What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Perhaps not, but since it is a ROLE-PLAYING game, it would be nice to set your character up exactly as you want.
I want to see a more interesting situation for your main character, instead of just "this is you, you're not particularly great at the minute, and your mentor type person will "teach" you as you level up". One thing I think would be great is if you started as a Jedi Knight at say, level 5-10 something like that, and you have a padawan learner, who you then train, would work really great with the influence system as long as there are enough dialogue options, and the story evolves not only around your actions, but also to a certain extent on theirs (which in turn are partly influenced by your actions and teachings).
They also should tie Revan (really should be alive if you ask me) and the Exile into the story, perhaps not only revealing what happened to them, but actually featuring them in a central role, although not playable. And like I say, no more severed ties to the Jedi Order, you need to be part of it, with characters like Bastila and other Jedi making bigger appearances.
One final thing I'd like - no touring on board the Ebon Hawk again. I'd like it to feature, definitely, in quite a strong role again. Perhaps linking up with it and the 2 crews helping each other out, perhaps captained by Revan and the Exile. But not as your main ship, too repetitive!
@Curry - we don't know whether Bao-dur is dead or not. The reason you control the droid is down to 2 reasons IMO: A) Bar-dur is incapacitated by the crash/trying to patch the Hawk up/etc, and B) the only reason you play as the remote is because you need to be off the planet when the remote sets off the mass-shadow generator, which is what it was created for. I really don't think he is dead because Kreia said that his future was clouded from her, which also suggests a return!
I want to see a more interesting situation for your main character, instead of just "this is you, you're not particularly great at the minute, and your mentor type person will "teach" you as you level up". One thing I think would be great is if you started as a Jedi Knight at say, level 5-10 something like that, and you have a padawan learner, who you then train, would work really great with the influence system as long as there are enough dialogue options, and the story evolves not only around your actions, but also to a certain extent on theirs (which in turn are partly influenced by your actions and teachings).
They also should tie Revan (really should be alive if you ask me) and the Exile into the story, perhaps not only revealing what happened to them, but actually featuring them in a central role, although not playable. And like I say, no more severed ties to the Jedi Order, you need to be part of it, with characters like Bastila and other Jedi making bigger appearances.
One final thing I'd like - no touring on board the Ebon Hawk again. I'd like it to feature, definitely, in quite a strong role again. Perhaps linking up with it and the 2 crews helping each other out, perhaps captained by Revan and the Exile. But not as your main ship, too repetitive!
@Curry - we don't know whether Bao-dur is dead or not. The reason you control the droid is down to 2 reasons IMO: A) Bar-dur is incapacitated by the crash/trying to patch the Hawk up/etc, and B) the only reason you play as the remote is because you need to be off the planet when the remote sets off the mass-shadow generator, which is what it was created for. I really don't think he is dead because Kreia said that his future was clouded from her, which also suggests a return!
Trouts are best tickled in muddy waters
- Darth Coran
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Bring the KOTOR I AND II brethren ever closer
ok earlier I said the most important thing was being able to continue playing after you kill the final boss,I was wrong,it is the 2nd important thing(and dont get me wrong everybody elses ideas would make the game own all forever)the utmost important thing is.....being able to play with other people!like let PC and xbox live people play together,or(and this for xbox only obviously)if you don't have live but have extra controllers and friends over with you,they could pick and control one of your party members(controller A is main char. controller B is secondary char. and controller C is your 3rd char.)this would be the same for xbox live EXCEPT that on xbox live the person you're playing with can also use their main char.
In my opinion this idea can be summed up in 4 words:Hail To The King
ok earlier I said the most important thing was being able to continue playing after you kill the final boss,I was wrong,it is the 2nd important thing(and dont get me wrong everybody elses ideas would make the game own all forever)the utmost important thing is.....being able to play with other people!like let PC and xbox live people play together,or(and this for xbox only obviously)if you don't have live but have extra controllers and friends over with you,they could pick and control one of your party members(controller A is main char. controller B is secondary char. and controller C is your 3rd char.)this would be the same for xbox live EXCEPT that on xbox live the person you're playing with can also use their main char.
