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PCs don't die?

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PCs don't die?

Post by Archebald »

I'm just wondering if I'm the only one that feels this way...I read part of an interview with the design folks for Dungeon Seige and in it Chris (I think that was his name) stated that player characters will not die unless the whole party dies because it's not fun? Because you have to go back to town and resurrect them and it interrupts exploration. Hmmm. The article went on to say that your character falls unconscious and then gets back up after a while.

"It was just a flesh wound!" Isn't that why many RPGs have scrolls and spells of resurrection? Death and permanent death are what makes games challenging, I think.

Just wondering if I'm the only one that thinks this way...
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Post by Ahnteis »

Except that in most games, death really IS just an annoyance. "Ahh crap--gotta go get another one of those stupid scrolls". Of course, most people don't even bother with that--it's more of a "F7 - Quick Load" on death. IMHO, it makes more sense to try to break the players out of that habbit by letting a character make mistakes once in a while without ruining the experience. Sure, you could enforce it brutally by not allowing for saving and loading, but that just makes players angry.

I honestly think that GPG has some good ideas about immersion, and by removing some of the need for constant save / load, they help you dive into the story a bit more.
Ahnteis Corazon
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weezer YenSid
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Post by weezer YenSid »

And don't forget how if you find the skull of an obliterated character in your party, you can use it to resurrect your character.
(We actually aren't very sure how resurrection works yet, other than it takes a lot of mana. It'll probably need a spell of it's own, so it may not be available in the first parts of the game.)

...obliterated basically meaning killed beyond recognition... gibbed.
Jeff C. aka weezer YenSid aka I'm Cuckoo Crazy Insane And I'm Weirdo Wakko Maniacal, Demented, Deranged, Mad, Zany, Lunaca (or just Lunaca for short)
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