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Finished IWD2 1st time. Coments *Spoilers

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Finished IWD2 1st time. Coments *Spoilers

Post by sonny »

Well I just finished IWD2 and want to thank everyone for helping me get through the game with out using a walkthrough. It wasn't a bad game, I would play it again, but I think it lacked a good story line, and way to much hack and slash for my taste. So of the games I've played so far since joining GB, my ranking so far would be.
1. Planescape: T
2. Baldurs Gate 2
3. Baldurs Gate
4. IWD
5. IWD2
These are the games I have and want to play. Any ideas on which one to play next would be appreciated. :D

1. NeverWinter Nights Diamond/includes all expansion packs..Christmas present from wife.
2. NWN 2 with Mask of the Betrayer....Christmas present from daughter
3 The Witcher...birthday present from wife
4. Fallout downloaded from GOG
5 Gothic downloaded from GOG

Any thoughts.? Or does it really matter? :o

Again thanks everyone for all the help.
Sonny :) :)
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Post by GawainBS »

Fallout. Definitly. It's more RPG than BG2, to be honest. It has another rulessystem than D&D, but it isn't that hard to get at all.

Secondly, I'd say NWN, but skip the original campaign, and go straight for Shadow of Undrentide and the follow up Hordes of the Underdark. The original campaign is only doably if you have a soft pillow to fall asleep on.
NWN2 is good, but incredibly buggy. You can have fun with it, but also a lot of frustration.
Be aware that NWN 1 & 2 use D&D 3.0 and 3.5 rules respectively. However, they implemented the rules better than IWD2 did.

I have started the Witcher, but after a while it felt dull. Too many "go there and kill that" quests, and you could only get credit for those kills if you got a previous journal entry for that type of monsters. For that, you needed certain scrolls. So you get a bunch of "kill quests", but need to get the scrolls first. Frustrating.

Gothic 2 didn't held my attention long either. Too generic and pointless. Had you run around too much without getting anything done.
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Post by rohitnairin »

I would also say fallout would be the best to start with.
Whenever you get to nwn2,remember to update it to 1.10 then install MotB
and over it apply the NWN2 Dialogue update.It helps fix most of the bugs.
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Post by SupaCat »

I'd also say Fallout and Neverwinter Night expansions. NWN 2 isn't as good when compared to the expansions of NWN 1 and Fallout is simply fun (remember to pick a character with good intelligence, as it will make your playthrough much more worth its while).

Gothic is fun... For a while. Got sick of it after playing to long, but until then it's actually really entertaining.
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Post by Nightmare »

Fallout but I don't like it as much as the Infinity Engine RPGs that you've been playing. It's definitely worth playing, though.

I'll vote for The Witcher as your next game. It's a pretty fun game and has a great story. Make sure you download all the fixes and patches, as they do substantially improve the game.

Many people are mentioning NWN. Personally, I generally agree that the first NWN has an awful single-player campaign, though the expansions aren't all that bad. The benefit of NWN are the thousands of modules that people have made for it; there's a ton of content out there for it. I haven't played NWN2 so I can't really comment on it.
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Post by kmonster »

Fallout is definitely worth playing.

Neverwinter Nights is so ugly that I stopped playing it. As typical Bioware product for the masses which favors marketing over playing it features ugly 3D graphics instead of the beautiful 2D the IE games had, uninteresting blabla and hack'n'slash combat which tries to copy diablo.
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Post by SupaCat »

kmonster wrote: Neverwinter Nights is so ugly that I stopped playing it.

uninteresting blabla and hack'n'slash combat which tries to copy diablo.
Copy Diablo? What? How long were you in the game till you stopped playing? You could also say then that Baldur's gate is just like Diablo, Icewind Dale is just like diablo, etc.

You can play very long with NWN as Nightmare said due the large selection of mods and the graphics aren't that bad. I personally never had a problem with them.
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Post by Nightmare »

I think he's referring more to the single-player campaign released with the vanilla NWN. When I played it, it did seem like Diablo clone to me, with single-player combat, a follower you couldn't control, and even a Town Portal-esque item to make quick runs back to town.

A lot of the modules and the expansions were much better though, and were worth playing. But, I can't really recommend NWN on a personal level because of how burned I felt after originally buying the game.
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Post by dragon wench »

sonny wrote:Well I just finished IWD2 and want to thank everyone for helping me get through the game with out using a walkthrough. It wasn't a bad game, I would play it again, but I think it lacked a good story line, and way to much hack and slash for my taste. So of the games I've played so far since joining GB, my ranking so far would be.
1. Planescape: T
2. Baldurs Gate 2
3. Baldurs Gate
4. IWD
5. IWD2
These are the games I have and want to play. Any ideas on which one to play next would be appreciated. :D

1. NeverWinter Nights Diamond/includes all expansion packs..Christmas present from wife.
2. NWN 2 with Mask of the Betrayer....Christmas present from daughter
3 The Witcher...birthday present from wife
4. Fallout downloaded from GOG
5 Gothic downloaded from GOG

Any thoughts.? Or does it really matter? :o

Again thanks everyone for all the help.
Sonny :) :)
I'll repeat what has already been stated, the original NWN1 campaign is a severe disappointment, I tried to play it after BG2 and PS:T and found it an incredible let down. The two expansions, especially Hordes of the Underdark, are pretty good though.

Personally, I really enjoyed The Witcher, for me it was the best RPG I'd experienced since BG2 and PS:T. Sure there are some fedex quests, but most games have at least a few.. so *shrug* The story is quite deep, your moral decisions have an impact and gameplay is fun; it is also one of those rare games where I have never turned off the music (PS:T being the other).
Just make sure you get the aforementioned patches ;)
So, based on your list of preferred games (which is actually identical to my own :D ) I nominate The Witcher as your next title.

Equally, Gothic isn't a bad game either, though I got bored after a while.

NWN 2 and Fallout I haven't played, so I can't help you there.

I am also moving this thread to RPG Discussion with a redirect, since we are no longer talking about the IWD games. :)

Gah... goofed on the move somehow, it will be fixed, I promise :D
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Post by C Elegans »

Moved to RPG discussion.
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