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Druid Help :-)

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Druid Help :-)

Post by joe05 »

Guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with my Wind-Druid.
Seems I can't hit the broad side of the barn with the Tornado. It seems to shoot a bit left, since his shield arm does the casting. So, I'm constantly in melee combat. Anything fast gets right thru my Tornado and I'm in trouble.
Heck, I thought the Tornado would cut a wide path :-(

Since I was hoping for more ranged action with the Wind-Druid, I've decided to give WEREWOLF a try.
I looked over the net and Moltovir's site, but I couldn't find a 1.10 LoD Werewolf build.
The skills mentioned in the ones I found were: Lycantrophy, Werewolf, Feral Rage, Fury, Summon Grizzly.
No real mention of how many OR when to put/max each skill.

I'd like to create 3-Tanks: Werewolf, Act 2 Merc and the Grizzly.
Am I nuts :-)

Is there a good 1.10 LoD Werewolf build.
Someone have a link ?

I haven't deleted my Wind-Druid, but I'd like to see if Werewolf-Druid is more to my liking.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by joe05 »

Guys - well I did more surfing and found a few builds.
One used Fire Claw(... at Amazon Basin) = seemed a bit confusing; as it also used Werebear and seemed to me that I would need to be switching/hotkeying like mad :-)

One was pure Werewolf.
Here's the skilll allotment........>
3-Feral Rage

20-Oak Sage
1 to 10-Dire Wolf
1 to 10-Grizzly
1-Carrion Vine

It also reccomended weapons, though most seemed to be "traded" for.
I'm guessing most of the info I found related to "online/party/ladder" ?

So, I'm going to try this build, unless someone has better ideas :-)
I'd like a pure single player PvM build with "normal equipment" I can find, since I won't be going online.

Thanks for your help.
Hope I get this right :-)
May just concentrate on a few characters, as some seem a bit complicated(.. hotkeying).
I have some 20 games I haven't played due to the time D2 LoD has chewed up; pun intended ... Time to try my Werewolf.
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Post by C Elegans »

It looks fine to be, but I am not at all experienced in playing Druid, in fact I haven't had a Druid since 1.09 (except for a low lvl Wind-druid I never finished on the last ladder).

Regarding equipment and such, most guides recommend high end equipment, but believe me: all basic builds can be played "untwinked", ie with the equipment you find, and without trading for items. It's only some more extreme, specialised builds and PvP builds that needs "godly equipment". Obviously any build will play easier the better items you get, but easier it actually not necessarily more fun. I have come to point with several of my characters where there is no challenge at all playing the game, the only challange left is to use your "perfect character" to search for even better items and higher runes. That's usually when I stop playing a character and start a new one.

With "godly equipment" your character may be able to clean out Chaos Sacturay at Hell in 45 seconds flat, but with normal equipment, you are perfectly able to play the game, it will just offer more challenge and demand more skill from you. The more fun, IMO! :)
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Post by joe05 »

C Elegans - well, that's good to know.
Most of the equipment I read about seem tough to find and some of the Wind-Druid items were duped.
You're correct: "god-mode" playing isn't all that enjoyable.
Hopefully, I'm not that poor a player and can get by with what I find/buy.
I've stopped looking at the equipment choices and am focusing on getting the build correct. Then saving my stat points till I figure where to put them based on: what I find or am I getting killed often.

Thanks for the Act 2 Merc post.
I didn't want to clutter the top of the page with my posts/threads, so I'll thank you in this thread.
I thought "cold" would diminish in effectiveness. I noticed the Meteor-Fireball after the Orb in the sequence of attack. Now, can I hotkey quick enough before the cold-stun wears off :-)

I'm having fun with the Werewolf.
Think I might do a WereBear after; since the builds should be comparable.
Might even try that Fire Claw-Druid ?
Haven't used my act one merc yet, so I guess my build at this point is ok.
At least, I can use any weapon.
Heck, I might be swinging a Maul at some point :-)

As always thanks for your help.
I know my builds are cookie-cutter, but the more in-battle hotkeying needed, the more I die.
I have a feeling, I will be broke often in Hell.
Hope I have enough $ to ressurect my Merc :-)
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Post by Ciba_Blue »


Ya Joe, about the tornado, the key to tornado is faster cast rate, once you have a good fcr, the trick to that spell is to cast alot of them, but don't cast them directly at a monster if there is multiple targets, aim past them and cast alot. Some good items that I use on my druid for fcr would be magefist, skin of vipermagi, a crafted belt (ith+p diamond+sharkskin or vampie belt+ any random jewel) it's a good +10 fcr. Also spirit shield and sword have godly faster casting, and aren't too expensive to make. Once you can get alot of tornados going at once, they're pretty good. The werewolf build you're going for does alot more damage then hurricane+tornado, fury is a good skill for a shapeshifter, and good in pvp. If you decide to go back to your wind druid, invest in those items, it's amazing how much of a difference they make in your tornados.
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Post by Ciba_Blue »

One last thing, if you can get close enough to the target with tornado and cast it right on them, it's pretty devastating lol, especially in pvp against sorcs, once you get them in hurricane range, it tends to get easier to get right next to them and mow them down with tornados.
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Post by joe05 »

Ciba_Blue - thanks for the Tornado info.
I didn't delete the character, so I might go back and see if I can get the hang of that Tornado :-)
So far the Werewolf is going well.
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Post by Ciba_Blue »


Good stuff man, once you get the hang of it, the char turns out to be really useful, other than in hell with EVERYTHING cold immune lol, but stick with it, once you get to around level 40, it all gets alot easier.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."- Albert Einstein
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