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Stuck already.

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Stuck already.

Post by rmemmett84 »

I just started this game and have made it to the Kingdom of Ehb. I am in what I believe were called the Ice Caverns. I am quite am aways into them and have come to a long set of steps. They go down floor by floor with weighted plates in the floor to open up the next set of steps. I have gotten down to a floor with an elevated center. When I weight the floor plate a door opens leading to a small room with a pedestal in it. I can find no other stairs or plates in the floor. Am I missing something? Is this as far as it goes? Do I turn around and go back now? What are all the levers for? They don't seem to do anything.
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Post by Ravager »

If you have found the Furies Eye then I think you have gone as far as you can. The levers should hold the weighted plates down, though I never had that much luck with them either.

The Furies Eye can be used in multiplayer I believe.
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Post by rmemmett84 »

You were right it is the Fury's eye. Glad I wasted my time getting it. Where do I go from here though? I've tried going back but have not come across another direction to travel. Am I supposed to go clear back to where I first entered the caves? I have a nasty habit of going through these games hacking stuff up and paying little attention to what my mission actually is. I don't even know what I am supposed to be looking for now. I freed the wizard and got the eye but am now lost.

Nevermind I found my way out. I'm an idiot it was right there.
Success takes commitment. In a bacon and eggs breakfast the chicken is involved but the pig is the pig!!!
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