What Do You Want in KotOR III?
- Hill-Shatar
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- Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:41 am
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Although I do not want easily accessible force powers, I do like the idea. That, or giving certain force abvilities at the end of arduous quests... if it takes you two hours to complete, then you should get a new force ability, and that was pretty much what they did with lightsaber/sabre styles in the first one.
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i could see it, say if you do start out in an academy or go through one at some point, you start doing random little quests for masters, some give you pieces of a lightsaber (or just a whole one, building my own really annoys me for soem reason) others teacha di way to wield the force, and yet others teach you stances or evn feats.... and ti could come as a reward for any side quest, a famour hunter needs you to do something for him, in return he teahces you weopon specialization blaster rifel or soemthing.... o the possibilites
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
This might be steering a little away from the main point of the conversation but i didn't use lightsaber styles at all. i wouldn't mind it if they removed that and made the game less complicated even though it isn't that complicated to begin with since everythings integrated already but still its dead wait really
This weekend I decided to play the KOTORs again. I did lightside male just because that is generally how I view myself as a Jedi. That is beside the point. KOTOR 2 was better than KOTOR 1 beside the plot holes. 1 was good for the story reasons but only for the story reasons That isn't true I lied; also the running is better in 1. 2 was better in the plot ties. Everything said by every person in every screne was significant. You might be annoyed that Kreia was the one the game was actually about but knowing this and basically not listening to her make it all worth while. As for KOTOR 3 I think that it should be based on a new character personnia. I think that there is a chance that it will be based on the Exile though. I would like a game for a KOTOR 4 or 5 that is something like what we are saying. I think that the true sith threat needs to be dealth with. For all I care it can be done in a movie at the beginning of the third game. I mean just do a movie sequence at the beginning. Then base this game say 50 years after. When a now Master Revan is head of the Jedi Academy on Currasant. Reason Revan is LS now is because he saw the horrors of the DS when he saw the Exile die by True Sith hands. Now the new padawans, your new character included, are being trained to carry on the traditions of the Jedi. You train by the current Masters training you with feats, powers, etc. Given your lightsaber when you are assigned to a Master of your own who leads you on 1 or 2 missions until he is killed and you are forced to carry on his work to track down and fight the Sith. I agree that there should be more customized items like armour. I think that you should also be able to do more down grading like make an echani armour that is 13 defense 0 bonus and make it no longer restrict force powers.
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.
Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?
Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?
Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
- Darth_Juro
- Posts: 97
- Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:31 am
- Location: Korriban
Now I've read thousands of KOTOR III forums and read many posts....everyone has a good idea...but it's all the same idea: Bring back original characters, same story line, same everything.
All are good ideas but I was thinks something different.
Different main characters...instead of the same number of them you get to choose who you want on your team...say you want all Jedi..then you get all Jedi...and you have more than three in you party when you leave the ship.
Different story line...yes yes I know we all want to see Revan and other characters from the last two games...but do you really want to follow in the same path as them? Me I'd rather forge my own path instead of making an entire game to figure out what happend with Revan and the Exile.
Same battle system, Force powers should be the same with some new ones added.
More lightsaber colors,crystals,parts etc...
Instead of going through the entire game following one side i.e: kotor I you follow the lightside and only get one option to be a sith: kotor II you get to choose prestige class but you still follow the same generic story line. Why not make it at the begining of the game you can choose if you want to be Light/Dark/Neutral, Sith/Republic or what have you.
Influence: That is a wonderful idea....make your team members like you...but the problem with the influence was no matter what you said or did in the game the characters still had the same thing to say about their ideas....I mean seriously I trained Dark Jedi in kotor II but they still had love for the Republic and the Lightside....why not make that different...if your evil then your companions are evil too.
Worlds: Have all the same worlds with some new one's added...there were worlds that kotor had and II didn't...bring back the wookie planet,the desert planet, etc... and add some new ones. Make the worlds expansive not just one city. Make like 4 or 5 cities per planet or something that will expand the gameplay and create more plots.
Lightside: Your a Jedi with the Republic and your mission is to stop the rise of the Sith and to prevent the invasion of the True Sith beyond the outer rim...train other Jedi for the Republic.You do Republic based missions.
Darkside: Your a Sith and you rebuild the Sith academy on Korriban...you mission is to rebuild the glory of the Sith...Train Dark Jedi, take over planets in the name of your Empire, train the Force Sensitive of said planets into your army.
Neutral: You do whatever you want...Kill the Republic/Sith. Fight for one then switch to the other. Fight both of them to create your own Empire. things along that line of thought
Jedi: When you achive the rank of Sith Lord or Jedi Master you can take on an Apprentice...train them the way you want. If your a Sith your apprentice can try to over throw you like a Sith would. The Jedi you train can fall to the Dark Side or go to the Light Side.
NPC: Each NPC says something different each time you talk to them(though after a few times they will repeat the same thing as you can't have a npc that can go on forever). More NPC quests on each planet i.e: the Trader Battle on Nar Shadda in kotor II. Make the game expansive.
Space Battles: They happen more often than every other planet...And depending on which side you are be it Sith or Republic when you get into a space battle they come help you. Make the space battles bigger than 6 Fighters....add some Battleships and Flagships that you have to board and destroy from the inside or something like that.
Spaceship: Get rid of the Ebon Hawk...make it something bigger. Make a ship you can use as a Trade ship or a Battleship or something.
Have the freedom to do what ever you wanted in the game i.e: Killing NPC...you can do that to anyone you wish..If your Dark Side and you don't like the way one of your companions are acting towards you then you can kill them if you want. If your Light Side you can arrest them or what have you.
One thing I have to clear up about the Force Sensitive thing. In kotor II when your Dark Side for Onderon you get an option about them giving you their Force Sensitives so you can train more Jedi, but you never see those Force Sensitives...you should be able to use or have the rewards you earn for overthrowing a planet.
If you have questions or remarks or you just want to talk about kotor in general my msgr is ow_jkmoney@yahoo.com add me.
All are good ideas but I was thinks something different.
Different main characters...instead of the same number of them you get to choose who you want on your team...say you want all Jedi..then you get all Jedi...and you have more than three in you party when you leave the ship.
Different story line...yes yes I know we all want to see Revan and other characters from the last two games...but do you really want to follow in the same path as them? Me I'd rather forge my own path instead of making an entire game to figure out what happend with Revan and the Exile.
