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What Do You Want in KotOR III?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by Greg. »

The following characters cannot be used:

Jolee (dead? - he is quite old - kidding!)
Juhani (Revan could have killed her on dantooine)
Bao-dur, Atton, Mira (Jedi or not jedi?)

Maybe the chance to improve your ship - with people making different comments based on your ship's appearance - maybe disposition based with non-party characters. Buying remotes could be an option. What about swoop bike upgrades as well?

Lightsabres, and game content - same as everyone else though. Maybe the whole 'start as a child' idea could be the prologue. Starting with some force powers would be nice. First planet - 'Your master has sent you to deal with the problems on the planet ...'. Sith reappear - you flee with a couple of your first party members.
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Post by at528 »

There's the obvious stuff like fixing glitches and better load times speak for themselves.

I would really like to see customizable appearances like lightsaber hilts and such. I would to be cool to be able to have a Dooku-like curved hilt and such. Also, I would like to have more control over how the saber opperates - using only one blade on a double bladed saber and such.

There really should be equipable hoods. That would be a nice option for Jedi robes, controlling whether or not you use the hood or not.

Also, if you become a Sith, you should get a Sith name. I would like to see it follow massively paths for light and dark. Having the same ending in the second one was, o say the very least, dissappointing.

A more customizable charater would also be really nice. Allow the user to modify faces at the start, choose different races and heights, etc.

Finally- finish the game. I don't want LucasArts to push out an incomplete product so it is in time for the holidays.

Oh, and I want to play as Reven, but after the second that may not be in the works...
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Post by Alexander »

My BIGGEST dream is...

fully playable and equipable player character alien (especially Rodian or Jawa). Why always human? Why? Aliens can't be Jedi or what? Well, that's my answer to the thread.
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Post by stormcloud »

re: galaxies and GTA

Well maybe galaxies is better. My prob with KOTOR is you HAVE to do this and you HAVE to do that and you HAVE to end up on GOTOs yacht. Personally I just want to run around and whack storm troopers with my lightsabers on the back streets of Yavin, and sell death sticks, ya schuttas.
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Post by Force farse »

- I'd like to see the ability to import the exile and revan from saved games I have on my machine. If I have more than one of each, I would get to choose which of the ones that I have saved, would be the one used. Also, the game should be made so that these choices make a huge impact to the story line and abilities. (maybe the exile and revan could be pc's again, or at least in the party.)

- I'd like to see the enemies get measurable stronger as the pc's levels increase, so that their rate of increase is greater than the pc. Maybe even creative "tricks" would be required, to beat some of them. i.e. a squad of 50-100 enemy jedi/sith, that are the pc's level and above, that you'd have to "fight" in order to proceed, but you'd never be able to beat with powers or combat, so you'd have to find a way to beat them a little at a time or use something in the enviroment to take them out. There should be several creative (and not obvious) options all with different degrees of success.

- Faster load times

- Less bugs

- More cities per planet

- More planets

- No more memory loss stories (two's enough ok)

- The earned ability to target several enemies at once. Perhaps when using two weapons, one in each hand, you would be able to target two enemies at once, one for each weapon.

- The ability to customize your party with logo's or something, so your more of an elite squad. Also, more specailizing of characters so that you have to depend on their skill strengths.

- Lastly, I think it would be great if someone from the game development team read this thread, so we get something much better than Kotor II. (Good game, just not great).
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Post by Soulforged »

I know that this is little misplaced:

But somebody had played Galaxies? I will like to know if there is a month fee and how do you do to play it if you aren't from USA. Thanks.
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Post by YoDuhisbest »

possiability for 2 games?

2 games could be made as a sequal to kotor 2
I mean 2 entirely different games based upon whether you chose dark or light. This certianly would mean more work for developers but it would most likely be double the money returned. Because if your like me you would want to play as both sides to see how it all ends up.
they could charge maybe 29$-35$ for each game as an expansoin pack

But personally I want a new game engine where you could customize you character more with the little details. but who knows, do developers even read from these sites anyway?

