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2 Questions so far *SPOILERS*

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2 Questions so far *SPOILERS*

Post by nmyerson »

Just left the goblin hoard. Opinions not withstanding of the game, I have come to the realization that I missed the following and I will not be playing a 2nd time through...

1. When I went through the ice caverns, about midway I left and enter a budhist type house where the floor lowered. Across on other ridges I saw more of these. I didn't see a way there, and at the time I thought it could be, one of those return to this place later... I'm assuming after playing this far, that this game does not recognize this concept.

2. When I got the quest to clear the pass. I must have been tired, and for once didn't explore the entire map. I blew up the barrel and open the gate, but that quest was never "completed". Was their a boss I had to kill? What was it? A kroog?

Overall, the graphics are simply amazing. The game is fun. Mindless fun. I wish I could figure out how to switch spells better, because pausing during the fast action seems to spoil some of the fun.

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Post by Krynus »

In Response to number 2, you need to open the door that is cleared after blowing up the red barrel, and then talk to the soldiers who are now located on the other side, in order to complete the quest.
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Post by AngusThermopole »

On switching spells easier; just hold down the left mouse button over one of you spell slots and your entire active spell book will be listed. Just continue to hold down the button and select a new spell. No need to pause.
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Post by Sirius_Sam »

About the statues

The statues are all accessible from the caves. If you walk from the 'start' of the trek through the caves, you will eventually find a way to all of them by hugging the right side of the wall(s). The doors open (a la 'chicken level') from the wall when you get close to them after activating the previous statue.

I can't remember exactly how many statues there are, but by the time you reach the last one (the one with the chest), you will have made a bridge across the buttes (hehe...Indiana Jones flashbacks :) ).

The chest holds some pretty nice magic items (equivilent to a low-level Grescal/Star-Key drop) and is definitely worth getting at this stage of the SP game :)


EDIT: I don't remember the quest to clear the pass to Glitterdelve from Stonebridge...the only quests (3) I actually remember from my journal were the:

1) AXE (located in the tower basement, on the ridge, toward Stonebridge, near the Glitterdelve gates)...I had to go back and complete this particular quest, as well.

2) Deliver Gyorn's (sp?) MESSAGE (but that's not until we get through Glitterdelve).

3) A Sister's MESSAGE (or something like that...not until the town after Glitterdelve either).

I blew up the barrel and spoke to the Guard Captain on the other side, but my journal never showed a quest nor did it show me completing one after the conversation.
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