Same battle system, Force powers should be the same with some new ones added.
More lightsaber colors,crystals,parts etc...
Instead of going through the entire game following one side i.e: kotor I you follow the lightside and only get one option to be a sith: kotor II you get to choose prestige class but you still follow the same generic story line. Why not make it at the begining of the game you can choose if you want to be Light/Dark/Neutral, Sith/Republic or what have you.
Influence: That is a wonderful idea....make your team members like you...but the problem with the influence was no matter what you said or did in the game the characters still had the same thing to say about their ideas....I mean seriously I trained Dark Jedi in kotor II but they still had love for the Republic and the Lightside....why not make that different...if your evil then your companions are evil too.
Worlds: Have all the same worlds with some new one's added...there were worlds that kotor had and II didn't...bring back the wookie planet,the desert planet, etc... and add some new ones. Make the worlds expansive not just one city. Make like 4 or 5 cities per planet or something that will expand the gameplay and create more plots.
Lightside: Your a Jedi with the Republic and your mission is to stop the rise of the Sith and to prevent the invasion of the True Sith beyond the outer rim...train other Jedi for the Republic.You do Republic based missions.
Darkside: Your a Sith and you rebuild the Sith academy on Korriban...you mission is to rebuild the glory of the Sith...Train Dark Jedi, take over planets in the name of your Empire, train the Force Sensitive of said planets into your army.
Neutral: You do whatever you want...Kill the Republic/Sith. Fight for one then switch to the other. Fight both of them to create your own Empire. things along that line of thought
Jedi: When you achive the rank of Sith Lord or Jedi Master you can take on an Apprentice...train them the way you want. If your a Sith your apprentice can try to over throw you like a Sith would. The Jedi you train can fall to the Dark Side or go to the Light Side.
NPC: Each NPC says something different each time you talk to them(though after a few times they will repeat the same thing as you can't have a npc that can go on forever). More NPC quests on each planet i.e: the Trader Battle on Nar Shadda in kotor II. Make the game expansive.
Space Battles: They happen more often than every other planet...And depending on which side you are be it Sith or Republic when you get into a space battle they come help you. Make the space battles bigger than 6 Fighters....add some Battleships and Flagships that you have to board and destroy from the inside or something like that.
Spaceship: Get rid of the Ebon Hawk...make it something bigger. Make a ship you can use as a Trade ship or a Battleship or something.
Have the freedom to do what ever you wanted in the game i.e: Killing NPC...you can do that to anyone you wish..If your Dark Side and you don't like the way one of your companions are acting towards you then you can kill them if you want. If your Light Side you can arrest them or what have you.
One thing I have to clear up about the Force Sensitive thing. In kotor II when your Dark Side for Onderon you get an option about them giving you their Force Sensitives so you can train more Jedi, but you never see those Force Sensitives...you should be able to use or have the rewards you earn for overthrowing a planet.
If you have questions or remarks or you just want to talk about kotor in general my msgr is ow_jkmoney@yahoo.com add me.
Fear is the emptiness inside your heart. Never underestimate the capablities of someone's actions towards you.
I kinda like it!
Ok I like some of the things that were said but not all of them. I agree that I would want to forge my own path instead of just following Revan and Exile. I say that either way it happens their final paths should be decided and they should be little more then foot notes in history. I think that it could be based a couple hunderd years after the entire Revan/Exile time so you could avoid the true sith thing. I think that either way the TS need to come into the galaxy but because of LS/DS Revan and Exile they never dominated the Republic. That the TS are poised to start making advances because they have been doing small attacks and winning. Make it something like the Mandalorean war without having any of the 'all ready know it is going to happen' consequences.
Did no one talk to Jolee in KOTOR I? Does no one remember what he has to say? If Sith rise to power over Jedi and the Republic it is only as good as the sith. That no matters what happens the sith will crumple and retreat into their empire and because of sith teachings kill eachother off. That would be how a super strong and dominate sith force came to the republic and crushed it because all its champions were gone then that power deminished.
I think that specifying your alignment at the beginning of the game would undermine the game's idea. The idea is to see how you would go dark or whatever. You path in the game is the important part. I do agree that there are not enough DS/LS rammifications like in KOTOR I but if you think about it those parts were infrequently but significant.
Make it so that you are at the currasant academy and doing the Masters' quests in order to gain experience and do right by your over bearing Master and take the Jedi trials. These missions are not restriced, at first, to just currasant. Also introduce a time element so that you can fail and have to do another. Eventually you prove yourself worthy to the Masters and take the trials. You Master gets angry at the Masters of the coucil who decided you were ready and goes off leaving the Order in a huff! Then they give you a mission offworld to go looking for him and bring him back to face his consequences. Then you leave, having say 3 planets that he could be and not knowing which one he went to - randomization of where he went so you can't copy it. These planets would have side quests that may or may not be important, you don't know. Eventually, you find him on a planet and try to convince him to A) stay a Jedi, B) turn him into a Sith C) leave the order and become an Exile. This would be the first major test of the Sith/Jedi path. Similar to the Juhani part of KOTOR I. Upon you returning to currasant, to deliver your report, with or without your Master, they give you some more missions involving disturbing Sith activity around Korriban and towards the outter rim.
You head out with a choice of another 4 or so planets to investigate. They are tied together and you will have to explore them all but it is not a trade like mission from planet to planet. (ie. NOT: take item from planet a to planet b then take that upgraded item to planet c and d before returning to planet a to install it) But each planet is needed to get more information on the sith. You will probaby have to meet with heads of government on the planet. Sometimes there maybe civil unrest, such as onderon, but you still have to figure it out. At other times you may have a clear path to meet with them but then you will have to wonder about the integrity of their claims. Also a planet could have an Exchance like government that you might want to overthrow but are not allowed to because it could destablize the planet and probably the region. Make it so that you can do things like destablize assuming that you don't have malice intent. Like you help get a real government installed not get you a nice, free, fast ship but to get a legitimate government in.
Eventually after these little reconnasance missions they decide that they need to combat this new Sith threat. That means that they are, if they can, going to convince the fragile republic to jepardize what they have rebuilt in order to declare war on a sith threat of unknown strength. During this you will be in the Jedi contingent and will be in Senate when the Jedi propose this. You will be given the chance to stand up, disreguarding the Masters' wishes, to talk to the Republic. If you do it could make things better or worse depending on how much Carisma and what level of Persuation you have. There is no telling how the Masters alone will be and what they will think of you if you stand up. You can choose not to stand up. Again this part will be random in the way the republic will act, how much of an impact the Jedi rep will be and how much respect and persuation you have.