I thought that it was awesome in the later parts of kotor 2 in the sith acadamy on malacor 5 how you could run through the different rooms and gather up all the sith so that you were surrounded completly by them on everyside. ( whats even cooler is if your tough enough to take them all on) :cool:

Someone made mention to have you involved in a war in kotor 3 where you were surrounded by numberless enemys that would be very cool I agree
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Post by Cheester89 »

Better Graphic and even better story!

I'd like to have better Graphic not that I'm complaining but It could be better. Maybe this time our main character won't get any type of amnesia (It is great ... once). I don't know if there is a possibilyty of making saber combat even better but ..... it may be great suprise.
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Post by evil_flagpole »

Well i cant really see kotor 3 being any good. They have created a storyline which i don't think they can pull off.

I think though that you should have two storylines that you jump between.
The first is of Reven, the Exile and perhaps a third character, as they make their way into the depths of unknown to try to stop the Sith from the very heart.
The other is of Bastila and Carth etc as the try to protect the Republic from a Sith assault. Maybe a Hutt could be in their party, that could be cool. They would have the Ebon Hawk since the Exile would leave it behind.

The greatest problem they face is to try to create a storyline open to the fact that both reven and the exile could be light, dark or whatever.

I would also like to have a fable feel to it, but that wouldn't work for kotor 3 though i don't think. in the sence that you get descovered at an early age by a jedi and as you grow older you advance through the jedi academy, but could always get chucked out for being dark and so on..

One of the things i would really like though is to have more alien characters to play with. There were too many human characters in the party in kotor 2
but anyway,...
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Post by Koreforce »

It would be impossible to do another installment set in a later time have double, triple, and even quadruple forks going on in some places so much so that most players would have to stop and buy some glue when they get the game just to hold the story together. A great idea would be to go in more with the mandalorian wars, even something involving Revan before his turn. That would be pretty hard to do though...still, it could be done. But you must all agree with me...the story line it has taken has become too complicated to fork every last one of even the key choices in both games. Besides, the first one was better than the second in my opinion. Bioware is just a better storyteller, and they could write their own story instead of having to base it on a game that was based on plot forks. Ever wonder why they handed it off to Obsidian?
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Post by Ripe »

It wouldn't be so difficult to tie up all the plot lines, you simply (as someone already mention) made 4 additional choices at character creation (Revan Light/Dark, Male/Female & Exile Light/Dark, Male/Female) and then at a key plot points you meet one or the other and either fight them or learn from them (much in a same way you do with Jedi Masters in KotoR II). Those choices would also determine which other NPC's from previous games would you meet.

Of the worlds that I would like to see in Kotor III:
- Yavin
- Alderaan
- Corelia system - any planet would do (maybe we find out who build the system)
- Myrkyr - no Force powers due to Ysalamiri
- Zonama Sekot - a living sentient world

On the matter of Bobba Fett - it is mentioned in many books that his past is unknown, and that all the storys that circulate (Jester Mareel and other) could be truth or simple fabrication created by Bobba himself (even George Lucas hinted something in that direction when asked about Bobba before making Episode I). As of current storyline (end of NJO series - 30 years after Episode IV) Bobba Fett is alive and is runing around galaxy fighting Yuzhaan Vong with a team of warriors dressed in a Mandalorian armor similar to his.

Jango Fett is a Mandalorian - last survivor of his clan (possibly even last Mandalorian) following a combat between his Mandalorian clan and a team of about 30 Jedi Knights (almost 20 Jedi's died in that battle), a combat manipuleted by Count Dooku so he could choose best warrior as a base for clone army.
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Post by Kienan »

[QUOTE=Ripe]It wouldn't be so difficult to tie up all the plot lines, you simply made 4 additional choices at character creation (Revan Light/Dark, Male/Female & Exile Light/Dark, Male/Female) and then at a key plot points you meet one or the other and either fight them or learn from them (much in a same way you do with Jedi Masters in KotoR II). Those choices would also determine which other NPC's from previous games would you meet.[/QUOTE]
You could even determine what they look like at the start of the game. So you would create THREE characters at the beginning of the game. So you could make the cahracters look how the SHOULD look (to you).
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Post by Xandax »

