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Fifth Morden Tower? spoiler?

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Fifth Morden Tower? spoiler?

Post by shaedar »

Hey, did anyone else notice that in the Southern Greilyn Jungle near the teleporter there is another Morden Tower that you can't reach? There are also some friendly Morden up on the hill top nearby.
Is this part of some later quest, or is it just put there to frustrate those of us who like to be thorough?
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Post by swcarter »

It will be involved in a quest later.

In fact, I think every unusual thing you discover while exploring will come back to be part of a quest, so try to note down where you find them.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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