At this point the Jedi, with or without the rest of the republic will declare war on the Sith Empire! Then you will be given, if you have enough Experience saved up by this point, a presteige class and a padawan. I'll get back to the padawan later. Also you will find many soldiers, Jedi, assasins, etc. that are ready and willing to join your crusade to fight the Sith. You will get to choose a small team, you can choose, because you may not be albe, to go alone for a bit. May have to go alone. The Jedi will buy or 'buy' a 'new' ship for you and your team to travel in. At this point they will reveal a list of another 5 or more planets to you. Now on one of these planets will be a device to unlock your navigational computer. Once you do this you will be able to travel to any planet, consiting of Currasant, the starting 3, the next 4(+) and the current 5(+). Again it is random of which planet it will be on so to not make it easy. The good part of this is once it is found and installed you will be able to do more multi-planet missions. You can establish trade routes and make enemies. You will not be able to buy ships or estate. This means you are mainly devoted to the mission. You can make friends or save a cities' collective life so that they will give you money, as gratitude, to be able to hire more men, get more equipment, etc. If you are DS then you will make natural enemies but you will also be able to force people to give you extortion.
You padawan, you eventually get it, will be starting DS/LS able. Meaning that it will come slightly pre-disposed to either DS or LS. Also they will be a m/f. All qualities such as this and its skills, etc. will be random so not to be repeated. If the padawan has a low constitution and carisma then it will affect how easily you can convince them of certain things. It is your job to mold the yound Jedi(or Sith) to be. They will have certain ideas alreay and it will be your perogative which to stroke and which to kill. Such that if they are LS male with low carisma and constitution and you are a DS female with high carisma and dominate mind then you can change him easily. Such that you can a) seduce him, b) mind to mind convince him, c) say that as DS he will be able to not get hurt as much, d) the republic sucks and that they should be doing all they can to ensure that the Sith win, etc. Little conversations will happen from time to time when the padawan is in your party. If you hate your padawan and want them to leave you alone once and for all you might want to convice them to join the opposite team. At a point they will take the trials, when you think they are ready. Depending on your alignment and theirs other plot twists will occur. You padawan will only go for the trials after a long while with you and once you have faught many battles.
You will also be given the opertunity to both descretely and loudly destablize currpt and good governments. To do exactly as the coucil says or be a good rebel and do what you want. Ultimately when the majority of your game is complete, leading up to the final sequences, you padawan will go to the trials . If they pass and they agree with you they will ask to continue in your campaign. Chances are that you have extensively trained them so you will probably want to keep them in your team. If they are DS at the time the trials comes then they will in stead run off in a snub fighter and escape currasant, impressive I know, to join the Sith. If they are LS and you are DS then your padawan will tell on you to the Masters of the council and you could get in trouble. If it comes to the point where they consider exiling you after this matter is over with, you can escape in your ship and try to join the Sith. If you do attempt to run off you will have to battle the Sith hierarchy to get any kind of respect in their eyes. You may have gotten some starting respect for being able to kill the Sith you already have. If your padawan is DS then he will listen to you when you tell him to take the trials or listen to you if you decide to run.
I am not quite sure how this story will end. I hope that you like how this ends. Also if you have any ideas or like the ones I have put forwards so far let me know. My email is SF_Tovec@hotmail.com
Ok I like some of the things that were said but not all of them. I agree that I would want to forge my own path instead of just following Revan and Exile. I say that either way it happens their final paths should be decided and they should be little more then foot notes in history. I think that it could be based a couple hunderd years after the entire Revan/Exile time so you could avoid the true sith thing. I think that either way the TS need to come into the galaxy but because of LS/DS Revan and Exile they never dominated the Republic. That the TS are poised to start making advances because they have been doing small attacks and winning. Make it something like the Mandalorean war without having any of the 'all ready know it is going to happen' consequences.
Did no one talk to Jolee in KOTOR I? Does no one remember what he has to say? If Sith rise to power over Jedi and the Republic it is only as good as the sith. That no matters what happens the sith will crumple and retreat into their empire and because of sith teachings kill eachother off. That would be how a super strong and dominate sith force came to the republic and crushed it because all its champions were gone then that power deminished.
I think that specifying your alignment at the beginning of the game would undermine the game's idea. The idea is to see how you would go dark or whatever. You path in the game is the important part. I do agree that there are not enough DS/LS rammifications like in KOTOR I but if you think about it those parts were infrequently but significant.
Make it so that you are at the currasant academy and doing the Masters' quests in order to gain experience and do right by your over bearing Master and take the Jedi trials. These missions are not restriced, at first, to just currasant. Also introduce a time element so that you can fail and have to do another. Eventually you prove yourself worthy to the Masters and take the trials. You Master gets angry at the Masters of the coucil who decided you were ready and goes off leaving the Order in a huff! Then they give you a mission offworld to go looking for him and bring him back to face his consequences. Then you leave, having say 3 planets that he could be and not knowing which one he went to - randomization of where he went so you can't copy it. These planets would have side quests that may or may not be important, you don't know. Eventually, you find him on a planet and try to convince him to A) stay a Jedi, B) turn him into a Sith C) leave the order and become an Exile. This would be the first major test of the Sith/Jedi path. Similar to the Juhani part of KOTOR I. Upon you returning to currasant, to deliver your report, with or without your Master, they give you some more missions involving disturbing Sith activity around Korriban and towards the outter rim.
You head out with a choice of another 4 or so planets to investigate. They are tied together and you will have to explore them all but it is not a trade like mission from planet to planet. (ie. NOT: take item from planet a to planet b then take that upgraded item to planet c and d before returning to planet a to install it) But each planet is needed to get more information on the sith. You will probaby have to meet with heads of government on the planet. Sometimes there maybe civil unrest, such as onderon, but you still have to figure it out. At other times you may have a clear path to meet with them but then you will have to wonder about the integrity of their claims. Also a planet could have an Exchance like government that you might want to overthrow but are not allowed to because it could destablize the planet and probably the region. Make it so that you can do things like destablize assuming that you don't have malice intent. Like you help get a real government installed not get you a nice, free, fast ship but to get a legitimate government in.