In my opinion this idea can be summed up in 4 words:Hail To The King
If it has ears it can be deafened,if it has a mouth it can scream,if it has eyes it can be blinded,if it has legs it can be crippled -Enscription on an ancient sith weapon
Never let a droid handle a Mandalorian Blaster ~ Wise words from Canderous Ordo
Never let a droid handle a Mandalorian Blaster ~ Wise words from Canderous Ordo
- Jon_Irenicus
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A lot more detail on character creation. I was really disappointed when I found out we still had three classes for the main character. Even if we don't have races, there should be non-jedi classes. And probably have almost all the powers limited to a certain class. Right now, the only real difference between the classes are hit points, life and some extra features. Even light/dark side doesn't have much difference. You can have a jedi consular finish the game using nothing but force storm.
Make MOST NPCs depend on which side you are. It's frustrating that when playing the dark side, you have to leave behind a large group of people and probably just play with a few NPCs (or play solo entirely). Yeah, you can infulence those light sided people and try getting them over to the dark side, but you do good deeds along the way and it screws up the mood.
Maybe make most NPCs kinda neutral, or give them influence options that do not necessarily require you to be light/dark. Example: An NPC could respect strength, and you could do a good/bad deed, then explain this deed is blah blah blah strength and gain influence with them.
The choice to go solo: maybe a bit extreme, but some of us want to be loners. I mean, real LONERS. It really annoys me towards the end of the game when I am leaving 8 people behind in the ship and striking out on my own. I've been totally ignoring and mostly insulting them this whole time, shouldn't they have left by now (extreme negative influence)?
Tone down lightsabers a bit and balance the three fighting styles. The first game, lightsabers were not really that good, the second game, they are far too good to ignore. Not all of us want to wield lightsabers. Also, the game has three fighting styles, dual wield, one handed and two handed (double edged). Dual wield is far better than the other two (especially since you can put +ability crystals in lightsabers). Maybe throw in a feat for two handed weapons.
Complete the game before release. It's really frustrating to see those two map notes on the final part of the game.
Make MOST NPCs depend on which side you are. It's frustrating that when playing the dark side, you have to leave behind a large group of people and probably just play with a few NPCs (or play solo entirely). Yeah, you can infulence those light sided people and try getting them over to the dark side, but you do good deeds along the way and it screws up the mood.
Maybe make most NPCs kinda neutral, or give them influence options that do not necessarily require you to be light/dark. Example: An NPC could respect strength, and you could do a good/bad deed, then explain this deed is blah blah blah strength and gain influence with them.
The choice to go solo: maybe a bit extreme, but some of us want to be loners. I mean, real LONERS. It really annoys me towards the end of the game when I am leaving 8 people behind in the ship and striking out on my own. I've been totally ignoring and mostly insulting them this whole time, shouldn't they have left by now (extreme negative influence)?
Tone down lightsabers a bit and balance the three fighting styles. The first game, lightsabers were not really that good, the second game, they are far too good to ignore. Not all of us want to wield lightsabers. Also, the game has three fighting styles, dual wield, one handed and two handed (double edged). Dual wield is far better than the other two (especially since you can put +ability crystals in lightsabers). Maybe throw in a feat for two handed weapons.
Complete the game before release. It's really frustrating to see those two map notes on the final part of the game.
Walk among them... these beasts that are less than you are. See their strength, see how easily you fall to their muscle and skill. Why do you stand for this, why do you submit to the flesh when death is bred in your bones?
Even though I love both games, the critics were hard on the game regarding game improvements, for which I think Obsidian (if the make the third game) should make a new engine , in which they blend the current engine with the jedi Knight series engine (keeping it in third person RPG) I think it would be cool to have the maniobrability of a jedi knight as in the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy game, specially force jump and lightsaber/force power combos.
