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best settings for nVidea 6600gt

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best settings for nVidea 6600gt

Post by Zenobia »

I know my video card is just under the minimum requirements for this game, but most of the time it plays great. Does anyone have this card, and what settings do you have? Right now I'm at screen 800 x 600 with everything else set at Low, and I still get some stutter and goofy animation when playing.(The demo worked perfectly at these settings.) Thanks!
Abit NF7-s Rev2 Bios
AMD xp2400+ 2.4ghz 202x12 cas3
1024mb Samsung PC2700 1@512 2@256
xfx 6600gt 128mg oc'd: 570/1.1
Thermalright SLK-700 w Smartfan2
Seagate 60gb/40gb ViewSonic P95f+ 19"
Win2k Antec 430
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HellSlayer Grim
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Post by HellSlayer Grim »

I use a celleron D @ 2.8Gz , 1 gig of ram , 80 gb hd ,Nvidia Geforce 6200 Oc WITH shader 3.0 , I have all the setting s at medium at 1024 res , with high texture quality , and seldome experiance any problems. So , it could be a number of things. I know that the higher version of Microsoft shader the better , currently 3.0 is the highest and they recomend 2.0 So you might wana check to see what your running. Also , there is a TERIFFIC site System Requirements Lab that will analyze your system for the specific game your are thinking of getting and tell you if you meet the minimum and recomended requirments for the game , it will also tell you what versions of software your card currently supports. So if your still having problems , I would go there and click on titan quest , and if you dont pass anything they recomend all sorts of things to fix your issues. :D
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Post by DesR85 »

Those kind of web-based sites that help analyse your configuration are kind of inaccurate at times. I've read someone's post that he had a pretty high-end rig and when he ran the test for the first time, the website came back with a negative result. Upon repeating the test, it came back with a positive result.

So my advice is if you want to know if your computer can run Titan Quest, just make sure its above the minimum/recommended system requirements stated in the game and do some adjustments so that you can get a smooth performance. :)
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Post by Calidorn »

[QUOTE=Zenobia]I know my video card is just under the minimum requirements for this game, but most of the time it plays great. Does anyone have this card, and what settings do you have? Right now I'm at screen 800 x 600 with everything else set at Low, and I still get some stutter and goofy animation when playing.(The demo worked perfectly at these settings.) Thanks![/QUOTE]

I've got a nvidia 6600. I had trouble with my settings.Went to Nvidia site and downloaded the beta drivers ( The ones colored blue) and the card and the game work fine:angel:
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