Eventually after these little reconnasance missions they decide that they need to combat this new Sith threat. That means that they are, if they can, going to convince the fragile republic to jepardize what they have rebuilt in order to declare war on a sith threat of unknown strength. During this you will be in the Jedi contingent and will be in Senate when the Jedi propose this. You will be given the chance to stand up, disreguarding the Masters' wishes, to talk to the Republic. If you do it could make things better or worse depending on how much Carisma and what level of Persuation you have. There is no telling how the Masters alone will be and what they will think of you if you stand up. You can choose not to stand up. Again this part will be random in the way the republic will act, how much of an impact the Jedi rep will be and how much respect and persuation you have.
At this point the Jedi, with or without the rest of the republic will declare war on the Sith Empire! Then you will be given, if you have enough Experience saved up by this point, a presteige class and a padawan. I'll get back to the padawan later. Also you will find many soldiers, Jedi, assasins, etc. that are ready and willing to join your crusade to fight the Sith. You will get to choose a small team, you can choose, because you may not be albe, to go alone for a bit. May have to go alone. The Jedi will buy or 'buy' a 'new' ship for you and your team to travel in. At this point they will reveal a list of another 5 or more planets to you. Now on one of these planets will be a device to unlock your navigational computer. Once you do this you will be able to travel to any planet, consiting of Currasant, the starting 3, the next 4(+) and the current 5(+). Again it is random of which planet it will be on so to not make it easy. The good part of this is once it is found and installed you will be able to do more multi-planet missions. You can establish trade routes and make enemies. You will not be able to buy ships or estate. This means you are mainly devoted to the mission. You can make friends or save a cities' collective life so that they will give you money, as gratitude, to be able to hire more men, get more equipment, etc. If you are DS then you will make natural enemies but you will also be able to force people to give you extortion.
You padawan, you eventually get it, will be starting DS/LS able. Meaning that it will come slightly pre-disposed to either DS or LS. Also they will be a m/f. All qualities such as this and its skills, etc. will be random so not to be repeated. If the padawan has a low constitution and carisma then it will affect how easily you can convince them of certain things. It is your job to mold the yound Jedi(or Sith) to be. They will have certain ideas alreay and it will be your perogative which to stroke and which to kill. Such that if they are LS male with low carisma and constitution and you are a DS female with high carisma and dominate mind then you can change him easily. Such that you can a) seduce him, b) mind to mind convince him, c) say that as DS he will be able to not get hurt as much, d) the republic sucks and that they should be doing all they can to ensure that the Sith win, etc. Little conversations will happen from time to time when the padawan is in your party. If you hate your padawan and want them to leave you alone once and for all you might want to convice them to join the opposite team. At a point they will take the trials, when you think they are ready. Depending on your alignment and theirs other plot twists will occur. You padawan will only go for the trials after a long while with you and once you have faught many battles.
You will also be given the opertunity to both descretely and loudly destablize currpt and good governments. To do exactly as the coucil says or be a good rebel and do what you want. Ultimately when the majority of your game is complete, leading up to the final sequences, you padawan will go to the trials . If they pass and they agree with you they will ask to continue in your campaign. Chances are that you have extensively trained them so you will probably want to keep them in your team. If they are DS at the time the trials comes then they will in stead run off in a snub fighter and escape currasant, impressive I know, to join the Sith. If they are LS and you are DS then your padawan will tell on you to the Masters of the council and you could get in trouble. If it comes to the point where they consider exiling you after this matter is over with, you can escape in your ship and try to join the Sith. If you do attempt to run off you will have to battle the Sith hierarchy to get any kind of respect in their eyes. You may have gotten some starting respect for being able to kill the Sith you already have. If your padawan is DS then he will listen to you when you tell him to take the trials or listen to you if you decide to run.
I am not quite sure how this story will end. I hope that you like how this ends. Also if you have any ideas or like the ones I have put forwards so far let me know. My email is SF_Tovec@hotmail.com
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.
Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?
Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?
Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
Things I would like to see:
First I would like to see the series break away from the Revan and exile stories and jump to a whole different era in Star Wars history. I think it would be really cool to go back even farther in history and be around when the Sith were just forming.
I would like to see you actually go through the normal steps for Jedi training. The tutorial should be you doing things as a Jedi youngling learning from the masters, learning to unlock doors and fix machines and stuff.
Then there should be like a 10 yr jump to being a padawan and on a mission with your master. Then the on that mission the main storyline should begin.
Also I would like to see the ability to put on outer cloaks and to put your hood up and down, this is such a dynamic in the movies that the game completely ignores.
I would certainly like to see the ability for mechanical upgrades (examples: Luke's hand, Vader, Grevious). It could be initiated when you loose a hand in battle, simular to Kreia in Kotor II, then after that you should go to get a replacement mechanical hand. Once you do that you should have the option to return to the shop you perchased the hand and do more upgrades if you have the credits and desire to do so. Maybe make your full arms mechanical for a strength upgrade, or legs for a speed upgrade, or just ones to make your character look cooler.
First I would like to see the series break away from the Revan and exile stories and jump to a whole different era in Star Wars history. I think it would be really cool to go back even farther in history and be around when the Sith were just forming.
I would like to see you actually go through the normal steps for Jedi training. The tutorial should be you doing things as a Jedi youngling learning from the masters, learning to unlock doors and fix machines and stuff.
Then there should be like a 10 yr jump to being a padawan and on a mission with your master. Then the on that mission the main storyline should begin.
Also I would like to see the ability to put on outer cloaks and to put your hood up and down, this is such a dynamic in the movies that the game completely ignores.
I would certainly like to see the ability for mechanical upgrades (examples: Luke's hand, Vader, Grevious). It could be initiated when you loose a hand in battle, simular to Kreia in Kotor II, then after that you should go to get a replacement mechanical hand. Once you do that you should have the option to return to the shop you perchased the hand and do more upgrades if you have the credits and desire to do so. Maybe make your full arms mechanical for a strength upgrade, or legs for a speed upgrade, or just ones to make your character look cooler.
A complete rework of the 'forms' system.
If they were taken as extra 'feats' (i.e. at certain levels, you could add a form, or improve an existing one). Sort of like how you only get an attribute increase every few levels.
You would start with Level 1 in 'Shii-Sho' (Form I) and then could level that up, or choose a new form to level. This would affect gameplay and visuals - the attacks would change. You would have to take the form 'Jar'Kai' to use 2 lightsabers - after mastering Niman (Form VI). This would possibly extend to double-bladed sabers.
