dungeon siege microsoft
dungeon siege dot com
has anyone checked out these links. the game really looks fantastic.
anyone else out there as excited as i am about it. It appears microsoft is about to step in and kick current RPG's in the pants. I could be wrong and it would certainly be quite difficult to outdo what BW/BIS have done with BG, BG2, and IWD. It is all dependent on how it flows. If it moves as slow as arcanum, it will die. If it moves pretty fluid and the combat flows as quickly as the BG series, i think it will succeed as a good game.
I really like that the multiplayer variant is a different or 'larger' world map than the single player game.
I guess it's all about the progression of this game vs. NWN. I think, because of the hype, that dungeon siege has to come out first if has any chance of doing big things.
checked out those links yet
- Ned Flanders
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checked out those links yet
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- Ned Flanders
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Dungeon Siege looks incredible, it may become more popular with Mod groups than NWN due to the included graphics editor. Look at Total Annihilation (also by the same game designer) after 4 years it still has a huge following and mod groups.
I think that credit should go where credit is due however... This is Chris Taylor's game, not Microsoft. Microsoft is publishing the game, which primarily entails burning CDs, handling marketing and distributing through established retail channels. The developer, Gas Powered Games, deserves the credit for programming, gameplay, development, graphics, etc. I personally attribute (meaning this isn't something I know for sure) almost all of the concept for the game to Chris Taylor.
Reading one of the interviews, he thought up the world 20 years ago, "spanning multiple 5.25 inch floppies" and most of the concepts are his idea. Some of the biggest problems (load times, limits of class specialization, inventory) are addressed through his brain child, Dungeon Siege.
There are a couple questions I still have about multiplayer. For example, how is looting conducted? NWN fails in this respect in my opinion. If you're playing with 5 other strangers, you want to know you aren't going to get gyped after doing most of the work. MMORPG's face this issue primarily, but now this middle ground multiplayer environment has to address it in some way. Diablo 2 failed to provide a looting system, but most of the gear was specialized to a class. The class specialization doesn't sound accurate here.
Anyway, my 2 bucks worth of opinion.... I'm looking forward to almost all of the games coming out soon... but I'm still waiting for a game that does RTS as well as Total Annihilation did...
I think that credit should go where credit is due however... This is Chris Taylor's game, not Microsoft. Microsoft is publishing the game, which primarily entails burning CDs, handling marketing and distributing through established retail channels. The developer, Gas Powered Games, deserves the credit for programming, gameplay, development, graphics, etc. I personally attribute (meaning this isn't something I know for sure) almost all of the concept for the game to Chris Taylor.
Reading one of the interviews, he thought up the world 20 years ago, "spanning multiple 5.25 inch floppies" and most of the concepts are his idea. Some of the biggest problems (load times, limits of class specialization, inventory) are addressed through his brain child, Dungeon Siege.
There are a couple questions I still have about multiplayer. For example, how is looting conducted? NWN fails in this respect in my opinion. If you're playing with 5 other strangers, you want to know you aren't going to get gyped after doing most of the work. MMORPG's face this issue primarily, but now this middle ground multiplayer environment has to address it in some way. Diablo 2 failed to provide a looting system, but most of the gear was specialized to a class. The class specialization doesn't sound accurate here.
Anyway, my 2 bucks worth of opinion.... I'm looking forward to almost all of the games coming out soon... but I'm still waiting for a game that does RTS as well as Total Annihilation did...
- Bloodstalker
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I just checked the links out. I didn't have time to look real deep, but the game does look promising. The graphics look good, and it sounds like the story is nice. I like the addition of a packmule. You know how many times I would have liked to have one in BG?
I will post some more later when I have had a chance to look into it more.
I will post some more later when I have had a chance to look into it more.
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
- Ned Flanders
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I find it really cool that the packmule actually takes up one of your NPC spots. I'm presuming that the pack mule can be killed as well. You'd be screwed if he dies as you'd have to leave most of his stuff behind. Thanks be to Quick Save so a pack mule never has to perish.
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- Ned Flanders
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this game will be out very soon and the website mentioned in post one of this thread just continue to offer up more juicy tidbits. Plus, this game is going to beat out NWN which does it a lot of favors. I just have a feeling this game is going to do what BG did for us back in 1998. Get on the wagon.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
- Phantom Lord
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Dungeon Siege is my most wanted game besides Neverwinter Nights.
I didn't read too much about it so far but the simple fact that the lead designer (Chris Taylor) of one of my all time favourite games (Total Annihilation) is leading the DS project kinda excites me. I'm not into cult of personality but the design of TA was light years ahead of anything else, talk about an "open" game that allows modifications to all those dedicated people. If DS manages to transfer TA's genius and "openness" into the CRPG world this will be one game to play for many, many years.
And the few articles and development news I've read so far sound quite good, like they've put a lot of effort into avoiding design mistakes. I guess this will pay off in the long run.
I didn't read too much about it so far but the simple fact that the lead designer (Chris Taylor) of one of my all time favourite games (Total Annihilation) is leading the DS project kinda excites me. I'm not into cult of personality but the design of TA was light years ahead of anything else, talk about an "open" game that allows modifications to all those dedicated people. If DS manages to transfer TA's genius and "openness" into the CRPG world this will be one game to play for many, many years.
And the few articles and development news I've read so far sound quite good, like they've put a lot of effort into avoiding design mistakes. I guess this will pay off in the long run.
- StormRaider
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Dugeon Siege does looks very promising. I like the premise. Farmer to hero - traditional, adverture driven, herioc. To me, that's what it's all about. Good conquering evil. Baldur's gate, although very well done and envolving was wayyyy to demonic for me. And the premise was unworkable. You can not conquer evil with evil, you can up the ante and increase evil with evil. But you can't conquering evil with evil.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Siege.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Siege.
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- timbrewolf
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Well, first of all, I agree - Dungeon Siege looks fantastic. Been following it for over a year now (longer than I followed BG2).
Couple things real quick:
1. Anyone else on here fortunate enough to win one of the preview giveaways from Gamespot? My wife actually was able to win one of the 10 they gave away last month and they sent a note to say they were sending the full version Wednesday (yesterday) second-day mail. So if all goes well, it should be here tomorrow
A few days before the stores, so I'll post back with my first impressions.
2. Checking the Dungeon Siege site, there's a note talking about the Mod community and it mentions that the Siege Editor is _not_ being sent with the game. It will be available for download in May. My thoughts are that if they couldn't get it together for the game, they won't have it for May and we'll see the Siege Editor about the time NWN hits the shelves.
Of course I could be wrong, but it's ashamed they aren't sending it with the game now. It's one of the appeals
Well, gives everyone a chance to finish the single-player and get familiar with multiplayer before hacking together some crappy campaign *grin*
Couple things real quick:
1. Anyone else on here fortunate enough to win one of the preview giveaways from Gamespot? My wife actually was able to win one of the 10 they gave away last month and they sent a note to say they were sending the full version Wednesday (yesterday) second-day mail. So if all goes well, it should be here tomorrow
2. Checking the Dungeon Siege site, there's a note talking about the Mod community and it mentions that the Siege Editor is _not_ being sent with the game. It will be available for download in May. My thoughts are that if they couldn't get it together for the game, they won't have it for May and we'll see the Siege Editor about the time NWN hits the shelves.
Of course I could be wrong, but it's ashamed they aren't sending it with the game now. It's one of the appeals