Hi there people problem is I'm stucked in Blood Ties quest, I need to locate "The family" whatever they are, to later deliver Lucy's message to someone ... no idea who. I've talked to almost everyone around even at Paradise Falls and nothing ...
Lucy was one of the caucasian blondes of the beggining of the game IF I recall ... I'm almost level 20 that's why I don't remember exactly sorry ...
ideas of someone there who finished this quest? thanks on advance
You can read all about the quest [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/fallout3/walkthrough/bloodties.php"]here[/url].
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Well that walkthrough helped a lot indeed carter ... excellent, so complete.
**spoilers here **
by the way, when I talked to Vance after convincing Ian to leave the Family, I thought they would turn against me so I was ready to ... defend myself. So Vance's attitude surprised me somehow when he allowed Ian and me to leave without any objections ...
thanks for the help, now I'm heading to E. King ...
I had a problem with this quest too.
When the guy guarding the Family base asked me to pay 100 caps to enter, i refused to do so. (Im not gonna be bullied by some punks)
So i just picked the lock and entered the base. When i reached the main hall, the whole gang attacked me, without question. I killed them all, then convined Ian, to go back to his real family (i mean his sister).
I thought everything is fine, until i reached the exit of the underground. The a message appeared, that i'm now enemy of the whole Arteus village, and failed the quest.
The only way to solve the quest, is to parley with a gang, which is bullying everyone around?
You can kill the gang too, but that path yields less rewards than if you do the quest peacefully. I think you may have a bug. Try loading from a previous save. Check the aforementioned link for more details
Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice ~ Eleanor Lamb, Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams