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"Hidden" Rune Words???

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"Hidden" Rune Words???

Post by Deadalready »

Ok we've all at one point wondered if there are rune words or hidden Horadric Cube reciepes but for obvious reason it's not feasible to waste runes just trying them out.

Though just yesterday I came across a piece of interesting information, you see I brought the Diablo 2 battlechest and inside is a huge 288 page game guide (if you pick up a Diablo Battle Chest the weight of the box is pretty much just the book itself).

For your own reference the info on the stragetgy guide is.
Title - Diablo 2: Ultimate Strategy Guide
Published - Brady Games
Copyright - 2001
ISBN - 0-7440-1405-6
Part # 7122610

Now in this guide it contains a large amount of obsolete information but it does contain some very interesting bits of info, in particular it appears to list in plain view supposedly hidden formulas and runewords. (If you have the guide, look on pages 228 to 230)

Truth be told these runewords are poor and this manual is for the 1.07c version of Lord of Destruction, but I don't remember blizzard deleting any runewords so I get the feeling that these runes may exist.

Unfortunately I only just reinstalled Diablo 2 so I don't have any runes to test with, but I'm hoping if anyone can confirm whether any of these rune words exist.

I will not be accountable for any lost runes and I have not tried these out for myself so any adventuring is at your own risk. I recommend starting with a low level runeword with cheap runes at first.

If the photo is too blurry to read I'll type out the name and the runes required but not list the effects.

Armageddon - 6 socket Axes/clubs/polearms/hammers - Amn+Jo/cho+Cham+Sol+Amn+Ith
Authority - 3 socket Helms - Zod+Gul+um
The Beast - 5 socket Axes/Clubs/Hammers - Zod+Tir+Um+Mal+Lum
Beauty - 3 socket Helms - El+Ral+Eth
Blood - Spears/Axes/Swords - Jo/Cho+Ber+El+Um
Bone - 2 Socket Spears - Lum+Eld
Bound by Duty - 4 socket Armour - Tir+Amn+El+Ort
Brand - 4 socket Scepters/Swords - El+Hel+Ral+Ith
Broken Promise - 3 socket weapons - Tal+Ohm+Dol
Call to Arms - 4 socket weapons - Thul+Ith+Thul+Mal
Chance - 2 socket weapons - Lo+Ral
Chaos - 4 sockect armour - Sur+Ort+Eld+Shae/Shael
Darkness - 5 melee weapons - Tal+Amn+Gul+Nef+Thul
Death 5 socket melee weapons - Dol+Lem+Nef+Tal+Eth

Thats most of them, if anyone's going to try any I suggest Beauty since it's an inexpensive runeword.
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Post by Deadalready »

Damn I forgot to include a photo
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Post by Dottie »

Some of them exists but have been slightly changed, others does not exist. I can guarantee you that these combinations have been tried many times.

If you are looking for a runeword list, go to [url=""]Battle net[/url]
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Post by moltovir »

Though those runewords are included in the .mpq files of the game, they do not exist in the game world. They were simply not added by Blizzard. Some of them exist, but have slightly different names or rune formulas - eg "The Beast" exists as "Beast" but with a Ber instead of a Zod.
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