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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Radon Labs' Drakensang: The Dark Eye, Drakensang: The River of Time, and Drakensang: Philleason's Secret.
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Post by Ha-Nocri »

Hi ppl,

I am playing a ranger and I use bows mainly for him. Now, I have gathered enough exp. points (more then 350 I think) to increase one of those main atributes (Courage, Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, etc...), but I am not sure which one(s) is(are) important for archery. Does more Strength deal more damage as with melee weapons? Or is it Dexterity like in D&D that determines how precise my shots will be? Or maybe some combination of atributes?

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Post by swcarter »

They list this in the manual (page 17 for me). You want to increase strength, dexterity, and intuition.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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Post by Ergopad »

About attributes

If you right-click on RC (Ranged Combat Value), you will see the formula. Check manual or Drakensang: The Dark Eye @ GameBanshee for more info. Here's list of things that your archer will need.

Ranged Combat Value

Code: Select all

RC = (Intuition + Dexterity + Strength) / 5 - Encumbrance + Weapon
Talent Value
What that means, is that IN, DE and ST are important attributes to you, but also you should not have too much encumbrance (got from heavy armors).


Code: Select all

ED = (Courage + Constitution + Agility) / 2 +/- Character Modifiers
+ Special Skills Endurance I-III
Endurance isn't must, but comes handy when using special abilities like Aimed Shot.

Dodge Value (you cannot parry with ranged weapon)

Code: Select all

DV (Intuition + Agility + Strength) / 5 - Encumbrance + Special Skills
Dodge I-III
Again, notice encumbrance.

Attribute summary:

But it also depends on the talents (Drakensang: The Dark Eye @ GameBanshee) you like to use.

TDE is much different from D&D, but in Drakensang the rules are quite simple once you get the idea...
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