i have to kill all the morden in the town of kalrathia. I get a message on screen saying 6 left. I have been round and round the town several times and cant seem to find the last 6 Morden.
act 3, chapter 3. kalrathian rebellion
There's a little plank you have to cross to get to the North upper wall. There are six Morden up there (probably the ones you're missing), plus a Half-Giant that is part of Lelani's Sorrow side quest from Act I.
From the center of town (fountain) head up the stairs to the North, then look for a little board (should be west of the steps) you have to walk over to reach the North upper wall.
From the center of town (fountain) head up the stairs to the North, then look for a little board (should be west of the steps) you have to walk over to reach the North upper wall.