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your parties

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your parties

Post by koener »

i am interesting about your parties, and want to know what your primary skills are and stuff that i know whats better and less good and stuff.
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Post by Athrias »

[QUOTE=koener]i am interesting about your parties, and want to know what your primary skills are and stuff that i know whats better and less good and stuff.[/QUOTE]

Right now, at level 80, my party looks like this:

Main character: DW-melee. I'll admit it: I have a pention for playing favorites with my main character. My party is set up to support me, and the other melee character I have, well, gets gear only if it's not an upgrade for me. I have all but 1 of my damage-related skills maxed and am currently working on putting points into physical resistance and improved armor. For all intents and purposes I am unkillable by almost any pack of monsters near my level. With both buffs on (Wrath of the Bear/Wrath of Ice(with the maxed out Improved Wrath spells skills) I crit for about 5.5 the base damage of my hit. My current high crit is like 2318 or something like that. That kind of damage combined with 39% health steal (witch I'm looking to improved) and decent armor/phys resistance makes me a force to be reckoned with. Waves of Force is my most used power, with Elemental Rage being used against bosses.

Lothar: Sword/Board warrior. While Lothar and his Provoke skill were useful in Mercenary, he has since been relagated to my +find magic item character. The least usefuk of my companions, he nonetheless gets to come in handy every once in awhile when a lot of DPS monsters gang up on my combat mage and I think to use him.

Taar: Nature mage. Taar has developed into a solid, survivable character with pretty good damage output. Aether Blast is my new favorite power, and her damage-buffed Lerstik comes close to 350 DPS. Nothing great next to the rest of us, but nothing to be overlooked, especially with a fast-recharge 11k+ AOE damage power with a 5-second stun. She buffs my melee/ranged characters with Wrath of Ice/Wrath of the Bear, and buffs herself and my combat mage with Wrath of Magic and Aquatic Embrace (or whatever the +mana regen spell is). After that she switches to the entangling vine spell, where she has a listed damage of 3500-4500 or so, and does pretty well on her own. She's very hard to kill if her pet is out, and has developed into a solid character.

Finala: Combat mage. Finala has suffered from a lack of items. I've received very few combat mage oriented items, and she suffers from a lack of intelligence. She has a lot of +combat magic skills, though, so she is very versatile. Chain Lightning is still one of my favorite powers, and I click it almost whenever it's up. She auto-casts Drown for the minor damage and the ice/lightning vulnerability. She would be much, much better if I could find some good gear for her, and I intend to try.

Vix: Bow/arrow ranged. I used to think Vix was pretty useless; then I started actually playing him more. He has a rediculous 700-some dexterity, along with a high-level unique bow, and I've realized that he does a lot of damage, especially if there are large packs and Shockwave/Penetrate can be used to great effect. He has an astronomical +12 Range Skills, so all his bow-related skills were maxed long ago. I've been trying to max out his thrown skills so that if I acquire a Flawless he can switch to that. Thunderous Shot is a great power, and Charged Shots does a lot to cut boss battles short when used with Elemental Rage. Oh, and Artech's Raimant is one of the coolest looking items in the game. Gogo spiked shoulder pads.

Herman: Pack-mule! Yay for pack mules! Herman is my party mascot. Fed entirely melee weapons, he packs a decent punch for a mule, and I love his power. He carries my full allotment of potions on one of his item pages, making selling a lot easier for the rest of us after an adventure. Sporting an impressive 5600+ HPs, he can survive pretty well on his own. Much props for the mule.

This certainly isn't the "best" party, but I have a lot of fun with it. I'm trying to collect the absolute best gear possible by the time I hit level 100 in anticipation for the expansion pack that is inevitable for this game. I'll probably be making some changes when I reach that level and get my character "finished". Until then, though, I'm set on getting my last piece of The Undying Warlord and finding a couple Bloodletters. Can't wait!
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Post by nhoj68 »

My Party is pretty simple

Lothar - Fighter level 58, combat mage level 22, mainly a D/W fighter, has Dwarven armor set, gave up on the set blades at level 40 and found some pretty cool swords (green) that deal dome damage and raises skills by 4, primarily uses whirling strike and elemental strike. Autocast - Drown & lesser heal.

Myself - Sharpshooter level 59, nature mage 28, again gave up on set items and found another bow (green) that deals some major damage, better than any set item I have found so far. Primary uses charged shots, and slience when going up against the mages. Autocast - dehydrate & lesser heal

Tarr - Nature mage level 58, sharpshooter level 33, uses set bow (weak), usually she only uses it when she is completey out of mana. Primary power is Aurora, that power took awhile to get, mostly she uses grasping vine. Auto cast - Spirit & Earthen embrace.

Finala - Combat mage level 59, D/W fighter level 23, nothing major about her weapons, mainly the fighting skill was developed to raise her HP. Forgot what her major power is, something having to do with lighting. Mainly switches from lighting and fire attacks depending on the enemy. Autocast - Cripple & Drown.

BeBop - Dire Wolf - Sadly I did not develop its powers until just recently, it has one power something having to do with sonic.

I have all characters, minus my pet, summon a creature when in combat, if it weren't for summoning I would have died already.

