DS2 -- low frame rate
With 1/2 gb ram you should be OK, but you may want to try quitting some of your running programs. (Virus checker, etc.)
As suggested, you may be trying to play the game with your settings too high. Try it at 800 x 600, as well as those suggested previously.
Your setup seems to satisfy the Min. requirements set out here:
(You didn't say, but you are running Windows XP with at least SP1 installed?)
It could be you have some spyware slowing things down? Hopefully you are running SpybotSD with Immunize activated. I would also suggest MS AntiSpyware Beta and activate RealTime protection. (With antispyware, unlike antivirus software, you can have more than one version running.)
If all this fails to improve things--check to see if any of your other (newer) games appear to have slowed down. If so -- your only solution may be to reformat Drive C and reinstall Windows.