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Trapsin ?

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Trapsin ?

Post by joe05 »

First off, I'd like to thank Dottie and Noober for the guide + build info. The character is developing nicely.

My question pertains to the STR/DEX requirements for + skill adder claws.
The guide says 65-STR/65-DEX is the lowest to find + skill adder claws.
But, what would be optimal or max limit I should put into STR/DEX so that I wouldn't have to worry about finding good + skill adder claws. I don't want to find some great claws only to see a 80-STR/80-DEX requirement :-(
I'm not sure what the STR/DEX limit is on claws as I rarely traded them due to their low resale value.
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Post by Dottie »

The claw you can find which require most strength and dexterity is a Scissors Suwayyah. It's requirements are 118/118.

However, I think it would be a waste to put so many points into strength and dexterity for a trapsin. My reccomendation is that you only put very few points into strength and dexterity, and save some points that you can use later if you find a good claw. Also save any good strength charm or ring you find, so if you find a decent but heavy claw you can use it with the ring until you find something better.
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Post by moltovir »

You can also socket your claw and put one or two (in case of a magic claw) Hel runes in it to get the requirements down.
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Post by joe05 »

As usual, you guys come thru :-)
Will copy both posts.
More you learn, the more you need to learn !
Maybe if I get to Hell, I'll get to see all the "goodies" that are available in Diablo 2: LoD.

Not finding all those yellow/gold goodiers as before ?
Think my magic finding is too low at 20%.
Before, when I killed the unique undead + Fangskin in those areas(lost City + Viper Temple), they dropped good stuff. Just whacked them 5 times and all I'm getting is junk :-(
I wonder if the game changes "who" drops the good stuff ?
Guess we just keep clearing off maps and hope to get lucky ... this is the poorest equipped merc I've had.
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Post by C Elegans »

Regarding Magic Find (MF):

The higher MF you have, the better, but the benefits are dimishing so if you have 100% MF, you have 100% better chance of monsters dropping magical (blue), rare (yellow), set (green) and unique (golden) items. However, if you have 500% MF, you have 500% better chance of monsters dropping magical items, but only 340% better chance of rares, 322% for set items and 253% for uniques. Also, MF is always a trade off against fighting skills, since you could have other mods like resistances, increased damage, + to skills etc, instead of MF.

20% MF is quite low though, it's usually difficult to notice any difference if you have less than 100% MF.

What monsters drop is random, but boss monsters and monsters with names have a higher chance of dropping higher quality items since item dropping is regulated by what "drop classes" a monster has. You need a lot of luck to get really good item drops though. That's why people do Meph-runs, Pindle-runs and Baal-runs, because these monsters have a relatively high chance of dropping good items but are relatively easy to find. Personally, I think it's boring to do 100's of runs for the same monster, so when I MF, I usually clean out areas that have a large amount of high level monsters, such as Chaos Sanctuary, The Pit or River of Flame.
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Post by joe05 »

C Elegans - well I upped my MF to 104% and already found good stuff. I saved my good equipment to use when needed.
1) What/Who is a "Pindle run" - I don't recall a creature with that name
2) Chaos Sanctuary - is that the building leading to Diablo
3) The Pit - think I remember, but could you clarify where it is

Spending hours killing/clearing maps only to get few exp points and no goodies while causing me physical pain can be very frustrating :-(
So, if I can at least find some "target/goodie rich areas", I'd like to spend at least as much time there to offset the time spent in those areas where "you just want to get through" :-)

Thanks !
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Post by Dottie »

1) Doing a Pindle run is to play as quick as possible only to kill the monster named Pindleskin, and pick up what he drops. Pindle runs are quite popular because he is so easy to reach.

You find Pindleskin in act 5, through the portal that Anya sets up for you. He stands right in the hallway in the first area. If you do not take the waypoint that is on the way to Nhilatakh(sp?) Anya's portal will remain in place, and give you easy access to a very good source of items.

2) Correct.

3) The Pit is a cave in Tamoe Highland, act 1. However, It's only a good source of items on hell difficulty. If your playing on nightmare I think killing Mephisto is a better source.

The same is true for Pindleskin I think, He is only good on hell difficulty.
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Post by C Elegans »

@Joe: With 104% MF, you should notice a difference :) I'm not sure where in the game you are, but if you are in Nightmare, I would recommed Andy-runs and Meph-runs. Andy (Andariel) can drop some good set and unique items, including some of the more difficult-to-find unique rings and amulets.
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Post by joe05 »

Dottie/C Elegans - thanks for the info.
So that is the name of the unique leading to the "Halls of ???". Never knew his name. I try not to look at names because I'm too busy trying to fight/survive. Will keep that portal open :-)
C Elegans - I'm still on Normal. Working on each character; one at a time. Up to 124% MF now. Will keep it high till I run into trouble. Just added my Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master will be next = so hopefully I can keep my resistances low for the time being. Did Andy for a few hours = found a bunch of good yellow stuff. I did Meph on the last character and plan on doing him again.
Thanks for the help ... just clearing maps now hoping they throw someone new into the mix ... hoping Fangskin and the Halls of Dead Saber Cat drop some goodies :-)
Keep adding yellow melee claws ... I guess the + Trap skill claws will show up around act four ?
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Post by C Elegans »

Joe, if you are still on Normal, I would recommend you to focus on one character for a while, and take that character to Hell difficulty. The reason for this is that you will find so much more good items at Nightmare and especially Hell, so it will be more fun to play the lower lvl chars after that. The game will also become considerable more difficult at Hell, which will help you to plan your other builds better :)
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