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Post by Yeltsu »

Bah, I need money now, I need 200g for my mount..

Plus 4 arcanite bars (worth about 100g total) luckily I can get them for free as long as I find the arcane crystals, too bad I have only ever mined 2.. :(
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Post by furmy »

[QUOTE=Brynn]Good lord! :eek: That saved you from a LOT of trouble, you can already buy three different kind of mounts :D [/QUOTE]

lol - i am the 1337 u83r 7vv1n1<

TRANSLATION: lol - i am the Leet Uber Twink

im sorry guys i just had way too much fun typing that :D
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

so which one gives one more money, in the short/long run?


or mining/blacksmithing

or mining/engineering (which is recommended for warlocks)

or something else?
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Post by pennypincher »

I'm level 60 and saving for my Epic mount right now (assuming Baron Rivendare contiues to be tight on his mount drop... The bugger!) and I'm at around 350 gold... So... Far... TO GO!

I'll tell you what was told me, and it works!

Pick up everything! Sell everything! Even the usless rubbish other people leave on corpses to keep inventory space. Pick it up and vendor it! Food, cloth, broken items, swords, wooden clubs.. Sell them!

Stay away from the Auction house unless your selling! STAY AWAY!!

Don't stop grinding untill your sacks are full. Kill everything you walk past. Don't let anything survive!

Stay away from the Acutions house!!

Get as many quests as you can, kill till your full and the quest is over, return, sell, hand in quest... $$$ Ka Ching! $$$

Good God stay away from the auction house!

Instances. Even if your not on a quest, agree to go with groups. They are laidened with sweet sweet goodies and plenty of cash.

NO! Stay away from the Auction house! Do not give into it's sultry delights!!

As for which professions are best for money making, heres the real deal:

Get Herbalism/Minning. Pick flowers and dig metal till your coffers overflow(eth?), then re-learn whatever profession you really want.
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Post by garazdawi »

The most profitable ones in the beginning of the game are skinning/mining. This is becuase miners/blacksmiths need alot of ore to get going and will buy stuff for huge amounts of money if they thing they need it. Leather is needed by engineers/tailors and leatherworkers so there you have alot of potential customers. I suppose that you could make money on herbalism as well but not nearly as much as for mining or skinning. You will not make as much money on these proffesion in endgame as you would other ones but the fact is that other end game profitable proffesion costs loads of money to level up to make them profiatble and loads of instance running/grinding to get the best recepies.

I leveled up my alchemny/herb while playing and had money issues all the way to 40 (got my horse at 41 after borrowing 20g). When I reached 300 in both though and especially after getting the major mana potions recepie I've started makeing some handsome cash from selling pots at AH. However it took 20 days (to get to lvl 60) and about 10 moree days(to get the recepie). This is along time to make a proffesion profitable. And I'm talking in game time here not IRL time.
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

so can you make potions without alchemy?
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Post by Yeltsu »

Dude, I think herbalism is the most profiting profession. those flowers sell for ridiculously high amounts of gold

20 grave moss - 15-20g
20 kingsblood - around 8g
20 swiftthistle - around 6g

Much easier and more profitable than mining IMO. And you can make many nifty and sellable potions with alcemy and still have flowers to put in AH (auction house)
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Post by garazdawi »

[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]so can you make potions without alchemy?[/QUOTE]
No you cannot.

Mitril and thorium goes for absurd amound though and let's not even talk about arcanite crystals.... I've mostly used my herbs for alch as that always seem to be more profitable than just selling the flowers. However things have changed since I started to level up my char and now with people wanting free action pots etc for battlegrounds it might be more profitable...
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

well compared to the flowers that yeltsu mentioned what are the normal prizes you get for mithril and thorium or those arcanite crystals??
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Post by Yeltsu »

Ofc mithril/thorium/truesilver are okay, but that's endgame stuff... and the prices on ore are really horrible, too low to bother to farm anything for selling, and too high for me to bother to buy it.

IMO herb is better, especially because of Kingsblood, which is needed to gain reputation with the thorium brotherhood, where you can buy alot of really nice recipies when they like you enough. And you don't need alot of herb skill to pick kingsblood, only like 125, and that's not much.. ;)

EDIT: 20 thorium bar about 8-10g (engame material)
Arcanite Crystals (needed to make arcanite bars, very much needed in endgame recipies) go for about 20g, but I have only ever found 3 of those. The droprate is 3.1% from Rich thorium veins (which are quite rare, even if you know where to look)
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

hrm... 125? how many RL hours would it take for a char starting at lvl1 to get to 125?

and mining would be a good end game income source, since mining in somewhat dangerous places could be very profitable :)
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Post by Yeltsu »

You level up herbalism quite fast, if you learn herb when you first move out of the "newbie" area, you should have 125 herbalism skill by the time you get to the places kingsblood grow ( not many hours, definetly not more than a few)

Oh, and you shouldn't get both mining and herbalism. This is because you get a "Find Herbs" skill and a "Find Ore" skill, which respecivly shows ores or herbs on them minimap. However, you can only have on type of tracking on at any one time, which means that you can't look for herbs and ore at the same time!
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

yes but i can't mine valuable minerals if i don't have mining(can i mine for ore at all if i don't have mining?)

and i've always been a mining kind of a guy, although i'll do anything for money(even pick flowers :D )
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Post by Yeltsu »

No, you need mining to mine ore, heralism to pick flowers, skinning to skin things and so on...
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

yes, so if mining if good income source for higher levels, and you need mining to mine ore, even though you get find ore with find herbs, what's the use of finding ore if i can't mine it???
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]yes, so if mining if good income source for higher levels, and you need mining to mine ore, even though you get find ore with find herbs, what's the use of finding ore if i can't mine it???[/QUOTE]

You don't get find minirals when tacking herbalisme, then you get find herbs tracking skill.
What Yeltsu means is that you can't have both Find Ore (gained from Mining) and Find Herbs (Herbalisme) tracking skills running at the same time, beause only one tracking skill can be active at any given time.

[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]hrm... 125? how many RL hours would it take for a char starting at lvl1 to get to 125?

and mining would be a good end game income source, since mining in somewhat dangerous places could be very profitable :) [/QUOTE]

If you have the character level, you can powerlevel most gathering skills to near 300 within one real life day - especially herbalisme and skinning. Mining is a little slower in my experience. Boring perhaps, but it isn't difficult.
Now fishing - getting that to 300, that takes time.
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Post by Yeltsu »

Ahh, yes thank you xandax, that's what i meant :) sorry for confusing you locke
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

ah thx both :)

well interrupt me for being an idiot but are there that many valuable flowers growing in the deep dungeons where the valuable minerals are located???

and if the answer is no then what does it matter if you can only have one tracking system on at a time?

but if the answer is yes, i assume it's simple enough to change the "find herbs" into "find ore" or am i completely lost?
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Post by Yeltsu »

Ok. You find ore everywhere, outside, in caves in (some) instances, just like flowers. The value and type or ore is determined of the level of the area you are playing in. if you are lvl 10 you'll find copper and tin. and if you are lvl 60, you'll find thorium and truesilver. There is only one instance that provides a special type of ore, but that is an endgame dungeon.

Of course you can swich between "find ore" and "find herbs" but the thing is that you won't run around alternating the two all the time, so that will mean that you will run past lots of ore resources while looking for herbs, and vice versa.

If you want two gathering proffesions, choose either herb or mining, and skinning, As skinning has no tracking required, you just skin any beast you slay.

I hope this was clear :) to conclusion, instances (dungeons) are't really made for gathering professions untill you are at higher levels. And chose one of the "tracking" professions, not both ;)
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Locke Da'averan]ah thx both :)

well interrupt me for being an idiot but are there that many valuable flowers growing in the deep dungeons where the valuable minerals are located???

and if the answer is no then what does it matter if you can only have one tracking system on at a time?

but if the answer is yes, i assume it's simple enough to change the "find herbs" into "find ore" or am i completely lost?[/QUOTE]

The only herb growing undergrown is Ghost Mushrooms. It was somewhat pricy when I still played, but not the top 3-5.

If you wish to have 2 gathering skills, I'd advice going Skinning and Mining.
Herbalisme is most a high end skill, due to the very large demand for the potions needed for the high end dungeon raids, so it will be easier to gain money from the other two then herbalisme.
Alchymy isn't terrible difficult to level in - leatherworking and blacksmithing takes more materials, which thus means larger demand for materials.
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