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Missing character

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Missing character

Post by Trigger »

I have not playes DS2 for long.
I was about lvl 40 in multiplayer, as both my "helpers" died.
I cant in any way I have tried resurrect them! - What do I do?
I have tried the necromancer in the town, he says he need a body, when there are two right in front of him...
I have also tried loading an earlier version... but here, they are also dead.

As I was playing v2.0, I tried updating the game to v2.2.
Here my charater is missing.
I have saved the old DS2.exe file så i can go in both versions. But in one version my 2 helpers are dead, and in the other my charater is missing...
Can anybody help me with my problems?

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Post by VampirePenguin »

Resurection scrolls are usable by just about anyone an cost less than the necromancer. That's one options for your dead toons.

As far as your character being missing, I have no clue. Sorry.

Happy Gaming,
Life is but a dream to some, a nightmare to others, but death wakes us all.
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