Something i found on the net
Found this from CmdrLucas and Spasmolytic on
Act 1" LeLani: Near Pet shop in Eirulan "Childs doll"
"Act 1" Fenella: Use eastern most lift from Inn in Eriulan there you'll find a small house "Elven Ale"
"Act 1" Soldier Balamar: inside House at start of Azunite Desert "Fresh Skath Cat Ribs"
"Act 1"Soldier Jordhan: Inside Inn in Eriulan "Statue of Xeria"
"Act 2" Soldier Kiernan: Inside house directly under the commander of SnowBrook Castle when you first meat her "Morden Head on a stick"
"Act 2" Alar'Ithil: Inside Left house past south gate in Aman'lu "Flask of Elven Water"
"Act 3" Prospector Gareth: A tower in North Plains of Tears just before first Teleporter go down in the tower using the lever and open one of the 2 doors to meet him "Agallan Relic"
rade the Agallan Relic with the Half-Giant in Kalrathia (or however it's spelled). He's standing at the top of one of the walls of the city, and will give you a bundle of Harpy Feathers for the relic.
Then take the Harpy Feathers to the Fletcher in the northern-most house in Aman'lu, and she'll give you the Aman'lu Orchid for the Feathers.