So I joined his untwinked lvl 75 Summon Necro, with my untwinked lv 78 Meterorb Sorc. We tried to call for our friends, but none of them were online, unfortunately. We really had no idea what to do, but we decided to spawn DC at Cold Plains, since it is fairly easy to clear that area from other disturbing monsters in case you need to run around. First, I died a couple of times due to other monsters and when trying to help out the hubby who clearly did not have enough fire resistance (around 50). Max fire resistance is necessary. I went to town to buy more potions, and in the meanwhile, DC regained full HP again although I had Staticed him down. He regenerates life very, very quickly. I filled my inventory with mana and healing pots, put them on the ground close to my tp, then went back to town again to fill my inventory. You must have the potions you need there, since DC regenerates up to full HP again as soon as you don't keep hitting him.
Now, the strategy was to make the hubby's Fire Golem tank DC while he casted Lower Resist, and kept pumping Meteors and Fire Balls. This sounds easy, but took a few tries to work out. When you use a TP and come back, DC may cast a Bone Cage, just as normal Diable, and the Golem can't really set its' priorities right, so sometimes he decides to simply walk away from DC and start pounding at the Bone Cages instead, so I had to Meteor them away. Every time the Golemn (our only tank, my HF merc lasted about 8 nanoseconds) lost contact with DC, you just had to run from his pink flame. But after some tries and running around, we found that if I consistantly hit DC with Fireballs (cost a lot of mana, doesn't do any damage since it's only lvl 11 yet, but keeps him busy it seems like) in between the Meteors, DC stood still a lot longer instead of running and jumping around. That also meant the Fire Golem stood in one place, so it was only a matter of time. Took about 5 minutes or less to take him down, but took about 40 minutes to find out a good strategy that worked.
So now we have this cute Annihilus charm, 10/18/10, not perfect but still very nice!
What is your experience with DC? Have you encountered him, and how did you take him down?