Ergo's FixPack [mods]
:: Change this only! Must be the same as the subfolder name
@Set mod=Ergo's_Fixpack
:: Nothing needs to be changed below
@set backup=%mod%.bak
:: Title of the mod when the batch starts
@echo == Installing Modification: %mod% ==
@echo off
set pfad=.
set dsroot=.
SET dsroot=c:\Program Files\drakensang\export\
SET pfad=%dsroot%export\db
if exist %pfad%\static.db4 goto okay
Echo The path to "Drakensang\export\db\static.db4"
Echo couldn't be read from the Registry!
Echo To install, please copy all the mod's files and folders
Echo to the folder "Drakensang\export\db\", and start
Echo "Install-English.bat" again there.
Goto End
SET version=1.03
Echo Drakensang v%version%
Echo Drakensang installation folder found:"%pfad%"
echo Creating backups...
if not exist %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\static.db4 %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\locale.db4 %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\game.db4 %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup%
echo Updating %pfad%\static.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\static.db4<%mod%\static.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\locale.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\locale.db4<%mod%\locale.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\game.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\game.db4<%mod%\game.sql
echo Copying new icons...
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\icons
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\armor
copy %mod%\textures\icons\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\icons /Y
copy %mod%\textures\armor\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\armor /Y
copy %mod%\game.ico %dsroot%\ /Y
Echo Installation finished.
Ok this is my .bat file and it's not installing. Any help? I tried the manual install too.. wouldn't work. I wanna try this mod so badly!
@Set mod=Ergo's_Fixpack
:: Nothing needs to be changed below
@set backup=%mod%.bak
:: Title of the mod when the batch starts
@echo == Installing Modification: %mod% ==
@echo off
set pfad=.
set dsroot=.
SET dsroot=c:\Program Files\drakensang\export\
SET pfad=%dsroot%export\db
if exist %pfad%\static.db4 goto okay
Echo The path to "Drakensang\export\db\static.db4"
Echo couldn't be read from the Registry!
Echo To install, please copy all the mod's files and folders
Echo to the folder "Drakensang\export\db\", and start
Echo "Install-English.bat" again there.
Goto End
SET version=1.03
Echo Drakensang v%version%
Echo Drakensang installation folder found:"%pfad%"
echo Creating backups...
if not exist %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\static.db4 %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\locale.db4 %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\game.db4 %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup%
echo Updating %pfad%\static.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\static.db4<%mod%\static.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\locale.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\locale.db4<%mod%\locale.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\game.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\game.db4<%mod%\game.sql
echo Copying new icons...
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\icons
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\armor
copy %mod%\textures\icons\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\icons /Y
copy %mod%\textures\armor\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\armor /Y
copy %mod%\game.ico %dsroot%\ /Y
Echo Installation finished.
Ok this is my .bat file and it's not installing. Any help? I tried the manual install too.. wouldn't work. I wanna try this mod so badly!
Hello, I got the same message that Ihmisiviha, can it be fixed?Ihmisiviha wrote:I am at the end of chapter 4 now so there is my opinion about the fixpack:
For some reason the game used to 'freeze' sometimes but it hasn't happen since the installation of fixpack???
But it goes down when Rhulana tries to use her powerful blow, it shows a message in windows:
AnimTable::GetAnimInfo0:animation name
'Shild_Einhandstichwaffen_Attack_SP_Wuchslang' not found in anims.xml[/i]
and after:
Runtime error! etc......
and the game goes down.
Oh! Dios mío, todo está lleno de estrellas:speech:
Are you using Praios' Scimitar? There is a bug with it and it will be fixed with the final version of modpack, so for now you should not use scimitar, sorry for any inconvenience.XebaX wrote:Hello, I got the same message that Ihmisiviha, can it be fixed?
@Jon2279: Are you able to start sqlite3.exe in command prompt? What system (windows?) are you running? You must have admistrator rights to install the mod pack.
- Spiderwhisperer
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:27 pm
- Contact:
first quest,english update patch
Hi:OK,First i would like to know if there is a english update patch for this game,its a great game,but i wont play it until i get a patch that fixes a bug i found when i fisrt bought the game,concerning the first quest,where you kill the bear in the cave,and my game closed,Its the second time i have bought the game,and really want to play it,but not if its going to go all buggy.I am RPG,person,and as much as i like a good shooter,this is right up my alley.Please E:Mail me,or reply to this
Hi:OK,First i would like to know if there is a english update patch for this game,its a great game,but i wont play it until i get a patch that fixes a bug i found when i fisrt bought the game,concerning the first quest,where you kill the bear in the cave,and my game closed,Its the second time i have bought the game,and really want to play it,but not if its going to go all buggy.I am RPG,person,and as much as i like a good shooter,this is right up my alley.Please E:Mail me,or reply to this
- silverspot51
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:50 pm
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- ao_connell
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:37 pm
- Contact:
Find Directory
Hi, sorry to bother u but I tried copying the files to my game directory
with no success and when i tried to change these lines it wouldnt let me
save the file.
game is in c:\Program Files\Drakensang\
Hi, sorry to bother u but I tried copying the files to my game directory
with no success and when i tried to change these lines it wouldnt let me
save the file.
game is in c:\Program Files\Drakensang\
Ergopad wrote:Ah, some other people are having the same problem. I will include this in the readme.txt in next release.
