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Starmap bug pls help (spoiler)

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Starmap bug pls help (spoiler)

Post by Colonel_Autumn »


I visited Kashyyyk, Tatooie and got the starmaps. After that i went to Manaan. I went through the water and everything and finally i was able to destroy the machine, so the big fish fled and I could go to the starmap. BUT: When I reached the starmap, nothing happend. I heard there has to be a cinematic, but not in my case. I loaded an earlier save, but I never saw the cinematic, and I didnt get any questupdate etc. either. However, when i looked into my inventory, I had the Manaan starmap, so I didnt bother and I went on with the Story. I was able to get the starmap on korriban, ive been on malaks spaceship etc.

But now the Story doesnt go on. My ship flew to manaan automatically after i left malaks ship, so I guess there was something wrong with the starmap. What can i do? I dont want to start from the beginning again. Is there any way I can delete the manaan starmap from my inventory with cheats, so i can go there again? or can I force the cinematic to appear with cheats? This game rocks, i want to finish the story but i cant :(

There are some more bugs: In Korriban, there are still quest about that sith master (ulluar??) and carth's son, but i already killed them so i cant finish them.
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Post by Loki[D.d.G] »

Colonel_Autumn wrote:Is there any way I can delete the manaan starmap from my inventory with cheats, so i can go there again? or can I force the cinematic to appear with cheats?
You can remove the starmap from your inventory by using a savegame editor. Im sorry but i dunno any commands which will force your main storyline to continue or to force the cinematic to fire.
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Post by bigredpanda »

Colonel_Autumn wrote:
There are some more bugs: In Korriban, there are still quest about that sith master (ulluar??) and carth's son, but i already killed them so i cant finish them.
I'm not sure this is a bug, really - there are a number of different quests which you can't activate if you've made certain choices earlier in the game. For example, a certain action on a certain planet will render that planet inaccessible for the rest of the game, which I did in my first play through and missed several really good sidequests.
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Post by Colonel_Autumn »

well i reinstalled the game and made a new charakter. This time it worked, dunno why.
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