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Rock Caves

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Rock Caves

Post by dlkw30 »

How do I find my way out of the Rock caves? I went down some little stair thingy but couldn't get through the opposite wall. :confused:
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Post by Killigan »

Rock caves?

Where is rock caves? Aren't you talking about the mine where you meet the gloern? What NPC is next to that place?
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Post by dlkw30 »

I was going according to the walkthrough I got off the internet. I now know that what I thought was called the Rock caves is actually the Subterranean River. And I can't find an end to the area.
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Post by Killigan »

I don't remember the name. I am in chapter 9 and probably I've passed this place. Maybe you can describe it, a village that is near, some kind of different monsters or other thing.
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Post by dlkw30 »

Rock Caves/Subterranean River.

The subterranean River is in Chapter 4 just after the Alpine Caverns. The entrance to it is just south of Jeriah's Trading Post, the creatures there are Darl Lungers, Slarg, Lectar, the Syrrus, etc. the problem I seem to be having is being able to continue South to reach the underground river and the magnificent waterfall. When I get to the area where the Syrrus is guarding an wooden chest in a shallow pool, I can hera the river but when I attempt to go South to foolow the sound there is no path and no way to make a path.Also I have found a place called a Puzzle Dungeon yet I can't figure out how to trigger the stairs to the next level. I am having a fit trying to complete this chapter.
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Post by Killigan »

I'm sorry to tell you, but you are in the wrong way. After Jeriah's Trading Post you will see a sign "Eastern Swamp". After this sign you have to go WEST, not South (to the waterfall). Then you will reach the swamp (a VERY BIG SWAMP). But before the swamp you will have to complete the bandits quest and in the swamp you will complete the purify temple quest. Good luck!
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Post by dlkw30 »

Subterranean River

So I never go inside the entrance to the River? The book I have and the walkthrough from the internet are misleading.
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Post by Killigan »

I don't know the walkthrough, but the way to follow is WEST after that sign I said before. You will complete the quests from chapter 4 in this way. Thus you will reach the Swamp and then Goblin's Lair if you follow that way I said.
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Post by S4nder »

Re: Rock Caves/Subterranean River.
Originally posted by dlkw30
Also I have found a place called a Puzzle Dungeon yet I can't figure out how to trigger the stairs to the next level. I am having a fit trying to complete this chapter.


I found out how to open the stairs by myself. I noticed that there are certain areas on the floor that lower when a character stands on them and cause the stairs to open. However when you start going down the stairs it closes because you stepped off the plates. I found out that droping any amount of gold on the "low spot" will keep it lowered and let your characters enter the staircase.

The stairs go down quite deep, you have to fight several Drog warriors.In the last room I found a thing called Fury's Eye. It's just a big eye and as I've heard the secret chicken level can be opened with it on multiplayer.
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