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Act 2 NM Defense Merc

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Act 2 NM Defense Merc

Post by joe05 »

As Moltovir said: "just ask questions" :)
Well, I just started Act 2(...Normal difficulty) and decided to try a Defense Merc.
Usually, I just pick an Offensive Merc and then I'll switch to a Defense Merc in NM Act 2.
I just went to buy him a spear class weapon.
He said: "I can't use that" ... the weapon was a Brandistock
I believe I used that at one point with my Off Merc. It looks just like a Spetum.
So I concerned the "Gold" spear class weapons I found for my other Mercs(...Offensive) will transfer to my Act 2 NM Def Merc.
I think one was a Partizan; one was a Trident ? ... I ended up with on my Act 2 Mercs(...Normal)
Is the Def Merc limited to only certain Spear class weapons ?
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Post by FireLighter »

No, he can use any spear class weapon but he doesn't have the strength or dex required to use that weapon. Press "o" next to "i" and it will bring up his screen. Check his stats and see what his strength and dex is then look at the requirements of stats on the weapon. His aura will be defiance which will increase your defense rating and I think he is the best in normal for any guy except summoner necros or sorcs which prayer works best 'cause of the summons getting healed as they fight and the sorcs not being able to tank so the merc heals himself.

EDIT: He may not have the approiate level for the weapon either and you can check that by opening up his screen with "o" as mentioned above.
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Post by joe05 »

FireLighter - you know, I never did check the requirements. Since it was a plain white Brandistock and I bought the highest level Merc, I just assumed I was good-to-go.
I'll check this morning.

I'm not too worried about this Merc now, as I'd like him sort of weak = that way he doesn't steal my kills on "unique monsters" and screw up the drops.
I have my MF up over 100%.
Since my Merc is 0%, I prefer to "kill the uniques" ;)
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Post by FireLighter »

Actually, if your merc kills, his mf is added to yours and you get more. :D So it doesn't matter if he kills or not itll still drop as good if not better than your mf drop.
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Post by joe05 »

FireLighter - sometimes I'd wish the moderators would delete my threads :o
If I ask any more dumb questions, I might get banned.
You know, early on, I tested the MF therory and I always had better drops than the Merc.
I'd killl the unique, then let him .. then I'd kill twice, then the Merc etc
It seemed like MY drops were always much better. I did this for close to an hour to make sure = I guess it was a coincidence ?
I'm at my "undead friend" off the Lost City waypoint = he always drops good stuff(...Normal difficulty)
With this new info, I can get more runs in because I don't have to try and lure my Merc away.

And you were correct on the stats/weapon dilemma ... my Merc was short 3 DEX points
Boy, I felt like a moron :o

Thanks for your help.
I'm sure more dumb questions will follow :)
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Post by FireLighter »

Your welcome. :D
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Post by C Elegans »

joe05 wrote:FireLighter - sometimes I'd wish the moderators would delete my threads :o
If I ask any more dumb questions, I might get banned.
Haha, don't worry, this forum is for asking questions and discussing about the game :)
And you were correct on the stats/weapon dilemma ... my Merc was short 3 DEX points
Your merc's stats will improve for every level he gains. I don't remember exactly how much, but DEX increase with about 1/level and STR a little more. So if you find good equipment for your merc, just save it.
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Post by FireLighter »

I think it regulates between +4 str +1 dex and +3 str +2 dex per level, although Im not sure. That is for act mercs tho, it is different for the rest. There is some information on hirelings [url=""]here[/url].
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Post by Casserole »

By the way, I believe that act 2 mercs can use polearm class weapons, spear class weapons and javelin class weapons. This is assuming the merc has the reqs met as stated above.
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Post by FireLighter »

Yes, that is all explained in my link. :D
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