This would make the player 'pay' for using 2 sabers by forcing them to take 1 form and not use any of the others.
EDIT - link for form information at [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightsaber_combat"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightsaber_combat[/url] This tells you about many different saber forms.
If they were taken as extra 'feats' (i.e. at certain levels, you could add a form, or improve an existing one). Sort of like how you only get an attribute increase every few levels.
You would start with Level 1 in 'Shii-Sho' (Form I) and then could level that up, or choose a new form to level. This would affect gameplay and visuals - the attacks would change. You would have to take the form 'Jar'Kai' to use 2 lightsabers - after mastering Niman (Form VI). This would possibly extend to double-bladed sabers.
This would make the player 'pay' for using 2 sabers by forcing them to take 1 form and not use any of the others.
EDIT - link for form information at [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightsaber_combat"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightsaber_combat[/url] This tells you about many different saber forms.
- Alien_Newborn
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One thing I REALLY want in KOTOR 3 would have to be SOME NEW FRIGGING COMBAT ANIMATIONS. As cool as some of the dual wielding moves are, they get old after the first three or four fights. I think they should have alot more than the 10 or 11 that they have now, and that your char does cooler looking ones as he/she gains levels (eg. char starts out with the oldskool 11 moves, but by the time they're level 50, they would have maybe 50 or 60 different animations for combat, and the newer they are, the more awesome they are). It would make combat a bit less of a chore.
Also, I think that there should be a whole lot more force powers, like force destruction, force deadly sight, force pull, force disarm, force INCINERATE (
), force chain lightning, and (as I suggested earlier) force I'm-squishing-your-head
I think a plot similar to KOTOR 2 (but with less holes in it
) would be pretty awesome, because it reminded me alot of Dune (which had a very sick plot, including cool mechanical upgrades such as METALIC EYES!!!!!!)
Finally, I would appreciate it if the new producers could add a bit of lightsaber dismemberment so that I could be convinced that it's actually a lightsaber and not just a shiny, glowing, buzzing sword![Roll Eyes :rolleyes:](./images/smilies/)
Also, I think that there should be a whole lot more force powers, like force destruction, force deadly sight, force pull, force disarm, force INCINERATE (
I think a plot similar to KOTOR 2 (but with less holes in it
Finally, I would appreciate it if the new producers could add a bit of lightsaber dismemberment so that I could be convinced that it's actually a lightsaber and not just a shiny, glowing, buzzing sword
Get up, stand up. Come on, throw your hands up.
If you've got the feeling, Jump across the ceiling.
If you've got the feeling, Jump across the ceiling.
My take is that no matter how many people want to get away from the built up storyline, eventually, Lucasarts has to finish this arc because people want to know what happens next. I want to know what happens next. Heck, I'm sure most people don't even mind not playing characters from the past, they just want closure on the plot. They can save any new plot ideas for a later game, I mean, the industry's known to monopolize on franchises (Final Fantasy, Rainbow Six/Anything Tom Clancy, Might and Magic), so it's not like there can't be a KotOR 4 or 5, as long as the game quality's still good.
That said, I'd like to see the return of Revan and Bastila (because of plot), but under one condition. If playable, they can only join with you in the late stages when you're almost at their level.
Not to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't played the sequal, but it's possible Revan could be a final boss because of certain plots (He goes off to find the True Sith for unknown reasons). If the player specifies that Revan was evil (a la KotOR 2) he could be the ultimate, multi-faceted villian that everyone wants to see. That way you wouldn't have to worry about having an overpowered NPC or continuity issues. Following that up, Bastila could be his apprentice and would be another person to fight. The Exile (if evil) could be another one of his followers. Then, of course, you're given the option to join Revan at the very end, if you're darkside (or kill him and take his throne).
The Exile (if good) could be an extremely late party addition only a few levels above yours when you reach him and he might want to try and redeem/eliminate Revan. Or maybe you can convert him to evil if you're darkside but he's lightside.
If Revan were good, then he'd follow the same formula as 'the lightside' Exile in that he'll only be available to your party once the power differential isn't huge. Same with Bastila. How's this for a change: NPC's that love eachother instead of the PC? Revan and Bastila could be like Minsc and Dynaheir from Baldur's Gate (Yes I know that Minsc was her bodyguard, but it's the concept). If Bastila dies, he could suffer by getting tempted by the darkside and before long he may become darkside. Since he's not the big baddie if he's lightside and he joins you late, there's no power continuity/balance issues and he can act sort of like an HQ; i.e, he could say 'I didn't want you to come, but since you're here, this is where I'm at, this is where I'd like to go, if you don't like it, get out of my way and I'll do it myself'.
Another possibility along the same lines as the stuff above is that after conducting Jedi business separate from the 'True Sith' plotline for awhile and only after your character has proven his worth on 2-3 planets or so, Bastila (or Master Vandar or whomever if she's darkside) approaches you and provides the second half of the game: finding the Exile/Revan/True Sith. Only after the first few planets can you go after him because you're skill in the force has come to her/the council's attention. Then you can finally wrap up all this business with Bastila, Revan, The Exile, and the True Sith. It'd be like Fallout and Fallout 2, which each had two portions - one where you get powerful and find an item, one where you hunt down the big baddy.
My two cents on plot. Every other aesthetical addition has been mentioned already.
That said, I'd like to see the return of Revan and Bastila (because of plot), but under one condition. If playable, they can only join with you in the late stages when you're almost at their level.
Not to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't played the sequal, but it's possible Revan could be a final boss because of certain plots (He goes off to find the True Sith for unknown reasons). If the player specifies that Revan was evil (a la KotOR 2) he could be the ultimate, multi-faceted villian that everyone wants to see. That way you wouldn't have to worry about having an overpowered NPC or continuity issues. Following that up, Bastila could be his apprentice and would be another person to fight. The Exile (if evil) could be another one of his followers. Then, of course, you're given the option to join Revan at the very end, if you're darkside (or kill him and take his throne).
The Exile (if good) could be an extremely late party addition only a few levels above yours when you reach him and he might want to try and redeem/eliminate Revan. Or maybe you can convert him to evil if you're darkside but he's lightside.