I want my danged avatar to be able to actually walk *over* obstecals. Oh no, a kneehigh pipeline - I can't walk that way. Sheezz. :D

I'd love if they actually made it more RPGish and less action-ish. The world needs a decent Roleplaying game again instead of all these action/RPG-Lites :)
But that is just an old nostalgic gamer talking tired of to much focus on sound and graphics and to little on gameplay.
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Post by Sarendipity »

Firstly, bring back NPC sidequests - in fact, their stories should all intersect the main storyline. They need to be more integral to gameplay, because right now you can basically neglect them altogether and not have anything turn out differently. So why have a party at all?

Party members should have more to say in general. I might actually be happy with fewer characters, because in TSL it started to feel crowded, and some of them were pretty much useless and pointless (especially G0-T0 - I mean, why do I need a third droid?). Also, more interaction between party members. Those dialogues were usually pretty entertaining. I found myself wondering why Mandalore didn't have anything to say to HK or T3, considering they'd been in a party together before. Or why Disciple didn't react when Mira accused me of "hooking up a power coupling" with him.

T3 and HK must return. They should continue to be a common link between the parties, along with the Ebon Hawk - which definitely could use some upgrades or alterations before our new PC gets their hands on it.

There should be more paths to take with your alignment. If I start out evil and then go good, it should be a different game than if I go good from the beginning. And neutral characters should get something different than a thoroughly lightsided character.

I agree that cities should be bigger, and that perhaps having a couple of cities or locations per planet would be more realistic. I felt that Telos and Taris were more complete planets, because they were more expansive and we saw different parts of them.

As for plot; no more amnesiac exiles for me either, thanks. I'd like to start out as a padawan, and right off the bat you choose and make your lightsaber, and get your initial Jedi class. Then the rest of the plot develops more like a regular story - instead of searching for answers to some big personal mystery, you're sent on a mission to planet X, which turns into a bigger mission to planet Y, which becomes this big galactic quest. One idea could be that the Jedi Order is rebuilding (which would make perfect sense), and you're supposed to bring Force Sensitives back to the Enclave (or an Academy elsewhere). Then once you have gathered a few such party members, you move up to your prestige class so you can train them.

Cameos might be nice but they'd be complicated to include. I mostly want to find out what happened with Revan in the Unknown Regions. I'm assuming that the new baddies are going to be these "True Sith" that Kreia was talking about, and if so, I sure hope they're less lame than Sion and Nihilus. ;)
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Post by stormcloud »

i was just thinking last night; they should reverse the visas marr thing in kotor3... like enslave a sith lord and then have to try to control or appease him throughout the game.

and instead of handmaiden have twin sisters... oh yes.

and btw serendipity... i <3 rikku
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Post by Cheester89 »

Old friends and lot of cool women!

As everbody I want Revan and Bastila back , Mira (she's hot) , Kreia (Joke - I don't even want to look at her anymore) maybe Exile he's story is really ..... touching. Changed Bao Dur - if you are dark sider he may look like Darth Maul - red tatooe) Maybe Tatooine again , Degobath and Hoth (snow as new terrain)oh yes that might be good. Opportunity to fly a whole ship (not a turrents). And a maybe odd but I think very interesting path of a Dark Jedi falling in love with other Dark Jedi. And better animations , details for example - When Mira is striping space suit in KOTOR 2 there is only quick blink and ..done! Maybe she may strip helmet first and then torso , slowly (it may greatly improve gameplay or/and visual preformance of the Kotor III ) Option that may resolve problem with too many romaces at once (If you romace with two character you may choose with which you may fall in love). Better saber combat maybe kind of a system that may compare attack with armor and so you gain different animation with any attack you make with different enemies (hostiles). Total news - Lightdagger - Damage 1-10 bonuses if character is Watchmen or Asassin (dont know how to spell that). And new Jedi / Sith Classes maybe some sort of .... hmmm I don't know what else Jedi / Sith may do? Any ideas? From Skills Weapon , Armor Crafting - should be useful. Different enemies - their faces , armors. And I've almost forgotten about hooded robes - yeah this may be great wonderful.
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Post by Grishnakh »

