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Serpenskin ?

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Serpenskin ?

Post by joe05 »

Guys - someone mentioned a unique/Gold Serpenskin Armor that only can be dropped by Baal in Normal Difficulty.
I can't remember it's name. Think it begins with "W" ?
Anyways, I've been running Baal in Normal from level 42, I'm now at 55 :-)
I haven't come across it :-(
I've found lots of other unique/Gold gear; thankfully.
Since this is the only place it can be dropped, am I just running into bad luck ?
It was mentioned by the individual with the 13k Hammderdin - sorry, I forgot who posted it.
He said if you can tank Baal, keep looking for it.
Well, I'm past tanking to nuking :-)
I don't want to quit now, as I've already put all this time into finding it.
Unless, there is that chance it won't be dropped.

Any help/thoughts/info would be appreciated.
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Post by moltovir »

You probably mean the Skin of the Vipermagi unique serpentskin armour. It's a very good armour for a caster, offering lots of faster cast rate, resists, +1 skills and some magic damage reduction. The information you got is wrong: there isn't any item in the game that can only be dropped by one monster (except the annihilus). Every monster in the game starting from monsters in the later Act 5 Normal areas can drop the Vipermagi, but it's rather rare then. Normal Baal has a pretty good chance of dropping it, and so has NM Mephisto. In Diablo 2 lingo, if an item is 'dropped often' by a boss, that still means a chance of 1 in 3000 or less, so you'll just have to keep searching until you find one :) Personally, I've given up searching for specific items, and I'm just happy with what I get. The satisfaction is all the greater when you finally find that perfect item for your character :)
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Post by joe05 »

Moltovir - as always; thanks.
I believe Skin of the Vipermagi was mentioned in that post, but another was also mentioned.
I've found 3 Yellow Serpenskin, but no Gold.
Since you forgot more than I'll ever know, I'll just look for the Vipermagi armor :-)
Think I'll give it one more night, then start NM with my Necromancer.
I put this much time in, what's 8-16 more hours :-)
I did notice multiple drops of the same Gold equipment ... the set items are dropped over and over in just one night of running
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Post by joe05 »

Moltovir - you must be a good luck "charm".
Can I put you in my backpack :-)
Third run tonight = Skin of the Vipermagi

Thanks to everyone ... I'm starting Nightmare
First off: Necro-Summoner
Coincidently, it's Moltovir's build :-)

And I was just getting good at using the hammers.
Started off hammering more walls than Bob Villa :-)
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