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What Planets in KotOR III?

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Post by Kayos »

im curious about coruscant and what it looked like 4000 yrs ago. im sure it would be different then from what we see in the movies...

naboo -- i dunno why but i think it would be fun to explore there. i mean therre is sooo much that you could do on naboo. kill -- i mean -- visit the gungans, check out theed, see what the forests are like, visit the residential areas

taris -- hey, its been rebiult and i wanna see it.

revans home world -- just think about it...

alderaan -- maybe maybe not. its kinda like naboo and well... yea... i dunno
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Post by RBitG »

[quote="Kayos]naboo -- i dunno why but i think it would be fun to explore there. i mean therre is sooo much that you could do on naboo. kill -- i mean -- visit the gungans"]

Brilliant idea!

But, as i would like KOTOR III to take place in the outer rim, whatever planets exist there! And maybe a visit or two to good old Dantooine...
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Post by Kayos »

true, they could have expanded on it. but it was still fun all the same. if they do bring it back then they definetly need to make it bigger and more exciting. and hey, i like rain, i like jungles, i like killing savage beasts, and i like lightsabers. all that = a good planet :D
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Post by RBitG »

[QUOTE=Kayos]true, they could have expanded on it. but it was still fun all the same. if they do bring it back then they definetly need to make it bigger and more exciting. and hey, i like rain, i like jungles, i like killing savage beasts, and i like lightsabers. all that = a good planet :D [/QUOTE]

I hate getting wet when i don't want to, i like plants, but not diseases and gigantic insects, i'm afraid of savage beats, however, i do like to kill 'em, and i could take or leave lightsabers. I liked Dantooine, although none of the planets were really great.
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Guys, we really want some discussion going on here, and a few pages of two members going back and forth talking about changing names to 'WEENIE' doesn't really fall under the thread title, or the forum genre, either.

The spam is difficult to extricate, so I'm leaving behind two of your posts that made sense and did not link to any spam instead of leaving behind a jumbled mess.
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Post by razor77 »

I want to see all new planets. i want some to be outer rim planets and some that we have heard of but have never been in KOTOR. I dont care what outer rim plannets but i want to see...
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Post by RBitG »

Coruscant, Hoth and Geonosis, are very good ideas for planets, but does anything actually live on Hoth?!
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Post by FighterTundra »

maybe a big treasure or a lead to it is burried there? or a secret?
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Post by Kayos »

hoth would not be possible. hoth wasnt even dicovered until the rebellion. remember? luke skywalker discovered it between a new hope and the empire strikes back. it just wouldnt line up with the countnity (sp) of the WHOLE star wars time line.

i was thinking the Hapes Cluster... O_o ... a corrupt Queen Mother...
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Post by RBitG »

[QUOTE=Kayos]hoth would not be possible. hoth wasnt even dicovered until the rebellion. remember?[/quote]

Erhm, no.

[quote="Kayos]i was thinking the Hapes Cluster... O_o ... a corrupt Queen Mother...[/QUOTE"]

Would you guys mind giving a little background about these planets? It's rather dull reading exotic names, and knowing nothing of them.
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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=Kayos]hoth would not be possible. hoth wasnt even dicovered until the rebellion. remember? luke skywalker discovered it between a new hope and the empire strikes back. it just wouldnt line up with the countnity (sp) of the WHOLE star wars time line.[/QUOTE]

Like Yavin IV? It could have been 'lost'...
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Post by I.allah »


I'd prefer the Coruscant or the ruins of Taris. ( or the stage of a restoration project like on Telos) An no more forest worlds like Kashyyyk or Dagobah..
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Post by Kayos »

hmm... maybe. i mean it IS 4000 yrs before luke was even born... so yea. consider my last statment retracted.

Hapes -- like i said before: corrupt Queen Mother
Kessle -- ooo... think of the possibilities... corrupt spice dealers... a spiced out party member... can you say "hmm mmm spice?"

thats all i can think of now... *sigh*
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Post by lonewolf13 »

I don't know enough about the Star Wars EU to be able to name off worlds like most of you can , but I'd like to see a world in Kotor that doesn't exist by the time of the movies. Maybe even a world with a people that are extinct by the rise of the Empire.
I'm not saying the world has to be destroyed in the game like Peragus was , just a world that isn't there now.