The strory and plots, I think I trust obsidian, they did a great job with the second game. Though I woudl like to see a Revan comeback.
The strory and plots, I think I trust obsidian, they did a great job with the second game. Though I woudl like to see a Revan comeback.
One thing I do NOT want to see - and sorry for those who want them - FPS style game play where I get to chose when to block or strike or having a 'snipe mode' to hit others' heads. If I want to play an FPS then I'll jolly well play an FPS. Bioware and Black Isle (and thus Obsidian) were famous for their rule-based and stat-centred RPGs like Fallout and BG, PS:T etc, and I'd like it to remain that way, considering the vast number of RPGs out there that already don't make use of rule-based combat. It's not that I don't like sniping and blocking and what not. I loved VtM:B, Deus Ex and SS2, and have DX:IW on disc (because my laptop can't play it for nuts). But there's something I still love about dice roll (or at least, random number generator) RPGs, and I'll be greatly disappointed if Obsidian went for the FPS/RPG route.
Bugs and graphical flaws and what not are just down to production values. Hopefully Obsidian gets more business and more money and can devote more energy to polishing their products. As far as I felt, KOTOR I was far more polished than KOTOR II, including things like cut-scenes and general appearance, but KOTOR II felt more integrated intra-planet (I didn't feel as though I landed on the planet and then went about searching for the quest that would bring me the Jedi master or the star map... KOTOR II 'drew' me in better, at least).
One major irritation: voice acting in KOTOR II was quite disappointing - Bao-Dur sounds like a jaded museum guide ("yes... general..."); Sion had a ludicrous and again emotionless British accent ("why. why do you still persist."), and Queen Talia had this hideous faux Indian accent (I mean, what for??). Therefore, one of my votes goes to voice-acting. (Oh, for a nemesis with the panache of Jon Irenicus again...)
The influence system wasn't as impressive as I expected, but it still was rather interesting, and I won't say that I disliked it (although it could do with a little more polish a la Atton NOT complaining about you being dark side even though his skin's scaly). I don't really mind it being implemented again, but I would limit it to only a certain number of characters to keep things more localised. Yeah and also getting influence for doing non-lightside or darkside stuff, as Jon_Irenicus mentioned..
Finally - I really would like Bioware and Obsidian to stop the 'collect four parts of the <put quest item here> from four <areas> and then return to <first area> to assemble the <quest item>' game concept. It got old the first time NWN came out, but no, they proceeded with SoU, KOTOR I and now KOTOR II. For the last time, have some kind of intelligent pathway through the game. Sure, everyone's clamouring for non-linear gameplay and all, but if you want truly non-linear gameplay then go out onto the street and lead a social life. Games are interactive entertainment, and there has GOT to be some sort of plot to follow. Well, to their credit Obsidian aimed to have some sort of revelationary plot in KOTOR II, a la PS:T... uh, but there's nothing to be revelationary about if the main theme isn't explicitly laid out in the first few parts of the game.
Bugs and graphical flaws and what not are just down to production values. Hopefully Obsidian gets more business and more money and can devote more energy to polishing their products. As far as I felt, KOTOR I was far more polished than KOTOR II, including things like cut-scenes and general appearance, but KOTOR II felt more integrated intra-planet (I didn't feel as though I landed on the planet and then went about searching for the quest that would bring me the Jedi master or the star map... KOTOR II 'drew' me in better, at least).
One major irritation: voice acting in KOTOR II was quite disappointing - Bao-Dur sounds like a jaded museum guide ("yes... general..."); Sion had a ludicrous and again emotionless British accent ("why. why do you still persist."), and Queen Talia had this hideous faux Indian accent (I mean, what for??). Therefore, one of my votes goes to voice-acting. (Oh, for a nemesis with the panache of Jon Irenicus again...)
