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It's that time again. Light, Dark, or Neutral?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.

Dark, Light, or Neutral?

Total votes: 109

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Post by swfan »

\Hmmm to be honest, i hate being good, whenever i do a nice thing in the game i get a bad feeling, so i go back and do something horrible...

heres the point, if you're good you have to pay to be nice

if your bad, kill them and take whatever they have!!!!:laugh:
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Post by Captainkeeney »

Strange enough I play LS

This is probably about the only game I play lightside, and it's because all of the decisions you make that affect your alignment are very forced (Not the word I was looking for, but the best one I could think of), where as in a game like fable, if I get bored and massacre a village I turn evil. I think the lack of an "attack anyone you damn well please" option keeps me from being evil, because let's face it, if you can't kill everything it's not worth it :P .
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Post by MercuryZ »

This game is a bastard in this way. It's very obvious that the rewards for DS are much better than they are for LS and yet every time I do something bad I get a bad feeling and have to remind my self I'm trying to be evil...doesn't come naturally to me being evil in this game, it certainly does in others tho.

So LS for me on this one.
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Post by koz-ivan »

90% of the time i'm lightside, i've tried the ds a few times and it's never really been worth the effort.

spamming sith lightning seemed to have promise, but i've been able to do that just as well with a lightsider. my toon's have so many fp it really never matters (even paying the higher fp costs) - except for the one tomb where fp don't regen. force crush is nice however.

and nothing in the game is tough enough to withstand that many lightning blasts anyway.

or you can just spam force wave and do almost the exact same thing.


and for a saber wielder force enlightenment is pretty sweet - having all your boosts on one click makes buffing a snap.
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Post by GENERAL R.M.K »

Dark without a doubt!!!

I love playing as the dark side! It's just so fun and evil! The one thing I hate about the dark side is killing the ilthorian who sells power cells in the Nar Shadaa docks. He is just so helpless and says "Kill me if you must". Now thats depressing
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