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inside the temple (spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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inside the temple (spoilers)

Post by Maverique »

here be spoilers about the temple

I read that you can do quests for the temple, and that you should wear the elemental robes so you don't get attacked by the questgivers. However, I'm with a Neutral Good party. We're do-gooders, me lads and I, and I was wondering if, because I don't want my paladin to fall or do evil things, does it matter that I go in without the robes, gun blazing and killing everyone on all the temple levels.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

If by "does it matter" you mean "will it affect the ending, etc. adversely, or will I miss out on anything important" the answer is nope, not really. You can run in and kill stuff. I think there's just the rewards they'd give you (which you can loot anyway) and a smidge of experience. No biggie. Other than that, there's the chance to recruit a troll into your party, but you may be able to do that anyway - I don't remember.

I usually just blow them all away right off, for the same reason you're thinking: I'm good and they're bad. :D
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