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DS2 Skills? Questions/Discussion

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DS2 Skills? Questions/Discussion

Post by DarqAngels »

Just had a few question about some of the skills.

Such as the Ranger Bleed skill, does this effect bows/xbows? I've seen it posted that it does and also that it does not.

Does ignite work with other spells than fire ones?
Does Arcing work with non lightning spells?

The only reason i ask is some skills are very specific as to what they do such as the biting arrow increasing Bow and Xbow damage where as others like ignite just say they add damage but don't say anything specific.
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Post by swcarter »

[QUOTE=DarqAngels]Such as the Ranger Bleed skill, does this effect bows/xbows? I've seen it posted that it does and also that it does not.

Does ignite work with other spells than fire ones?
Does Arcing work with non lightning spells?[/QUOTE]
From my understanding, the answers are no, no, and no.

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Post by Krow »

If you look at the skills section, you'll notice that the skills are in a Skill Tree. Basically, the skills such as Bleed, only apply to thrown weapons, which are in the same tree.

Likewise, Ignite is in the Skill Tree with fire skills.

However, there are some skills that I believe go outside of the tree, like the Melee skill Fortitude, and Enhanced Armor. I think a lot of it is just common sense.
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