I want to see some sort of acknowledgement that wielding a single lightsaber is worthwhile. It should be. It isn't. Defensively it is okay. You can still build a good crit weapon that way. But dual-wield or dual-blade is so superior that single-blade is for roleplay value only. The game balance is lacking.

My suggestion: treat a lightsaber like a D&D "bastard sword". It can be wielded one-handed, or if the off-hand is free then it is wielded as a two-handed sword. Ahh, now THAT would be an improvement! That makes Master Vrook's fighting style make sense. That makes the pseudo-kendo fighting style of the movies make sense. You don't wield a single blade like it is a rapier or a cutlass. You wield a single blade like it is a katana. How do you wield a katana if your off-hand is free? You wield it in both hands.

With this change, a single blade becomes very worthwhile. With Master Duelling you'd gain a big defensive bonus, but by wielding the single blade as a two-handed weapon you would presumably be dealing more damage per hit. Change the damage profile and increase the crit threat range if wielding a single blade two-handed.
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Post by alpha_hazard »

In Kotor 3 I would like to see the return of more alien races to both your party and the world.

Worlds I'd like to see.

Sleyeron-You hear a lot about this world in KOTOR and I would really like to see it, I liked the hutt controlled worlds because you can barter with a Hutt. The Exchange seems very set in their rules.

Coruscant-It has been far too long. I want my character to be able to go to coruscant, I want to be able to speak with the great masters and possibly even fight them!

Katar-I would like to see what a great storyteller could do with a dead world like this. Perhaps we could see the return of Visas?

Taris-I think that it would be great to see the outcasts rebuild taris (I'm optimistic they escaped the destruction by making it to the promised land on time...?)

Yavin IV and Yavin Station-
These were obviously places that were meant to be important in the first game, but never got the attention they deserved.

The Rakatan Planet-
Do you mean to tell me that after all that, they get relegated to the footnotes of history? Come ON! The Rakata deserve more attention and I want to see how the one/the elders rebuild their civilization.

Tatooine-I would like to return to tatooine. The planet is obviously far more mysterious that most people realize.

Geonosis-This planet in Episode 2 is so cool! I would love to go here and battle in the asteroid belt!

Manaan-Their fierce Centerist point of view makes them seem like they could survive. I would like to go here again, although I envision them retreating to the sea and closing off Atto City, instead the Ebon Hawk would dock inside a city similar to the Gungan city.

Nar Shaddaa-Really cool planet, although I would like to get to more of it and have a chance to really do some damage/good, sure you can do some, but I want to be well known. Also I'd like to get my hands on the dancer outfit again!

Ossus-I don't remember if this planet survived, but I remember it was mentioned in the chronicles and it sounded like you would go there...I imagine in the short time they had Obsidian had to cut it from the game...there were so many other seats on the council that you could have easily had to go to 4 more planets! Perhaps KAtar would have been another of these.

The Droid PLanet-perhaps you would have to go here to find HK parts...I dunno...


The Handmaiden! She is so incredibly cool...

Visas-Wow, she is so tragic and mysterious it's great!

The Exile and Revan-Non-Playable...although I'm not sure how the exile would reappear...revan could at least be masked...

Carth and Bastilla-Definitely need to return, since they are so instrumental to the first game. I need to say why?

Canderous-Another great character who does not get the credit he deserves.

Suvam Tan-The Aging rodian has slowly begun to integrate himself into a droid body...Preferably playable, but just as another merchant would be fine I long as he's got some killer items!

The HK-50 series should also return, 47's reaction to them is so classic, and that needs to be kept.

Atton-He is a likeable character and his alignment makes him good to have around. He also has some valuable lessons.

