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mace of agarrus prob

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mace of agarrus prob

Post by Meezly1 »

i put the stone tablet to gether, and am now looking for the tomb. i am in a small azunite cave where i found the bowl, but i'm going nuts trying to find where to place the tablet to extend the bridge. can someone give me a hand? thanks.
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Post by darkpark »

the tomb of agarrus is a bit back within the main cavern. look for a square platform between the two bridges and there should be switch that will lower you down to the tomb.
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Code: Select all

|                  | E: You exit here (western cliffs of Azunai)
E                  | e: You enter here
|        A         | c: cliff (there are two extendable bridges over here)
|                  | X: Elevator that you want
|                  | A: That vault where you get the bowl.
|                  |
|cccc              |
|   c              |
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Post by Lornak »

Sorry, guys, but I still didn' get it.
Of course, I found by myself the location of the tomb a week ago, but you are speaking as if the clockwork bridges were already extended when you got there.
This is my problem: I couldn't figure out how to extend at least one of the bridges, as the one and only lever I could see is located on the other side, where the monsters are. I tried to lure one of those monsters to his end of the bridge, in order to "persuade" it to pull the lever, but to no end.
What should I do?
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Post by swcarter »

There are bridges to the south and east. It's the southern bridge that you can extend. There are some walls and lamps south of it, and the button is there. Just look for the blue dot on your minimap.

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Post by Lornak »

How obvious! I just can't understand why didn't I find the switch in the first place :( .
Thanks a bunch!
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