If Revan were good, then he'd follow the same formula as 'the lightside' Exile in that he'll only be available to your party once the power differential isn't huge. Same with Bastila. How's this for a change: NPC's that love eachother instead of the PC? Revan and Bastila could be like Minsc and Dynaheir from Baldur's Gate (Yes I know that Minsc was her bodyguard, but it's the concept). If Bastila dies, he could suffer by getting tempted by the darkside and before long he may become darkside. Since he's not the big baddie if he's lightside and he joins you late, there's no power continuity/balance issues and he can act sort of like an HQ; i.e, he could say 'I didn't want you to come, but since you're here, this is where I'm at, this is where I'd like to go, if you don't like it, get out of my way and I'll do it myself'.
Another possibility along the same lines as the stuff above is that after conducting Jedi business separate from the 'True Sith' plotline for awhile and only after your character has proven his worth on 2-3 planets or so, Bastila (or Master Vandar or whomever if she's darkside) approaches you and provides the second half of the game: finding the Exile/Revan/True Sith. Only after the first few planets can you go after him because you're skill in the force has come to her/the council's attention. Then you can finally wrap up all this business with Bastila, Revan, The Exile, and the True Sith. It'd be like Fallout and Fallout 2, which each had two portions - one where you get powerful and find an item, one where you hunt down the big baddy.
My two cents on plot. Every other aesthetical addition has been mentioned already.
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's if you get back up."
things I want in or want left out of kotor3
To many threads to read them all at once, so I'm sorry if I repeat what others have already said.
1)General game play in both kotor 1 and 2 was fine, leave it alone in 3.
2)If in three your alignment affects that of your companions ,then have it actually affect them. in kotor 2 the chnage only affected thei ralignment in a superficial way. The change should affect the way your compoanions act in the game and the dialoge they use.
3)Maybe this is a bit superficial but I would like to be able to chose the main characters species as well as gender. Playing a twilek or andorian or something other than human would be a nice change of pace.
4)More force powers/feats/skills for character development.
5)A new main character, not revan or the exile (implied in #3 I suppose)
6)More planets/maps/cities to visit.
7)Longer gameplay. ( I like a long enaging story)
8)A long cinematic ending (I really felt cheated at the end of kotor 2
9)Yuuzhan vong (detailed in another one of my threads)
Things i DO NOT want in the game
1)A dark/morbid game/ending. (I'm afraid they are going to follow the trend of the second movie trilogy and make the kotor series about the fall of the old republic. Which would make the third kotor a decidedly dark game and I like happy endings.)
2)No wasted time on the HK-50 story. (Does anyone really care about them anyway?)
3)Do not kill off any of the characters from the previous games. (Although never stated outright it was implied that most of the characters from kotor 1died-I enen found baccas blade on malachor)
As a side note it would be great if the game automatically read you xbox saves for old kotor 1&2 data. It could select any specifics that would be reappearing from those games (such as revans and the exiles alignment/appearence) You could specify which file to be read if you wanted different story lines (evil/good etc.) Well that is it for now I suppose. I hope the third game will be agood one. Since it is the final one in the series it really should stand out as an excellent game. The first one was the best so far of the 2. The second was to dark for my tastes
To many threads to read them all at once, so I'm sorry if I repeat what others have already said.
1)General game play in both kotor 1 and 2 was fine, leave it alone in 3.
2)If in three your alignment affects that of your companions ,then have it actually affect them. in kotor 2 the chnage only affected thei ralignment in a superficial way. The change should affect the way your compoanions act in the game and the dialoge they use.
3)Maybe this is a bit superficial but I would like to be able to chose the main characters species as well as gender. Playing a twilek or andorian or something other than human would be a nice change of pace.
4)More force powers/feats/skills for character development.
5)A new main character, not revan or the exile (implied in #3 I suppose)
6)More planets/maps/cities to visit.
7)Longer gameplay. ( I like a long enaging story)
8)A long cinematic ending (I really felt cheated at the end of kotor 2
9)Yuuzhan vong (detailed in another one of my threads)
Things i DO NOT want in the game
1)A dark/morbid game/ending. (I'm afraid they are going to follow the trend of the second movie trilogy and make the kotor series about the fall of the old republic. Which would make the third kotor a decidedly dark game and I like happy endings.)
2)No wasted time on the HK-50 story. (Does anyone really care about them anyway?)
3)Do not kill off any of the characters from the previous games. (Although never stated outright it was implied that most of the characters from kotor 1died-I enen found baccas blade on malachor)
As a side note it would be great if the game automatically read you xbox saves for old kotor 1&2 data. It could select any specifics that would be reappearing from those games (such as revans and the exiles alignment/appearence) You could specify which file to be read if you wanted different story lines (evil/good etc.) Well that is it for now I suppose. I hope the third game will be agood one. Since it is the final one in the series it really should stand out as an excellent game. The first one was the best so far of the 2. The second was to dark for my tastes
- Suicide Girl
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I completely and utterly agree with kell on the subject of hapy endings and dark-moody games. I don't want the Republic or the Jedi to fail and crumble and wither and die at the end of KotOR III (well, unless you're playing as a darksider, which is an entirely different story...) I also feel extremely disappointed if even a minor detail in a game makes me get as little as an inkling that one of the characters I loved and respected in the previous sequel has died. You should have seen me when I found the hologram on the Harbinger in KotOR II - first I was, 'Ohh, yipee!! Look, there's Carth! Aww!', and then it clicked; 'Oh. Everyone's dead on the Harbinger. Oh dear. Carth is dead. Carth is dead? NOO!!! IT CAN'T BE!!' And so on... In any case, what I'm trying to say is that I really don't want the plot to leave me feeling bad about the way things turned out no matter how hard I'd tried to make things better.
The Z's idea on implementing the main characters of the previous sequels into the third game is really great, and goodness knows we'd all like to see what happens to Revan and the Exile in the end (and, all right, Bastila as well... gosh.
) The only thing that keeps worrying me is, how can the story possibly get wrapped up properly in the third game, with all the variables the previous two had? Could the creators possibly feel like creating a story (or several stories) which will succesfully cover all the odds and ends? There's the obvious problem of Revan and the Exile's gender and alliance, then there's the issue regarding the ending of KotOR - who lives, who dies? Obviously a fair few players chose to get rid of Bastila there. I expect it's the same tricky business in KotOR II, and so on and so forth.