The influence system wasn't as impressive as I expected, but it still was rather interesting, and I won't say that I disliked it (although it could do with a little more polish a la Atton NOT complaining about you being dark side even though his skin's scaly). I don't really mind it being implemented again, but I would limit it to only a certain number of characters to keep things more localised. Yeah and also getting influence for doing non-lightside or darkside stuff, as Jon_Irenicus mentioned..
Finally - I really would like Bioware and Obsidian to stop the 'collect four parts of the <put quest item here> from four <areas> and then return to <first area> to assemble the <quest item>' game concept. It got old the first time NWN came out, but no, they proceeded with SoU, KOTOR I and now KOTOR II. For the last time, have some kind of intelligent pathway through the game. Sure, everyone's clamouring for non-linear gameplay and all, but if you want truly non-linear gameplay then go out onto the street and lead a social life. Games are interactive entertainment, and there has GOT to be some sort of plot to follow. Well, to their credit Obsidian aimed to have some sort of revelationary plot in KOTOR II, a la PS:T... uh, but there's nothing to be revelationary about if the main theme isn't explicitly laid out in the first few parts of the game.
Actually, I´d like for mainly four things:
*First, conserning the game itself, it would be nice with the puzzles. In Kotor there where quite a lot of them, in Kotor2 there´s quite few. I was dissapointed in this, since Kotor proved more than just being a "click-and-hit" challange, but Kotor2 is more about "click-and-hit". Same thing, the different quest could be harder. Now it´s just like "he was last seen there", you go there, and someone tells you "he is there". Again, being allowed to do some thinking would be nice, after all, this is a game about Jedi´s, and in my opinion, Jedi´s are Jedi´s not only because of their bond with the force, but also as because their ability to solve problems. Now, stay with me all of you saying "yeah, but kids like this and that" or "I don´t want to think, I want to play" and other complaints about this. I´ve figured it all out.
First, when it comes to puzzles, you could have an option to include them or not, and even to what extent you want to include them. The less puzzles you want, the more, and as a lowest level all, of them could be able to be bypassed by destroying a certain computer central or what for the specific puzzle is apropriate. Although, I think solving puzzles should generate XP´s, since that would be a way to gather XP´s regardless of alignment and alignment shift.
About the missons, this could be a part of your making of the character. All feats and skills should be eaqually choseable, wether you choose to be a Guardian, Consular or Sentinel. Now, instead, by choosing a specific type of Jedi you´ll be more prone to choose a specific mission, that is if you´re prone to play as a Guardian you´ll choose hack-´n-smash missions, and you´ll propably choose feats and skills accordingly during your travels. If you´d like to go the counsular-way, you´ll choose that type of side-missions, beeing arbitrating and medling in others business for the good of the republic. Finally, being a Sentinel would mean you´d choose missions or stealthier type, such as undercover and detective work.
Now, with a system like this, you´d have a lot of freedom in creating the kind of Jedi you´d like to have, and the 'exam' I read about earlier in this thread could finally render you as the type of Jedi you´ve been most active as.
*Second, also about gameplay, but conserning one of the minigames, is the swooprace. It would be nice to go after upgrades for your bike if you´d like, since as far as I understand it, you´re suppose to carry you´r swoop-bike with you in your space-vessel. But this is more as it would be cool, as this would mean you could personalize your swoopbike to.
*Thirdly, and this is more cosmetic. Yes, It would be nice to be able to choose a different race. Being the race of this BaoDur or whatever he´s called, would be nice, especially if you´re going as a dark character, since this would bring you somewhat look-alike as Darth Maul.
*Forth, and this is for the main plot. Why not make this game into what the title is about, Knight of the old Republic? Alas, a very free plot, with a lot of different missions, and where the goal is the development of the character. Reaching a certain point you´ll elevate to the grade of Master, where only your first part of the name hence will be used in the game together with the prefix Master, giving 'Master ****'. Or, if you´ve chosen the other way, this moment would render you the grade or Darth, where your first part name will be altered by the game in some way to give the name of your Darth, the 'Darth ****'. Naturally, here you would be able to choose another name for your Darth, only name exepted would be your original name.
