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newbie question

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newbie question

Post by howldog »

hello, just got the game yesterday. Very new to rpg games in general, altho i do like Diablo and Rune.

my question is more of a tehcnical one, but none of the websites yet seem to have a tech question area, so maybe one of you folks might know...

I have two different computers, at two different locations. Is there any way to install the game on both machines, and copy the character files back and forth, and play the same characters on both machines? Not at the same time of course.

I cant figure out which files I should copy and take the other machine... seems like they are all quite large.

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Post by acuoio »

I haven' tried this, but I think it should work. There seems to be only one file you need, and that is the one that corresponds to your saved game name. I just stick with Quick Save, so I have two files in My Documents folder. These are Quick-Save.dsqsave and Quck-Save.dsqsave.bak. You might need both of these, but I'm not sure. These 2 files are about 1,000 kb each, so they'd fit on floppies.

I did do a real save game a couple of days ago. That file size was 1,900 kb. I have no idea why it's bigger.

Seems to me that you should just be able to plug these files into your saved folder in My Documents and play.
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Post by Kahn »

I tested it this morning when I came into work and all worked well.

While in single player mode, go to save your game.

Lets say you save the game as "The Beginning".

You'll notice in My Documents\DungeonSiege\Save folder, there will be a "Kahn (gametime) - The Beginning.dssave" file.
Just grab that along with your Kahn.dsparty and Kahn.dsparty.bak file, winzip it, put it to floppy and out the door you go :)

I was able to get one save file game plus the other 2 files to fit on a floppy (winziped).

note: obviously Kahn will be substituted with your player name.

happy hunting,

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