I'm about to free Sartan and I was going to bring him into the party, take his stuff then send him on his way. Rather than mess about sending someone to the inn then going back for them after disbanding Sartan, I thought I'd simply buy the fifth party member slot while I'm in town since I figure I'd have to do it at some point it might as well be now, right?
Wrong. The stupid woman in the Eirulan Inn keeps telling me I have to be a "true veteran" to buy the fifth place. Please, please someone tell me this doesn't mean I have to finish the game and play again on Veteran mode before I can have more than four charcters in my party?
Party Size
Party Size
England expects...
...you to visit:
...you to visit:
Sorry, the way you interpreted her comment is the way it is. You're limited to at most four characters in the initial difficulty setting.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."