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Post by fable »

I managed to work it right on him the very first time I played, purely by chance. I've done nothing different since, and never been able to break the control put on Glacias.
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Koveras seems to have hit it. Here is the tactic from Dan Simpson's walkthrough:
Within this room is a former guardsman by the name of Glaicas. There is a non-violent way to end this, (see below) but only if you have Nalia in your party.
In the de'Arnise Hold, in the secret room where Glaicas is located, you have to charm him to "normalcy". But there's a bug with the game: a couple of seconds after you charm him, he turns blue for about 1 second, then turns green again. So, basically, your own charm spell is interfering with the script that would lead to him talking to you.
If you want to save him (and earn 22,550 xp), you have to time it right so that when you charm him (he turns green) one of your attacks will hit him (this must happen BEFORE he turns blue). He will turn red again... pause the game and make sure you stop all your characters! He will continue being hostile, but then the script will kick in. He'll talk to you and give you the last part of the flail.
My guess is those of us who got it right by accident had someone sniping from a distance and didn't realize it.
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Post by dj_venom »

But Nalia isn't essential. I have done it without Nalia. But the rest is true.
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Post by Valamyr »

gah what an annoying NPC. I just spent 10 minutes at least getting it to work

It kept failing. Ultimately what worked for me was something like this.

Charm NPC
He turned hostile before the thing reached him.
Charm takes effect.
Try to talk to him - "cannot speak free will bla bla".
Cast charm on him again! (2nd time)
2nd charm takes effect.
Keldorn dispels him.
Talking works > yay.

NOT trying to duplicate that. saving now and backing up the save on a usb key, kthxbye. :)

edit: ouuch just saw the timestamp on the last post. sorry. I googled to find help on this encounter and had found this thread.
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Post by wise grimwald »

That sort of thing happens all the time I'm afraid.
I did it on Boards o' Magick this week.
The moderator was VERY tolerant. :D

Thread necromancy he called it.
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Post by Cosah »

(spoiler) solution re: Glacius' attutide adjustment

Greets (long time reader/first time poster),

With or without Nalia, using PCs of varying class(es)/alignment/race/reputation, w/o mods or patches beyond ToB and bonus merchants (*gasp* I know!) I've consistently had success about 2/3 of the time ...spoiler...
using the ring of human influence (looted from the ill-fated gnome who turned the circus in Waukeen's Promanade into his own personal delusion of grandure), the one which allows our drooling half-orc barbarians to overcome their 3 charismas when shopping.

Actually casting charm person/dire charm/domination with a party mage seems to leave the yuan-ti charm effect in place, however, either most or all of the time -- I've never had it wear off and leave a neutral (blue circle) Glacius for me to chat with.

Ring's easy to get, and you have the added benefit of unlocking a female NPC to romance, or at least ID stuff then conveniently wait in the Mall of Athkatlah until you need more stuff IDed, if you haven't gotten Imoen back yet.

Thead necromancy: why not, most gamers keep 'undead hours' anyways?! :rolleyes:
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Post by Jordoo »

I completed it once one of my first 3-4 runs through the game just to see it but it took so long I decided that the extra experiance wasn't worth it.
:) Once again time to give someone the boot to make room for Coran. LOL :)
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Post by Berethor »

For some reason, charming success varies for me based on the playthrough. One time I'll hit him with domination and he'll start his 'oh, thank you' speech, and others he will turn green and just stand there.

Not sure if it's a bug or not.
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