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DS-II as solo char ?

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DS-II as solo char ?

Post by Dreez »

Im planning on trying out DS-II with a solo character based on magic using
a powerfull "summon" and tank/dd and focus myself mostly on dmg-spells.
I remember DS being somewhat hard in the start with a solo character but in
the end since you gained alot more xp thus having higher lvl, it became more
fun seeing hords of monsters falling by my sword.

I never played through DS-I with a mage since all spells sucked, but i hope
that the Devs has tuned up the spells in DS-II alot.
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Post by Dreez »

I just finished of the 5 towers and freed myself from the chains and currently
working my way into the "hidden" cave to save the dryad.
Sofar i´ve been maximizing my Combat magic with 6 points in Devistation and
2 ponints in Enhanced lightning , but i cant seem to get any summon which were
my goal since im playing solo.

Anyone who knows if/when i can get access to my summon ?
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Conde Dooku
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Post by Conde Dooku »

well, i can say you if there is one char can easy solo the game is the natural caster, with summond ability to max, using Pet taunt and with some points on both healing and ice.

but i will really prefer have at least a pet like my Kysha :)
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Post by Dreez »


Atm i have reached episode IX (i think) in chapter I and doing pretty good.
The way im playing did not end up the way i intended, and sofar i´ve got
a party of 4, including my pet. Here´s my current party setup and tactics.

Gilmork (me).
Darkelf Combatmage.
Build: Insane dmg.
My mage has sofar been very successful in his build and there has been
very few rare monsters or bosses which i´ve had problems with.
He is atm going fully towards pure damage and im spending my points
in a build where i get access and enhance Devour Souls and Chain Lightning.

2:nd member.
Natural Mage.
Build: Support with heals.
This beauty is really handy in most situations and have saved the day on
several occations with her heals, not that powerful heals atm - but they
do give the heals that matters. Beyond heals, im using her as a support
offensive caster when i run into monsters who resists my magic.
Her special Powerspell can clean out entire rooms when combined with
Gilmork´s spell which lowers the resist on mobs.

3:rd member.
Trapjaw (pet).
Type: Direwolf.
Function: Tank.
Trapjaw can easely tank bosses and mobs which kills me in one blow, and
since he does so well on the fields of battle, i feed almsot everything
that drop to him - he just reached mature age and is at his max level.
When he got his max level, he accuired a very nasty power which i wont
reveal here - but its very handy in bad situations.

4:th member.
Type: Halfgiant.
Build:s/s & dmg.
I ran across this halfgiant "somewhere" and decided to take him into
my ranks since i know from earlier experiences that those dudes tend
take a beatin, and hit hard.
I have yet to see him in action since i logged just after i got him,
but atm he will use wep/shield and aid in the tanking while my mage
nukes from a safe distance.
His current points are spent mostly in Critical hits and fortitude
because there is no point in him standing in the frontline if he cant
take the heat and pack a punch at the same time.

This is it for now and i hope i didnt spoil anything by revealing
to much, and if you liked DiabloII and DS1, you´re gonna love DS-II.

Updates will probably follow, including a screenshot of my primary
mage when he´s über ;)
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Conde Dooku
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Post by Conde Dooku »

you will have a problem with that tank, i mean you pet, cause it dont have Area Taunt, i highly recomend put sartan as the tank or get another pet who have taunt as Final power or you will have a problem later on game ( Act 3 guys have 4000 hp each and sometimes comes in groups of 10 or 15 with 1 or 2 support mages) if they randomly attack your party you will be on a problem, (casters dies in 2 secs with 650 Hps, i know, happens to me and is very bad when they comes for the healer :P )

if you will option as a pet for tank, i recomend search for a quest on the 3 act :)
i cant tell you more but you will like that one.

If you are building up a Combat mage, il recomend Chaos Avatar Armor set, really good stats plus skills :P

PS: i recomend center on one tipe of attack, i mean, raise only or dead magic or lightning magic, on the combat mage of my group i prefer dead, cause have the 2 better attack i see , Soul Lance for group of mobs and the Great Grave Beam, for bosses, yes, arc can do some more damage versus groups but for that you have the Powers, and Final Bosses have Area attacks, and you will need a bit of vampirism in order to keep yourself alive with fast cast ability, the bad thing of the healers is they are slow casting heals, if you cant keep yourself alive...

You can say, "but some of boss have resistances to dead" yes, and some to lightning and some to fire, and i meet 1 or 2 final ones resistant to everything, the thing is, with resistances, if you have all bonus to dead, you will almost no sure any penalties, and you will kill a lot faster the other bosses. but is your choice.
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Conde Dooku
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Post by Conde Dooku »

"cause have the 2 better attack i see , Soul Lance for group of mobs and the Great Grave Beam, for bosses"

forget the grave beam, SOUL LANCE, All the way :P is awesome, multiple hits, instant dmg with out fail aiming, ignore walls, and sometimes hits double on big bosses
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