Then, finally, here is where it would all be brought together again. From that point your missions would be different, leading trough a greater plot, although from two different parts according to wether you are light or dark, but both ways leading to the final battle in some way.
This is my main thoughts. If you´ve read them, you´ll understand I have a lot of smaller thoughts about the game to. But this is enough for now I think.
*First, conserning the game itself, it would be nice with the puzzles. In Kotor there where quite a lot of them, in Kotor2 there´s quite few. I was dissapointed in this, since Kotor proved more than just being a "click-and-hit" challange, but Kotor2 is more about "click-and-hit". Same thing, the different quest could be harder. Now it´s just like "he was last seen there", you go there, and someone tells you "he is there". Again, being allowed to do some thinking would be nice, after all, this is a game about Jedi´s, and in my opinion, Jedi´s are Jedi´s not only because of their bond with the force, but also as because their ability to solve problems. Now, stay with me all of you saying "yeah, but kids like this and that" or "I don´t want to think, I want to play" and other complaints about this. I´ve figured it all out.
First, when it comes to puzzles, you could have an option to include them or not, and even to what extent you want to include them. The less puzzles you want, the more, and as a lowest level all, of them could be able to be bypassed by destroying a certain computer central or what for the specific puzzle is apropriate. Although, I think solving puzzles should generate XP´s, since that would be a way to gather XP´s regardless of alignment and alignment shift.
About the missons, this could be a part of your making of the character. All feats and skills should be eaqually choseable, wether you choose to be a Guardian, Consular or Sentinel. Now, instead, by choosing a specific type of Jedi you´ll be more prone to choose a specific mission, that is if you´re prone to play as a Guardian you´ll choose hack-´n-smash missions, and you´ll propably choose feats and skills accordingly during your travels. If you´d like to go the counsular-way, you´ll choose that type of side-missions, beeing arbitrating and medling in others business for the good of the republic. Finally, being a Sentinel would mean you´d choose missions or stealthier type, such as undercover and detective work.
Now, with a system like this, you´d have a lot of freedom in creating the kind of Jedi you´d like to have, and the 'exam' I read about earlier in this thread could finally render you as the type of Jedi you´ve been most active as.
*Second, also about gameplay, but conserning one of the minigames, is the swooprace. It would be nice to go after upgrades for your bike if you´d like, since as far as I understand it, you´re suppose to carry you´r swoop-bike with you in your space-vessel. But this is more as it would be cool, as this would mean you could personalize your swoopbike to.
*Thirdly, and this is more cosmetic. Yes, It would be nice to be able to choose a different race. Being the race of this BaoDur or whatever he´s called, would be nice, especially if you´re going as a dark character, since this would bring you somewhat look-alike as Darth Maul.
*Forth, and this is for the main plot. Why not make this game into what the title is about, Knight of the old Republic? Alas, a very free plot, with a lot of different missions, and where the goal is the development of the character. Reaching a certain point you´ll elevate to the grade of Master, where only your first part of the name hence will be used in the game together with the prefix Master, giving 'Master ****'. Or, if you´ve chosen the other way, this moment would render you the grade or Darth, where your first part name will be altered by the game in some way to give the name of your Darth, the 'Darth ****'. Naturally, here you would be able to choose another name for your Darth, only name exepted would be your original name.
Then, finally, here is where it would all be brought together again. From that point your missions would be different, leading trough a greater plot, although from two different parts according to wether you are light or dark, but both ways leading to the final battle in some way.
This is my main thoughts. If you´ve read them, you´ll understand I have a lot of smaller thoughts about the game to. But this is enough for now I think.
"Friends call themselves honest. Enemies are."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Arthur Schopenhauer
I agree with your missions idea very much, was going to suggest something similar myself. The first third/half of the game could be just going on missions for the Jedi Council (perhaps it could be a random selection of a larger pool of missions as well, that lead roughly to the same conclusion), which would in turn reveal some disturbing event or other, and then the game picks up with revelation after revelation and so on and so forth. So in the beginning everything is relatively hunky-dory but gradually you realise all is not as it seems. Kind of like Episode 1 I guess.