I was thinking about adding another fighter of sharpshooter in the mix but since I have been developing my pets abilities I will most likely keep my pet all the way to the very end. This is playing out to be a good mix, Lothar is the only one using set armor, the rest have armor class 300+ and HP of 1600 or more. I made some cool enchanted items to help out, currently I just started Act 3, on Veteran, I'll probably work on their nature skills so their 'little friends' last longer, other than that its been fun so far.
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

*Me - level 88 melee - dual-wielding two Bloodletters :D . 1200 armor (Is this good for a dual-wielder?), 64% melee resistance, 20% dodge, 15% health steal. Never dies.
*Mythrilhorn - soaking damage (6000 hp but crap armor, only around 1000 :( )
*Scorpion Queen - Giving everyone 20% dodge.
*Deru - level 88 ranged - Mostly because I didn't have a ranger. She sucks though. Secondary nature mage (level 50).
*Lothar - level 88 combat mage - Sets stuff on fire
*Taar - level 88 nature mage - Primarily there to give everyone 15% health steal. Hardly any healing needed.
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Post by Squishface »

perfect party

If you want a good solid group for any RPG you will need a tank (melee that gets aggro), a nuker (combat mage), a cleric (healer), and have the rest being DPS or add another healer or debuffer (someone that slows the attack speed or lowers the resistants of the mobs).
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Post by Tulir »

What kind of party?

Only my 2h-weapon user. armor is around 1000(so low)
dmg 500-1200.
Crit. hits around 2.5k-3k

My hero isnt very tough but it does VERY much dmg ;)
I dont like very high AC or HP. High dmg is something that i like :p
but i made one mistake when i was "choosing" powers, i wanted use whirlwind, but somehow i managed to raise my toughness, and i got staggering blow. :(
lvl 3 staggering blow does only 100-200%dmg more than lvl 1 whirlwind.
Now i started raising dodge. just cant decide should i spend my last 9 points to fortitude or dodge... 9 points, im lvl 91 now.
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Post by HCTwinJava »

i have played more than several parties, and I used to change my party members as I progressed in the game. I switched to solo now.

my most successful parties:

1) top 1: my "Alice Solo" (master sharpshooter solo). no pets or henchmen. she's near the end of the elite level: only the mines and beyond are left to be done. she has not died or fallen unconscious even once on elite. has erased every red reachable dot shown on minimap at least once (will not bother after they get re-spawned). has done most of the secondary quests on elite, excluding the quests that require the presence of at least 1 henchman.

current level: 79
armor: 650+
health: 2000-2500(varies)
list damage: 150-450 (varies) - laughable!
resists: 69% average, with 80% to fire/light/ice/death all the time.
practically immune to all elemental attacks
rarely drinks potions - she carries only 2 rows of red/blue potions (all purple/other potions sold for gold)

best at: killing enemies in small groups.
worst at: killing ??? with the normal damage from weapon
(impossible to do that within 10 sec).

my complaint: this is a standard javazon or a barbarian-thrower in Diablo 2, but the game treats all her 1h weapons as 2h, leaving her left hand empty all the time for no good reason!

2) top 2: my "solo sorceress" (that's her name too). no pets or henchman. she's near the end of the merc level: also only the mines and beyond are left. never died yet, but fell unconscious several times when challenging the ganth gang in the 7th fight in the arena (she was overwhelmed and too weak).

current level: 41
health: 600+
mana: 1500+ (rarely run out of mana)
armor: close to 200
resists: average ~30%
light damage: about 450-950 (still increasing!)
best at: killing mobs in a whole area by just running around them and/or cutting right through them.
best at: cursing enemies over a wall/fence/obstacle (all enemies with less than 2k hit points die under 1 such curse!)
worst at: armor too low, and can easily take lots of physical damage from even a pathetic pet!
used to drink red points almost all the time!
even ran out of red potions once (she did 6 challenges in the arena on a row).

3) my parties:

I like to use Eva (dual wield or shielded) because of her best looking portrait. also Taar for her early help (healing + summon + buffing) in the game. Eva survives on her own - with excellent damage/armor. Taar in my parties rarely involves in combat. I also like to use 1 pack mule (like in DS1), for carrying/eating junk loot.

I believe, Eva + Taar + 1 pack mule can go through the game on their own with ease - so, in my party, my self-made hero and all other chars/pets are not essential - they can be any1.

My hero (even if he's a cursing mage) is always the very first one in the party formation, the one that leads the party into any battle. Eva and other melee chars/pets are usually at the very last of the party formation - though they always run to the front!!!

My henchmen like to trigger a dialog at the time of the game switching to combat mode. I can't keep the dialog going even if i decide every1 in the party is going to take hits. I hate this unchangeable game setting! I wish GAG had followed the excellent examples set by Neverwinter Nights / Star Wars: Kotor/etc.

I like summons. I had a party (only henchmen, no pets) in which everyone auto-cast a summon except for the pure melee guy (Sartan - well, he could too, because he had 5 levels in Nature Mage). This was also my most interesting party, because they could rotate the Invulnerability power and finish off any mob while taking zero damage - with a few Ganth-led mobs being the only exceptions.
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