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Some magic questions

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Some magic questions

Post by Nightfire »

Hello there!

I don't have DS yet -- it'll be about a week until the US version should be available where I live -- but I've been looking forward to it for ages (haven't we all). A shame they didn't make the game an actual RPG instead of a hack'n'slasher, but the modding community will hopefully fix that. *drools over the Ultima-remakes plans* Oh, BTW, thanks to Buck for his NPC overview, though learning that there are a mere three women pidgeonholed into ranged support roles rather ticked me off. Well, I have other plans for those ladies. ;)

I've eagerly been reading previews and reviews, and while they were generally positive, I have a few questions about skill balance ... namely about the magic types. Is it true that most of the offensive spells are a) pretty redundant and b) don't do as much damage as the descriptions say they should? Also, how slow is advancement in nature magic as compared to combat magic, if experience is mostly based on damage done and a nature mage spends most of her/his time healing and buffing? My favourite RPG play style being a (melee) fighter/mage character, I'm not sure which magic type I'll pick if nature magic is too slow to advance and combat magic is mostly redundant. Does nature have decent AoE spells as well? The short descriptions aren't always very clear if a damage spell is single-target or AoE.

Oh, and lastly: are there useable containers in the game, for items the party doesn't (yet) have a use for but doesn't want to sell or lug around?

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Post by Delita »

Only a few spells are multiple targets when you're low level.

It's quite hard to play a magic character because the spells require quite a bunch of levels before you can cast them.

I know for a fact that magic doesn't do as much damage as it says. It's possibly because of magic resistance.

Low level combat spells stink so you'll be casting more healing for your buddies than casting a 2-9 damage spell.

Combat and Nature will progress differently but it's best to specialize. It's a real pain just to get combat magic up.

Casting is slower than normal attack speed BTW.

Containers... Other characters or pack mules. Spell books act as scroll containers. Otherwise I haven't seen any.
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Post by timbrewolf »

I agree, magic and intelligence both take a lot of work to gain. However, i've had the pleasure of playing with some gifted spell casters and they make the difference in any game.

Spell casters are akin to Monks in BG2... Tough to start out, but once you get mid-high level you can take out nearly anything.

Of course, I prefer my ranged weapons anytime :) I haven't run into a problem a crossbow can't solve *grin*

I agree I wish there were containers since you can't get pack mules in multiplayer...

One note about Magic - Mid and high level spells are very good for both Nature and Combat magic. Nature magic does not only focus on buff/healing... They also have formidable summon and damage abilities. Invulnurability and ambivilance make nature magic users incredibly powerful.

Another thought though, is I wonder why all weapons are based on stats (strength/dexterity) and spells are based on skill level. It seems like most weapons should be based on skill level also, or spells should be based on intelligence... I don't know.

And the lack of full damage is probably due to skill level and monster resistence... My ranged and melee also don't do what it says, but the higher level I get, the better the damage is.
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Post by Nightfire »

Thanks for the replies. So, is nature not that much harder to level in than combat? It seems nature is more interesting -- as in, diverse -- so I'll probably chose that school for my farmgirl, especially since the buffs look like they work very well for a melee/nature "multiclass". As long as she'll still get to blow things up spectacularly as well, I'll be happy. ;)
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Post by Delita »

I think nature magic is easier to level up at first because of the healing spell and offensive spells it offers
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Post by acuoio »

Here's my take. I've only played for a few hours now, both multi- and single-player equally. I'm just as far as the Westin Cross. My single player started as kind of an all-around player, but lately I've only been able to survive with combat magic. My character is thus: melee2, ranged1, nature1, combat8. (your character starts at level 0, not 1) You see, playing with the sword increases strength and dexterity, bows increase dexterity, and magic increases intelligence. Most weapons and armor need a certain minimum stat to use them...even intelligence. So it actually behooves you to spread out your skills early on.

I have mostly stuck to the Explosive spell since level 3. It does around 25-29 (at level 8) damage to an area. So inside the tunnels of Westin, I go nuts.

I also had the good fortune of being able to purchase a pair of gloves that added 1 to my combat skill. That allowed me access to Explosive at level 2. I just recently got Flame which is pretty much just a flame thrower type spell that does 33-40 damage. I've killed everything in one shot with this thing. Also, spells all have a certain range with them, so what spell you use comes into play. The closer you get to a group of monsters, the more likely the ones in back will see you.

The offensive spells I've found (if I can remember) are:

Fireshot. This spell is good in the beginning.
Rage. Makes a character hit harder.
Leech Life. Takes a small amount of damage away and gives it to you.
Firespray. Like Fireshot, only you shoot 4 in a fan.
Summon Jade Gargoyle. Takes all your mana. He shoots stuff.
Acid Gas. Lasts for a couple seconds and you can get 1 or 2 monsters in one shot.
Explosive Power. I mentioned that one earlier.

Some listed in a screen shot in the book include Weaken, Acid Cloud, Fireskull, Hold Creature, Iceshard, Shock, and Summon Cave Giant.

So, I think the magic is pretty diversified so far. Certain spells are more effective against certain monsters, so you have to play around a little. Just like blunt weapons are better than swords on skeletons.

As you mentioned Nitefire, you can easily play a battlemage. I would actually practice your Nature spells early on. Using Zap on a skeleton later on will take you minutes. I would stick to combat spells, then only practice Nature as you need it. So far, I've only found 1 nature spell (resurrect) that I can't use. Remember that I'm only level 1 in nature.

About containers. You can get a pack mule, as you've probably heard. You can also get a low level spell called Transmute that will change weapons and armor into gold. You usually get about 1/4 to 1/6 the selling price for doing this, but hey, how many of us want to lug around 20 blunt daggers?

Okay, my final take: This game is what Diablo II should have been, and was criticized for. It has excellent graphics and if you have nice sound with EAX, thing rumble. Oh, and so far, multi-player is much more fun than single. Get the game. It's very fun. Not going to fulfill your RPG needs like Morrowind will, but that game is just around the corner!
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Post by Delita »

Nature spells include:

Dancing Zap - higher level version and multiple targets
Flash - nice high damage spell
Healing Hands - Beats drinking potions while yer gettin beat. Most useful spell yet.

Magic Armor - Haven't really used
Transmute - turns stuff into gold
Ressurect - Must have later on unless you want to carry them scrolls.

Summon Kreg - I think that's the name of it... Higher level spell.

There was another attack spell I found but I don't remember. It wasn't as good as Flash but it was higher level.

Acuoio, you forgot one spell. Burn Body, only one of seemingly most useless spells EVER.
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Post by acuoio »

Delita, you are right! But I was posting only relevant information. That is utterly useless now. Do monsters take damage for walking into the fire? I haven't noticed it. Maybe later on in the game, there are monsters that get up and walk again. I have run into monsters that resurrect, so I guess it could help there.
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