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Hairless in the Jungle

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Hairless in the Jungle

Post by Moya »

I have a Barbarian, level 26, and I have been going around and around Flayers Jungle for 4 days. I can not find the Pygmie encampment for the Gidbinn, nor can I find Flayers Dungeon. I have used the walkthrough to no avail.
Please someone, a hint, a direction...I have about one handful of hair left.


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Post by garazdawi »

The way I usually go about it is to start at the entrance to the flayer jungle, then trace along the edge going into any paths that exist, and in these paths again check all paths until you come back to where you started out..... DO NOT enter any other areas as teh village is the somewhere...... if you do not find it my tracing the outer perimiter check teh inner, untill all areas have been located..... of still you haven't found anything looking like the Gidbinn, go on to teh next two areas and do teh same thing there..... I once found the entrance to a special flayer village that you had to go through another area which is futher away than teh flayer jungle to get to it...... strange really but that's teh game....also if nothing else works join a multiplayer game and get a new map to work with......
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Post by Moya »

Thanks I'll try that..Perhaps I was not thourough enough..*sigh*
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Post by Stilgar »

It's a very annoying part of the game,
but once you get through the jungle the game get's better again.
(but their is alot of good loot from the flayers)
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Post by The Z »

The Jungle blew major chunks because everything is so hard to find. Just search and hope :D ;) . That's how I got through (I also was playing mplayer)
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Post by Kameleon »

Originally posted by The Z
(I also was playing mplayer)

What do you think the Durance Level 2 WP is for? :D
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Post by The Z »

Originally posted by Kameleon
What do you think the Durance Level 2 WP is for? :D

Heh heh, I love waypoints. I just get my buddy to open a T/Portal by it, and voila I can finish the quest :D :D
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