i hate overlords
i hate overlords
they always kill my side kick butch. every ****ing time. once they killed him once i have to reload and tell him to wait behind. damb it im sick of them killing his ass he need to learn not to run at it shooting like hea going to do somthing to it. i also tried shooting its tri beam to break it and then it beat him to death fury growing. dose anybody else have a problem with the dumb side kicks dying while their holding half ur stock.
Each sidekick has different health, personality and skills that make it more or less likely that they'll do something dumb and get killed. Buffing them up with the best armor and weapons you can spare helps a bit. But sometimes the only way to keep them alive is to leave them at home (for me, it was Clover, who just couldn't make it through the Deathclaw Sanctuary alive, even with Tesla armor). If you're playing on PC there are a number of mods to make companions tougher, smarter, or even set them essential so they can't die.
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