EDIT: Better melee-combat definitely though, needs to be much more tense, particularly in light-saber duels. I think the sabers in KotOR 1 were more overpowered personally however, the special crystals were INCREDIBLY powerful.
Also less lazy programming. For example the cyan colour crystal in II was just the Mantle of the Force special crystal without its powers, but still packing the light-saber sticking open bug.
EDIT: Better melee-combat definitely though, needs to be much more tense, particularly in light-saber duels. I think the sabers in KotOR 1 were more overpowered personally however, the special crystals were INCREDIBLY powerful.
Also less lazy programming. For example the cyan colour crystal in II was just the Mantle of the Force special crystal without its powers, but still packing the light-saber sticking open bug.
Trouts are best tickled in muddy waters
A more open game play would be very nice. In Morrowind you had all these different missions you could do other than the main quest, I really think they could do the same with KOTOR3. And certainly keep playing after the end of the main missions, otherwise what's the use of all this awesome armor and weapons you get on the Ravenger (sp?) when you don't even play as a non-Jedi character again?! (well other than the remote). I suppose you could trade your knight robes for the more powerful armor and your lightsaber for a blaster and finish it out without all the great Jedi abilities you worked so hard to get... Oh well, at the very least release a full game not one missing half the bloody story!!!
- Darth Moudi
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Oh one other thing, I want to know what happens to the Mandalorians! I mean there aren't that many left on Dxun and obivously their legends are still around in eposide3-6 because Boba Fett has Mandalorian armor, maybe this has already been answered though... They are a huge part of the first KOTOR, in fact that group on Dantoonie about kicked my butt every time, and this one around they seemed kind of wussy. Although the basilk war droid ROCKED.
Yes, actually, a full game....that would be the least you could ask for. As a matter of fact, KOTOR is a much more solid game than KOTOR2, looking at all the stories and quests. A good example is the quest on the "Ebon Hawk" for one. I´m also thinking in a different line when it comes to the whole game plot. This is beeing a dark-sider. As such, maybe you should have less options? Why not make the dark side what it is described as in all the Star Wars games and the movies, that is:
*Quicker. You should gain abilities faster, although maybe somewhat restricted to the dark side abilities.
*Less powerful. Although the later part of the dark side development might be as powerful as other Jedi´s, it should maybe transit over a time when the development goes VERY slow, that is you quicly gain power and others become easy prey, but a well developed Jedi knight will pose a REAL problem.
*"If you enter the path of the dark side, forever will it control your destiny", and "you don´t understand the power of the dark side, I MUST do as my master commands me". Once you enter the path for the dark side your options, such as for dialouges and such, gets more and more limited, the further you fall.
It would be very frustrating, and as such truthful to the movies and what is said in the games, if your destiny actually was controlled in some way by the dark side. As the prize you pay for going the easy way. In this I would also want the game itself not showing the alignment as obvious as it does.
*Quicker. You should gain abilities faster, although maybe somewhat restricted to the dark side abilities.
*Less powerful. Although the later part of the dark side development might be as powerful as other Jedi´s, it should maybe transit over a time when the development goes VERY slow, that is you quicly gain power and others become easy prey, but a well developed Jedi knight will pose a REAL problem.
*"If you enter the path of the dark side, forever will it control your destiny", and "you don´t understand the power of the dark side, I MUST do as my master commands me". Once you enter the path for the dark side your options, such as for dialouges and such, gets more and more limited, the further you fall.
It would be very frustrating, and as such truthful to the movies and what is said in the games, if your destiny actually was controlled in some way by the dark side. As the prize you pay for going the easy way. In this I would also want the game itself not showing the alignment as obvious as it does.
"Friends call themselves honest. Enemies are."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Arthur Schopenhauer
May be spoilers..
