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Assassin Shadow Warrior ??

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Assassin Shadow Warrior ??

Post by 3J'S »

I notice the shadow warrior wears the same helm and body armour as I do but I was wondering if she also gained the MF or other atributes that are on my items?
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Post by Dottie »

Shadow warriors spawn with the following equipment:

- Magical Blade Talon on their left hand
- Magical Cestus on their right hand
- Magical version of the your own armor's base item (e.g. if you wore a Spirit Shroud, they would spawn with a magical version of Ghost Armor)
- Magical version of your own helm's base item

So no, they don't get your magic find mods on their equipment, but it might be that they get your magic find total on their kills anyway, I'm not sure.
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C Elegans
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Post by C Elegans »

I think I've only used the Shadow Warrior for one build long ago, I usually use the Shadow Master instead, but all your minions should have the same MF as you have.
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