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The Vault of Therayne combinations

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Caesar Quintus
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The Vault of Therayne combinations

Post by Caesar Quintus »


Did anyone solve the combinations for the Vault of Therayne (BW)?

I figured it out only for the second chamber (for the first it was pretty easy). I solved the third also but randomly (I cannot remember the combination).

So, there are two combination for the second chamber. It is a long path but it works (in both cases).
For the second room, the stones are placed like that:

(Magical door)

1. 2.

5. 6.

(Stitched horror bound in magical energy)

8. 7.

4. 3.

(Entrance to the second chamber)

I figured out that if you have 6 deactivated and the others ALL active, if you'll deactivate 8, it'll remain active only 5, 2 and 7. So, if you deacivate 2 you'll free the horror and after killing it, you'll get the key for the third chamber.

NB: I came across also for 4-5-2 (the other stones turned off) so, if you'll deactivate, you'll free the horror. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the combination for arriving at 4-5-2.

To be more concise:

First combination:
6134-86521-7621-8613-2. With last 2 you'll free the horror.

Second combination:
6136-87521-4363-2632-8. With last 8 you'll free the horror.

After you'll kill the horror, you'll receive the key for the 3rd chamber and you would be capable to finish the secondary quest and to get a fine reward (I received the helm of glory ;) ).
After solving the third combination, you'll get the key for the 4th chamber. It is a NIGHTMARE there.


1. Did anyone find out a shorter combination for the 2nd chamber?
2. Did anyone solve the 3rd combination? If so, please post it (if I don't ask
a lot :) )
3. Did anyone solve the 4th combination? If so, please again, post it.
4. How many chamber are in the Vault of Therayne?

A lot of questions I know, but the Vault of Therayne it a bit interesting.

Thanks for support.
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Post by clux »

Ye, that place was the most interesting thing in the game :)

There are only four chambers, I was a bit discouraged by the last one so I solved it a bit alternatively - [url=""]this should answer most of your questions[/url].
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High Five
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Post by High Five »

There is already a [url=""]thread[/url] about this.
Oh, you already saw the other thread.
w00t?? no images in sig allowed?!?
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