The Jedi Council on Korriban receives reports and senses powerful presence on the outer rim. Your character is a Knight sent with his/her padawan (whom you continues to train on your journey, but who also trains you and can be somewhat of a foil if your lead them in such a way. The Padawan in this case would be the one with no memory, an orphan picked up by your character.) You pick up the trail of Revan and the Exile. Your Character would start out as a prestige class that would change with the character's alignment (If a Jedi watchman went dark, they would turn to an assasin) Gradually you would pick up other followers.

Retain the Influence feature as it adds so much to the game.
Different PC options-Alien Player Characters, from a diverse pool of species like Twi'Lek, Human, Zabrak...
New system that makes modding easier! Possibly even a construction set that lets you build new areas?
Custom Weapons appearance-not only lightsaber hilts, but say for a wookie character, you could customize the Bowcaster.

Other things I want to see.

The ability to boot party members, ussually causing a dark-side gain, because any true light-sider would try to convert a dark side npc.

Maybe have a kid who follows you around and stows away on the Hawk. He/she would be your eyes and ears in the back of your head, but you would have no control over them.

1000's of hours of play like Morrowind.

If you are going to play for longer, you will need more feat and power gain, so just extend the limits on them to 5 or 7 levels...and of course add a few new powers and feats...

Unarmed weaponry-like in Fallout, I want to be able to get brass knuckle type weapons.

Gibs! I want some blood and gore! The Deaths in this game are far too disney!

Duel and Battle circles were really cool, but I'd like to gain bonuses because of them.

Finally I would like to see Lucasarts actually give the company developing it time to make a game that people will play for a long time and make the Kotor Franchise into a real Legendary Game!
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Post by Cowled Kensai »

*Ahem* I want Revan to return. Come back Revan we need you, and I want your damn cool costume even if you are good. I want to be Revan again, I like the name Revan, oh and Mephistopheles, Mephistopheles, Mephistopheles, and Mephistopheles. That or maybe you can have Revan and Ed (my PC from II) work together. In fact I want to be Ed more, I like that name Ed, Ed , Ed, Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed. Of course there is a method to my madness, I just havent found it yet. Also more faces please the only good looking male face in KOTOR II was the Obi-Wan Kenobie one, and in fact there was only one decent male face in KOTOR.
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Post by Darth Coran »

[QUOTE=dayum_skippy]Characters (Controllable):
Bao-Dur (I really don't like him, but it seems like he'll return)
Atton (returning as a Jedi)


Maps larger, these cities seem like they should be 100x larger than NYC, yet I still can't imagine where everyone lives with so little room in a "city".
Character's should get their own side-quests back. (EX. Mission's brother)
I don't want to start off in the middle of nowhere again.
No more dead planets like Korriban (KOTOR II)
More cities in one planet
Lightsabers should be doing more damage to units if they can melt solid steel doors
More damage should be done on attacks (CPU units). I'm just wondering how getting stabbed with a lightsaber from a Sith Master doesn't take out half my life. Or how Force Storm from a Sith Lord doesn't almost kill me.
The ending wasn't too great on KOTOR II, try to at least make it a movie ending instead of dialogue.
The final boss should be a little bit more difficult
MORe people should talk to you, like if I have a Wookie following me around all the time, no body seems to make a big deal. WHY IS THAT?
Maybe a daytime/nighttime thing going on.[/QUOTE]

Taris?that'd be sorta hard since Malak incinerated it :rolleyes:

and How could you POSSIBLY not want the planets:Nal Hutta,Kashyyk,Kessel,and Coruscant?

oh nd I want to start in a place that is like a mix of K1 AND K2,in K1 you had a safe city a slightly complicated level,but credits were a dire problem for LSers.and with K2 you have a desolate place filled with multiple maddening things to do with no credits needed.
If it has ears it can be deafened,if it has a mouth it can scream,if it has eyes it can be blinded,if it has legs it can be crippled -Enscription on an ancient sith weapon

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