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where is a good place to level up a weak party member?

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where is a good place to level up a weak party member?

Post by darkpark »

After making it to the temple of xerzia i determined that one of my party members just isn't cutting the mustard and i swapped her out for another member. the problem is that the new member is a low level character.
i realize that i can use the teleporters to go back to previous areas of the game but where specifically is a good spot to get her upto speed quickly?

on a related note, if i drop a character will he retain all the items/equipment that he had at the time i dropped him off?
-darkpark Brap on!
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Post by liumm »

It depends on the level of the new party member. He gets the most XP killing monsters at roughly the same level as he is. If he is too low(10+ levels below your other characters), then I think it's best to leave him at the inn. Sometime later he'll level up to only 2 levels below your main character.

And yes, he will keep everything in the inventory if you drop him off.
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Post by Gramm »

When you first add a henchman to your party, they will be a certain level
(based on your position in the main story); but, most of their skill points
are unspent--so you can take them on any skill path you desire. The first two
henchmen, Deru and Lothar, are low level and can be leveled any way you
desire. Later henchmen are pretty much already set in their class path;
though, Taar could probably be leveled in a class other than nature mage, if
you start on it right away.

Henchmen do not level up if they are not in your party. They will also not
level up when you first add them to your party. However, if you re-hire a
henchman from the Inn, they will level up based on the following criteria:

If the henchman is more than 15 levels below your level, the henchman will
gain 20 levels or enough levels to rise to two (2) levels under you,
whichever is lower. Thus, if you are 30th level and you add a henchman from
the Inn:

And the henchman is 5th level, the henchman will increase to 25th level
And the henchman is 10th level, the henchman will increase to 28th level
And the henchman is 20th level, the henchman will not increase in level
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Post by Yarr »

Bumping this because Gramm's post helped me find the answer I was looking for, and others are probably looking too. Thanks.
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Post by Da_venom »

But isn't there a difference in monster XP?
I mean, Assume that if you kill a lvl28 undead archer you would gain more xp than killing a varr or something
or is this untrue?

or is it just lvl based on monster?
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Post by Yarr »

If I'm correct, the Bestiary gives all sorts of info about the enemies/beasts, including how much xp you get from killing them.
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