should have most of the bugs worked out. I'm just wondering if the expansions and updates will be DLC?
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Post by Claudius »

I think that the game is modable. I haven't heard much about great mods. Just things like naked mod and so forth.

Its a good game I think. I am finding it better than S1.
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Post by Infinita »

Gamebanshee should add Sacred 2 as network like other games for walkthrough etc..
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Post by fable »

Infinita wrote:Gamebanshee should add Sacred 2 as network like other games for walkthrough etc..
If you think so, put up a thread to that effect under GameBanshee Discussion. It's where the site owner, BuckGB, regularly checks.
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Post by Infinita »

fable wrote:If you think so, put up a thread to that effect under GameBanshee Discussion. It's where the site owner, BuckGB, regularly checks.
I see ok thanks.
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