Replace these lines from install_ergo's_fixpack.bat -file:
With these lines:Code: Select all
if not exist %pfad%\static.db4 FOR /F "tokens=2* " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\DTP\Drakensang" /v target_folder') DO SET dsroot=%%B\export FOR /F "tokens=2* " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\DTP\Drakensang" /v version') DO SET version=%%B
And use your real game directory instead.Code: Select all
SET dsroot=c:\my_example_directory\drakensang\export SET version=1.03
- ao_connell
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:37 pm
- Contact:
- numberouane
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:54 pm
- Contact:
FastDS Mod
It's here:[url=""][/url]
It must be your lucky day.undwight wrote:pls. can I have a request, i need a mod to fix the running speed of the characters. I know you already released a fix for this but i only want their running speed fixed. thanks, hope you make one for me.
It's here:[url=""][/url]
- mystic2010
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:04 pm
- Contact:
I don't know if this has been said, but is there a way to pick and choose what I want to install? I for one don't want someone other than the designers to dictate the game experience. I will have some faith that the game balance is fine the way they intended it. It doesn't feel right not playing the official game. I am of course interested in fixes to quests, abilities - anything that fixes things - as well as non-combat faster walking (because that is something that is very time-consuming otherwise). Anyway to separate them?
I'm a purist and have read and agreed with the requests to have the fixes selectable or separated incrementally.
However, it seems that it wouldn't be easy or possible and you've already done so much fine work that I can assure you, once I have given this game an original go through I'll be all over this mod shortly after.
Thank you for the effort you put into the fixpack!
However, it seems that it wouldn't be easy or possible and you've already done so much fine work that I can assure you, once I have given this game an original go through I'll be all over this mod shortly after.
Thank you for the effort you put into the fixpack!
I have couple of lausy reasons why I haven't done the fixpack splitting into pieces:Xetelian wrote:I'm a purist and have read and agreed with the requests to have the fixes selectable or separated incrementally.
However, it seems that it wouldn't be easy or possible and you've already done so much fine work that I can assure you, once I have given this game an original go through I'll be all over this mod shortly after.
Thank you for the effort you put into the fixpack!
#1 Extra work
#2 Some changes are related to others
#3 I'm lazy.
But I will do that splitting at some point. At least so that there would be "fixes", "balance", "additions" and "comfort" selections to be had.
Help Ergopad!
can you tell me if my patch was successful?
:: Change this only! Must be the same as the subfolder name
@Set mod=Ergo's_Fixpack
:: Nothing needs to be changed below
@set backup=%mod%.bak
:: Title of the mod when the batch starts
@echo == Installing Modification: %mod% ==
@echo off
set pfad=.
set dsroot=.
SET dsroot=c:\program files\drakensang\export\
SET pfad=%dsroot%export\db
if exist %pfad%\static.db4 goto okay
Echo The path to "Drakensang\export\db\static.db4"
Echo couldn't be read from the Registry!
Echo To install, please copy all the mod's files and folders
Echo to the folder "Drakensang\export\db\", and start
Echo "Install-English.bat" again there.
Goto End
SET version=1.03
Echo Drakensang v%version%
Echo Drakensang installation folder found:"%pfad%"
echo Creating backups...
if not exist %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\static.db4 %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\locale.db4 %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\game.db4 %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup%
echo Updating %pfad%\static.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\static.db4<%mod%\static.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\locale.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\locale.db4<%mod%\locale.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\game.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\game.db4<%mod%\game.sql
echo Copying new icons...
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\icons
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\armor
copy %mod%\textures\icons\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\icons /Y
copy %mod%\textures\armor\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\armor /Y
copy %mod%\game.ico %dsroot%\ /Y
Echo Installation finished.
can you tell me if my patch was successful?
:: Change this only! Must be the same as the subfolder name
@Set mod=Ergo's_Fixpack
:: Nothing needs to be changed below
@set backup=%mod%.bak
:: Title of the mod when the batch starts
@echo == Installing Modification: %mod% ==
@echo off
set pfad=.
set dsroot=.
SET dsroot=c:\program files\drakensang\export\
SET pfad=%dsroot%export\db
if exist %pfad%\static.db4 goto okay
Echo The path to "Drakensang\export\db\static.db4"
Echo couldn't be read from the Registry!
Echo To install, please copy all the mod's files and folders
Echo to the folder "Drakensang\export\db\", and start
Echo "Install-English.bat" again there.
Goto End
SET version=1.03
Echo Drakensang v%version%
Echo Drakensang installation folder found:"%pfad%"
echo Creating backups...
if not exist %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\static.db4 %pfad%\static.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\locale.db4 %pfad%\locale.db4.(%version%)%backup%
if not exist %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup% copy %pfad%\game.db4 %pfad%\game.db4.(%version%)%backup%
echo Updating %pfad%\static.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\static.db4<%mod%\static.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\locale.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\locale.db4<%mod%\locale.sql
echo Updating %pfad%\game.db4...
%mod%\sqlite3 %pfad%\game.db4<%mod%\game.sql
echo Copying new icons...
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\icons
mkdir %dsroot%export\textures\armor
copy %mod%\textures\icons\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\icons /Y
copy %mod%\textures\armor\*.* %dsroot%export\textures\armor /Y
copy %mod%\game.ico %dsroot%\ /Y
Echo Installation finished.