Hmm.. it depends on if you leave Boba at Return of the Jedi or continue his story, if you continue it in the Mandalorian armor book series then he survives, it also touches on his armor, that he heard stories growing up but never says if he is indeed a Mandalorian or just fastincated by them. I guess according the last battle which I just went a redid, thank you for saved games, then that would have to be Boba Fett and Luke...
Just curious I know this was in another post about Mira finding out who her true father was, blah blah blah, could that be Mandalore? I mean after all she was a "slave" of the Mandalorians as a child and never really knew her parents. I'm going to replay and get her as soon as possible rather than at the end and see if I can get more info out of her. I was thinking perhaps she was the Jedi that ended the Mandalorians since what Keria said about her during the light side ending.
Hurry up make the 3rd game and do it right so all our questions are answered
I got that Disciple was going to be on the council, does that hint at a return character?
Hmm.. it depends on if you leave Boba at Return of the Jedi or continue his story, if you continue it in the Mandalorian armor book series then he survives, it also touches on his armor, that he heard stories growing up but never says if he is indeed a Mandalorian or just fastincated by them. I guess according the last battle which I just went a redid, thank you for saved games, then that would have to be Boba Fett and Luke...
Just curious I know this was in another post about Mira finding out who her true father was, blah blah blah, could that be Mandalore? I mean after all she was a "slave" of the Mandalorians as a child and never really knew her parents. I'm going to replay and get her as soon as possible rather than at the end and see if I can get more info out of her. I was thinking perhaps she was the Jedi that ended the Mandalorians since what Keria said about her during the light side ending.
Hurry up make the 3rd game and do it right so all our questions are answered
I got that Disciple was going to be on the council, does that hint at a return character?
- DSlOrD2121
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:10 pm
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i think that at the start of the game you should be able to choose either dark or light side and be trained by a master of either side and go along with the game fighting against the opposing side. which would mean that there would need to be two different story lines.
that will probably never happen exept for in the empire divided on the pc
that will probably never happen exept for in the empire divided on the pc
Choosing your alignment from the beginning seems like quite boring to me, and would also remove a quite heavy aspect of the game, the one concerning the effect of the choices you make. Sounds even more like a FPS and not a RPG then if you ask me.
Anyhow, another thing I´d like implemented would be the customization of your character according to injuries. If you´re critically hit, you actually should be critically hit. Stupid to be critically hit by a light-saber in your arm and the only effect beeing actually nothing once you heal up? I say, when it comes to light-saberfighting, make it more lethal, in the same time change the form of the sword play. If it would be easier to parry than it would be to attack, then the lightsaberfight would go on until one of the fighters actually hit. All hits with lightsabers should be critical, but the hits would be seldom. So, if you are in a fight with an enemy, and there are three of you, your character finally might get hit, critical hit against the arm let´s say, so the arm is chopped of. Now, based on condition and others, he might be able to continue the fight or not. Anyhow, the companions might fight on, eventually taking the opponent out. Next thing needed is to take you to a medical facility where you will get i new arm in this case.
This would render a character that:
* If dark, and thus seeking battle, will consist of maybe a few spare parts, "more machine than human, twisted and evil".
* If light, seeking non-confrontative solutions, would be less "chopped up", and maybe only have a spare hand covered by a black glove...
Also, it would be nice to have some different companions to choose between, like in Baldur´s Gate, where there are some NPC you can choose between. That would give, if any of your companions get their head chopped of (as a result of a critical against the head) you´ll find another one to join you in your quest.
Something like that
Anyhow, another thing I´d like implemented would be the customization of your character according to injuries. If you´re critically hit, you actually should be critically hit. Stupid to be critically hit by a light-saber in your arm and the only effect beeing actually nothing once you heal up? I say, when it comes to light-saberfighting, make it more lethal, in the same time change the form of the sword play. If it would be easier to parry than it would be to attack, then the lightsaberfight would go on until one of the fighters actually hit. All hits with lightsabers should be critical, but the hits would be seldom. So, if you are in a fight with an enemy, and there are three of you, your character finally might get hit, critical hit against the arm let´s say, so the arm is chopped of. Now, based on condition and others, he might be able to continue the fight or not. Anyhow, the companions might fight on, eventually taking the opponent out. Next thing needed is to take you to a medical facility where you will get i new arm in this case.