I just found a world called Tython on Wookiepedia that would be cool. Its the original homeworld of the Jedi Order. I can't find anything about its whether it still exists or not, but it would be cool look for Jedi relics there instead of Dantooine. (snore)
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Post by Fre$h »

Planets for KOTOR3

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Post by Stormchaser »

Ewoks. I would love to be able to visit Endor and the beginnings of the Ewoks.
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Post by buxton_boy »

Cloud City (corellia I think)
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Post by gnix1979 »

The Planets

The list of potential planets could so vast, but in the context of the game and the series, these are my top 6.

In no particular order...

2:-Mon Calamari (Home of the Mon Calamari)
3:-Corellia (Home world of Han Solo)
5:-Bepin (Cloud City, you could over see the construction)
6:-Sullust (Home of the Sullustans)

Systems to return

2:-Yavin 4
3:-Nar Shaddarr / Nal Hutta
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Post by shadowkon »

Tatooine Nar Shaddarr
Malachor v
A sith Acadamy within which you can learn from scratch the secrets of the dark side and become a sith lord
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Post by Sithspit »

Okay, we will assume for a moment that the next game will be a continuation of the first two - as wikipedia puts it, in their article on the Sith: [url=""]The Old Sith Wars[/url]... And for a moment we will assume what some people have speculated - that there is a force in the outer rim, (possibly in the mysterious Cloak of the Sith region), that still represents Sith power, and Revan and Exlie are going to take it on...

If this is the case, it might be cool to have a different structure from the two previous games - a generic small first level, perhaps again on a ship - followed by the usual choices as the charecter searches for evidence - followed this time by more than one end levels arranged in a linear format - in that case I would like to see the following:

Choice levels when searching for evidence, or the location that Revan has gone to:

Mon Calamari
Duro Orbital Cities

A made up planet, perhaps based on India or something, maybe one of the Republic [url=""]'Ord'[/url] planets...
Sullust maybe
Ziost maybe
Kessel might be a cool gangster world, but then it might be worth making up an older Republic version of a spice planet, like Manaan provided a different drug from Bacta

And a couple more... maybe Yavin 4 cos of the Sith connection...

-Coruscant would provide a nice starting planet, as the investiagtion into the destination of Revan and what is out there could be set on the fantastic metropolis itself, and could depict the reforming of the Jedi order following the Civil War - it would be the generic megacity setting, and has lots of potential.
-Alderann, or perhaps Naboo, could fill the role of the generic garden planet, and many people im sure would like to be able to explore Alderaan, as it is an important planet in the Star Wars setting.
-Mon Calamari would provide a familar yet new destination full of Mon Calamari and Quarren charecters, and would be the generic water planet type setting.
-Duro would be very interesting, as Duros are along with humans perhaps the most common and widespread species in the Star Wars universe, and were probably founding members of the Old Republic. Since their population is living in cities above the polluted planet, it would make for ideal space station type levels, but also fill in some much needed background on such an important species.
-Korriban is required, because it will always be so important to the Sith, and because it fits with the theory of what the plot might be like so well. Id like to see a different area of the enigmatic planet this time though.
-Sullust might be cool as an all-underground planet
-Ziost would be cool to see, but might not be neccesary

Planets I wouldnt want to see:

- one visit was enough
Onderon - same reason, not that interesting
Dxun - same reason, no point going to ones we have already seen when we could be seeing new ones
Malachor - same reason, also it was boring at the end of KOTORII
Nar Shaddarr - great planet but its been in about 3 games already
Dantooine - no point going back there, might as well meet the Jedi order on another planet, i.e. Coruscant
Kyshyyk - been there
Bespin - not sure it exists yet, and if it does, we are already familiar
Corellia - same as many other generic planets, Alderaan or Naboo would better fullfill a garden planet and Coruscant would better fullfill a city setting
Hoth - there is nothing there
Mustafar/Geonosis/Daghobar/etc - no point putting planets in just because they have appeared in the films, Mustafar for example is a minor planet, and Daghobar would be pretty boring
Ossus - is irrediated
Definatly not Endor - Ewoks are annoying and meaningless, no point going there when they were only made important by the fact that the Death Star was in orbit, and no point picking every film planet when the galaxy is meant to be full of tens of thousands of inhabited planets, and more abandoned ones.....
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