I know I'm not being very constructive, just raining on everybody's parade, but I can only voice my agreement with most Revan-and-Exile-story-ending-in-KotOR-III-plan, and be sceptical about it turning out that way. Don't get me wrong; I assure you I'd be first in line to see Revan's story get a happy ending (same goes for the Exile's), but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It would be a tragic example of wishful thinking if I actually expected to see female Revan's story unroll into a Friday-movie-like happy ending featuring the Ebon Hawk flying off into the sunset above an idyllic little planet, it's crew (Revan's lightside party and the Exile's lightside party) happilly contemplating the next glorious cause they'll stalwartly rush off into a death-daring adventure for, to the inspirational sounds John Williams's theme, and a paragraph of text rolling up the screen, saying something like "And then they all went there to do that and had happy little lives and stayed friends forever and no-one ever did anything mean and nothing bad happened to them ever again and they all lived happilly ever after."
Ah. Nothing like an old-fashioned happy ending to leave one feeling happy and warm inside.
Yeah. Well. I hope you understand what I was trying to say. I sort of gave in to unnecessary digression. *wistful sigh*
The Z's idea on implementing the main characters of the previous sequels into the third game is really great, and goodness knows we'd all like to see what happens to Revan and the Exile in the end (and, all right, Bastila as well... gosh.
I know I'm not being very constructive, just raining on everybody's parade, but I can only voice my agreement with most Revan-and-Exile-story-ending-in-KotOR-III-plan, and be sceptical about it turning out that way. Don't get me wrong; I assure you I'd be first in line to see Revan's story get a happy ending (same goes for the Exile's), but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It would be a tragic example of wishful thinking if I actually expected to see female Revan's story unroll into a Friday-movie-like happy ending featuring the Ebon Hawk flying off into the sunset above an idyllic little planet, it's crew (Revan's lightside party and the Exile's lightside party) happilly contemplating the next glorious cause they'll stalwartly rush off into a death-daring adventure for, to the inspirational sounds John Williams's theme, and a paragraph of text rolling up the screen, saying something like "And then they all went there to do that and had happy little lives and stayed friends forever and no-one ever did anything mean and nothing bad happened to them ever again and they all lived happilly ever after."
Yeah. Well. I hope you understand what I was trying to say. I sort of gave in to unnecessary digression. *wistful sigh*
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.
seeing as the next one will be out for 360 and pc, there wont be a fair way to have games reload for generating stories based on ls /ds revan and exile. They need to search off as if revan ro exile were just somewhere in the middle, they did good and bad for the galaxy, your quest is to go and find and help them, asigned by the new jedi council consisting of Handmaiden Disciple, Atton, and 3 or 4 other new people, mira and bao-dur can be jedi masters who decline the role of council members, they join your party on couruscant, baodur a watchman, and mira a master or weps master, they and t3 join your party immediatley, you start out with major minor quests, the hk factory is spitting out assassin droids, and its your job to shut it down before more casualties are obtained, once you reach a critical point in your alignment and the story the council wishes to know where the exile went, so they send you off (if your ls its a mission if your ds they hope that mira and baodurs tutelage bring you back) you pick up a bounty hunter and a few others on the way, then you go to korriban where you find something similar to a star map that leads you to malachor, you also find a small prescence of True Sith who have rediscovered their old graveytard of lords,then youu go to malachor, there you find a decaying temple/academy where a larger TS prescence is found rebuilding, there you can either join them or pretend to join them to find mroe info. you get info on revan and exiles where about, you go to the planet of Stenness where you find revan and the exile engulfed in battle, you fight through to reach them, but they fall struck down by hssiss at the las tmoment, you loot their corpses for powerful artifacts and return to coruscant, to tell council of the invasion of th TS, or return to malachor to prepare for the invasion, the end is you helping or hindering the invasion. at the end hoewever the republic comes on top and all live happily ever after, but if your darkside you survive, and go off into the darkness to train aprentices for a revival.
oh sory for rant, other idea is that you hae an oppositely aligned rival, who at the end you either save or pervert to your side.
oh sory for rant, other idea is that you hae an oppositely aligned rival, who at the end you either save or pervert to your side.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
- Bastila_Shan
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I want in KOTOR III:
All the characters from K1 and K2 to go their own ways then later when the True Sith strike the two teams from the EH are forced too work together. Of course there will be big space battles and possibly planet battles where the good guys verses the bad guys. the heros or villians or what ever are the main plot. Revan and exile are the ones that lead the battle for the TS. Of course some of the characters join in your party. You get movable hoods as such. Lots of force powers.And maybe dark side ending/Lightsaide Ending/and most of all maybe Neutral where you are not either light or dark. Anyway theses are some things I would like to see in KIII if it ever happens.
All the characters from K1 and K2 to go their own ways then later when the True Sith strike the two teams from the EH are forced too work together. Of course there will be big space battles and possibly planet battles where the good guys verses the bad guys. the heros or villians or what ever are the main plot. Revan and exile are the ones that lead the battle for the TS. Of course some of the characters join in your party. You get movable hoods as such. Lots of force powers.And maybe dark side ending/Lightsaide Ending/and most of all maybe Neutral where you are not either light or dark. Anyway theses are some things I would like to see in KIII if it ever happens.
Please join my KotOR foum here.
- Mandalorianx
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i hope we get:
what happend to bastila.
****/republic in the begining whit lightsaber.
new space ship.
and some new type of lightsaber look.
to be a jedi master and sitt in the jedi order.
im sure many of this thing wont be able but im just thinking loud![Smile :)](./images/smilies/)
what happend to bastila.
****/republic in the begining whit lightsaber.
new space ship.
and some new type of lightsaber look.
to be a jedi master and sitt in the jedi order.
im sure many of this thing wont be able but im just thinking loud
Zabuza Momochi: Your words cut deep....Deeper than any blade.
- maverick8088
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It really bothered me theway the lightsaber forms didn't change the combat animations. IMHO, with 7 forms should come 7 sets of animations, to show the different aspects of the styles. Also, if you played JK:Jedi Academy, you saw the three Kata which were a sequence of moves that depended on the style you were using and were very powerful but draining on force power. These could be presented as a feat and balance the power of the move with the force drain on your PC.