This would render a character that:
* If dark, and thus seeking battle, will consist of maybe a few spare parts, "more machine than human, twisted and evil".
* If light, seeking non-confrontative solutions, would be less "chopped up", and maybe only have a spare hand covered by a black glove...
Also, it would be nice to have some different companions to choose between, like in Baldur´s Gate, where there are some NPC you can choose between. That would give, if any of your companions get their head chopped of (as a result of a critical against the head) you´ll find another one to join you in your quest.
Something like that
"Friends call themselves honest. Enemies are."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Arthur Schopenhauer
I'm hoping with a new graphics engine, I would like to see the random npc's be more reactive. Seeing a big ugly dark lord walking down the street, pull out his light saber and slash an innocent in half, the rest in the area should react in some way. Either flee in horror or walk over to see whats going on. Something like what happens in GTA:SA.
That and a complete story this time. This was a good game...the ending left much to be desired.
That and a complete story this time. This was a good game...the ending left much to be desired.
- stormcloud
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- Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:29 am
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[QUOTE=Admo]Jango and Boba are Mandalorians aren't they? The very last of them was my impression. I think Kreia made some veiled reference to Boba's death at the hands of Luke, right at the end of the game, will play that battle again to find out
You know many narns ago they said the armor was mandalorian battle armor but never let on to the identities of boba or jango so maybe its something LucasFilm decided recently.
Anyways, would I would like in KOTOR 3 is more dark side stuff.
I kind of want it to be GTAish without being GTA, and by that I mean
you can own more stuff and own speeders, buildings, enterprises.
I want a hot story too.
And it wouldnt hurt to say, do sith missions (ie fight other sith lords for power), or have a pair of girl or boyfriend sith fighting over you.
You know many narns ago they said the armor was mandalorian battle armor but never let on to the identities of boba or jango so maybe its something LucasFilm decided recently.
Anyways, would I would like in KOTOR 3 is more dark side stuff.
I kind of want it to be GTAish without being GTA, and by that I mean
you can own more stuff and own speeders, buildings, enterprises.
I want a hot story too.
And it wouldnt hurt to say, do sith missions (ie fight other sith lords for power), or have a pair of girl or boyfriend sith fighting over you.
"Learn to know the dark side of the Force and you achieve a power greater than any Jedi..."
- stormcloud
- Posts: 167
- Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:29 am
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[QUOTE=Exil]1. once again this isn't the sims, i suggest you d/l some starwar skins and play that instead.
2. I think there has been too much dark side and too much "last of the Jedi"
We need to see the full force of the good side.[/QUOTE]
I think the story is getting redundant. The last four games (Jedi Outcast/Academy/KOTOR) has always been; you are the last of the jedi and you need to defeat some darth lord and rebuild the jedi academy :thumbdown:
Firstly, I am not looking for the sims. Just better storylines with the characters instead of the weak plotlines they use to hold these people together. And actually as far as 'owning' stores etc, they are taking baby steps that way in the way you can return to the twilek dancer or the red eclipse for money.
2. I think there has been too much dark side and too much "last of the Jedi"
We need to see the full force of the good side.[/QUOTE]
I think the story is getting redundant. The last four games (Jedi Outcast/Academy/KOTOR) has always been; you are the last of the jedi and you need to defeat some darth lord and rebuild the jedi academy :thumbdown:
Firstly, I am not looking for the sims. Just better storylines with the characters instead of the weak plotlines they use to hold these people together. And actually as far as 'owning' stores etc, they are taking baby steps that way in the way you can return to the twilek dancer or the red eclipse for money.
"Learn to know the dark side of the Force and you achieve a power greater than any Jedi..."