I have been playing the first part of the Laxius Power trilogy (one of the best fanmade game ever made according to Home of the Underdogs) for the last two weeks. I almost quit after two days because of the way too frequent random encounters, but then I read that random encounters were eliminated after the first part of the trilogy. So I decided to continue.
But now, I can hardly take it anymore. I am sick and tired of having my party interrupted by a random fight every four steps they make!
Last time I checked my statistics, I had 981 fights, so I have probably reached 1000 now. How many quests so far? I believe I have done 9 quests, including the extremely exciting "ask your friends if they want to come with you", "reach that destination" or "please deliver that package to my son". (That Fedex quest was done in less than 1 minute with a Teleport spell by the way.)
I might be willing to continue if someone tells me it’s worth it, but nothing I have seen so far in the game makes me believe it’s actually worth it. On the contrary, with what I have seen so far, I would rate it as a below average game. I surely had much more fun with Ahriman’s Prophecy.
So why is that game so popular? Is it because the story becomes interesting at some point? Or is it just popular because of its length? Please don’t tell me it’s because of Sarah’s see-through swimsuit.
Your advices will be appreciated, but I will prefer them if you take some time to justify your sayings.
No spoilers please.
Thanks in advance.