But the best would be access to Xbox live for multiplayer combat pitting your best builds against someone else's. Perhaps you could set a level cap and base games off those. Masters only, padawans only, no sabers, etc.
other than that I really liked the overall gameplay in KII and hope the feel is the same for KIII
But the best would be access to Xbox live for multiplayer combat pitting your best builds against someone else's. Perhaps you could set a level cap and base games off those. Masters only, padawans only, no sabers, etc.
other than that I really liked the overall gameplay in KII and hope the feel is the same for KIII
They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har-Maged'on - Revelations 16:14,16
The Wheel Of Time turns and Ages come and go. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
The Wheel Of Time turns and Ages come and go. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
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- Darth_Juro
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[QUOTE=Dinner4JC]Things I would like to see:
First I would like to see the series break away from the Revan and exile stories and jump to a whole different era in Star Wars history. I think it would be really cool to go back even farther in history and be around when the Sith were just forming.
I would like to see you actually go through the normal steps for Jedi training. The tutorial should be you doing things as a Jedi youngling learning from the masters, learning to unlock doors and fix machines and stuff.
Then there should be like a 10 yr jump to being a padawan and on a mission with your master. Then the on that mission the main storyline should begin.
Also I would like to see the ability to put on outer cloaks and to put your hood up and down, this is such a dynamic in the movies that the game completely ignores.
I would certainly like to see the ability for mechanical upgrades (examples: Luke's hand, Vader, Grevious). It could be initiated when you loose a hand in battle, simular to Kreia in Kotor II, then after that you should go to get a replacement mechanical hand. Once you do that you should have the option to return to the shop you perchased the hand and do more upgrades if you have the credits and desire to do so. Maybe make your full arms mechanical for a strength upgrade, or legs for a speed upgrade, or just ones to make your character look cooler.[/QUOTE]
If you do that then with the battle system kotor has you'd end up being all robot. In order for something like that to work you'd have to make the battle system one hit kill....even then it would be hard to face multiple enemies at once.
First I would like to see the series break away from the Revan and exile stories and jump to a whole different era in Star Wars history. I think it would be really cool to go back even farther in history and be around when the Sith were just forming.
I would like to see you actually go through the normal steps for Jedi training. The tutorial should be you doing things as a Jedi youngling learning from the masters, learning to unlock doors and fix machines and stuff.
Then there should be like a 10 yr jump to being a padawan and on a mission with your master. Then the on that mission the main storyline should begin.
Also I would like to see the ability to put on outer cloaks and to put your hood up and down, this is such a dynamic in the movies that the game completely ignores.
I would certainly like to see the ability for mechanical upgrades (examples: Luke's hand, Vader, Grevious). It could be initiated when you loose a hand in battle, simular to Kreia in Kotor II, then after that you should go to get a replacement mechanical hand. Once you do that you should have the option to return to the shop you perchased the hand and do more upgrades if you have the credits and desire to do so. Maybe make your full arms mechanical for a strength upgrade, or legs for a speed upgrade, or just ones to make your character look cooler.[/QUOTE]
If you do that then with the battle system kotor has you'd end up being all robot. In order for something like that to work you'd have to make the battle system one hit kill....even then it would be hard to face multiple enemies at once.
Fear is the emptiness inside your heart. Never underestimate the capablities of someone's actions towards you.
- PrincessZelda
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I just finished playing through KOTOR II for the third time, and I really don't have too many complaints about it.
In KOTOR III, I would like more engaged stories with party members. In Sith Lords, I always brought Atton with me in my party, I made him a Jedi, but after that there was never an option for dialogue except his "do you want to play pazaak?" I was really hoping I'd be able to declare my love for him haha. That's another thing I want, romance in KOTOR III!!
Gameplay is already amazing, and I actually really like the battle mode and fighting styles already established. I would also like more planets and more side quests though.
The ending of KOTOR II was a total disappointment, as others have said. After all that work, all we got was talking to freakin' Kreia!! I was really upset that we didn't get to talk to our party at all after that. So I really hope the third one have a way better ending, and lets you close things up with party members.
In KOTOR III, I would like more engaged stories with party members. In Sith Lords, I always brought Atton with me in my party, I made him a Jedi, but after that there was never an option for dialogue except his "do you want to play pazaak?" I was really hoping I'd be able to declare my love for him haha. That's another thing I want, romance in KOTOR III!!
Gameplay is already amazing, and I actually really like the battle mode and fighting styles already established. I would also like more planets and more side quests though.
The ending of KOTOR II was a total disappointment, as others have said. After all that work, all we got was talking to freakin' Kreia!! I was really upset that we didn't get to talk to our party at all after that. So I really hope the third one have a way better ending, and lets you close things up with party members.
- marten0305
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What i'd like to see in KOTOR 3
This is a list of things i'd like to see in KOTOR 3
-a fighting system similar to the one in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith game
-a variety of characters to choose from for the crew of the Ebon Hawk
-each playable character has a job (medic,engineer,pilot etc...)
-the characters job determines where in the Ebon Hawk they could be found
-variety of races to choose from for character creation
-multiple storylines that change depending the choices the players make
-NPCs interact differently to each character
-interact with Revan and Exile (main characters in KOTOR 1 and 2)
-see some (if not all) of the other crew characters (Bastilla,Carth,Handmaiden etc...) . If not playable then NPC that are now high ranked or important to their people or nation
-i'd really like the Ebon Hawk and the 2 droids (T3 and HK) to return (not the same without them)
-Jedi powers that can be learned from other characters
-alignment specific jedi powers
-customizable light saber apperance
-stances that have advantages (blaster deflection,lightsabredueling etc...
I hope to see these features in KOTOR 3 more importantly i hope KOTOR 3 will be developed.
This is a list of things i'd like to see in KOTOR 3
-a fighting system similar to the one in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith game
-a variety of characters to choose from for the crew of the Ebon Hawk
-each playable character has a job (medic,engineer,pilot etc...)
-the characters job determines where in the Ebon Hawk they could be found
-variety of races to choose from for character creation
-multiple storylines that change depending the choices the players make
-NPCs interact differently to each character
-interact with Revan and Exile (main characters in KOTOR 1 and 2)
-see some (if not all) of the other crew characters (Bastilla,Carth,Handmaiden etc...) . If not playable then NPC that are now high ranked or important to their people or nation
-i'd really like the Ebon Hawk and the 2 droids (T3 and HK) to return (not the same without them)
-Jedi powers that can be learned from other characters
-alignment specific jedi powers
-customizable light saber apperance
-stances that have advantages (blaster deflection,lightsabredueling etc...
I hope to see these features in KOTOR 3 more importantly i hope KOTOR 3 will be developed.
It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you.