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Resistances at Nightmare level

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Resistances at Nightmare level

Post by essaniael »

At Nightmare level (LOD) the resistances (eg. fire) are assigned a negative value.

Can anyone advise me of the best way to get these values up?


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Post by Grimar »

the only way is to equip items with +fire resistance, or charms ;)

in act 5, ypu also get a scroll after comleting a quest, which gives you permanent + on resist all
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Post by essaniael »

[QUOTE=Grimar]the only way is to equip items with +fire resistance, or charms ;)

in act 5, ypu also get a scroll after comleting a quest, which gives you permanent + on resist all[/QUOTE]

Ah thanks. I guess that may mean sacrificing some bonus on items already posessed in order to up the resistances, eh?

Do you know if one acquires higher experience points on Nightmare vs Normal?

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Post by Grimar »

you get more xp in NM mode, and even more in hell!

and yes. you have to use items which says + to fire resistance to get it up
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Post by Dottie »

The easiest way to get a quick fix for your low resists is to put three perfect diamonds in a shield. It's easy to find, and it give descent resists in case you can't find anything better.
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Post by Grimar »

or you can make the runeword with RalOrtTal... that gives a shield with decent resist
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=essaniael]At Nightmare level (LOD) the resistances (eg. fire) are assigned a negative value.

Can anyone advise me of the best way to get these values up?


I believe your resistances drop by 50 in nm and 50 more in hell.
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Post by Demortis »

if i remember right the res dropes to -60 in NM, and -100 in hell, but i could be wrong on this
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Post by moltovir »

Almost. Your resistances drop by 40 points in NM, and by another 60 points in Hell level.
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Post by SyntheticD »

the best way to figure a way for you to up you resistence it find out what CHar you use then you can determine the best way....
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Post by Grimar »

[QUOTE=SyntheticD]the best way to figure a way for you to up you resistence it find out what CHar you use then you can determine the best way....[/QUOTE]

huh? i didnt understand that one... :confused:

what character you have have nothing to say about resistance, except some skills(like natural resist)....
I once had a little teaparty, this afternoon at three, twas was very small, three guests in all; I, myself, and me. myself ate up the sandwhiches, while i drank up the tea. twas also i that ate the pie,and passed the cake to me :D
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Post by Deadalready »

The important thing I think it +skills items are not (in my opinion) more important than resistances. I've seen many a friend forego resistance amulets and shields for items that increase skills, so everytime they encounter the faithfull lightning enchanted they end up kissing the floor dead fast.

Aim to get a good balance between all the resistances and items that add to skill levels, personally I find I slowly build up my resistances slowly over time and make it gradual until I've got full resistance at the end of each difficultly level.

More important resistances tend to be Cold, Fire, Lightning and Poison. Concentrate on improving one major resistance and the rest of them gradually. The acts are designed to slowly introduce you to specific kinds of damage anyway.
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Post by SyntheticD »

[QUOTE=Grimar]huh? i didnt understand that one... :confused:

what character you have have nothing to say about resistance, except some skills(like natural resist)....[/QUOTE]

it can help you decide weaposn armor and skills for your resistence then you can go through diablo 2 lod equipment database and find the decent stuff for your charector he is a link that might help the should be updating it soon but any one here you go


This way you find or buy or trade for the stuff you want.
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