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Question's about DS2

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within the Dungeon Siege series.
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Question's about DS2

Post by gamerx256 »

I just got dungeon siege a few days ago and am on act II (just stating), anyways I LOVE it but I dont have internet at my house, I was wondering how is D2 over the net? Also there is this thing that irritates me so badly, is when you and your party member say discover a new area.. and one of them will start talking to you.. then a monster attacks which interupts the conversation, its like me and the princess was going to the snowy place and she talked about how good of a fighter I was.. but she was worried about her father because.. (BAM GOT ATTACKED).. It's happend at least 75% of the conversations.. is there a fix for this? Like.. when you talk monsters wont agg you.. or the game kinda pauses for the convo? Also how is the expansion broken? (Its the only one right?)

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Killer Koala
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Post by Killer Koala »

Hey, congrats on buying Dungeon Siege 2, you made a wise choice! =)

Dungeon Siege 2 over the internet primarily revolves around doing the same single player missions online with your friends or complete strangers. You can create your own online character or you can drag your offline single player character and play with him online to upgrade him then dump him back in the single player game.

The conversation interrupting...yeah, it sucks but nothing you can really do about it. Just bad timing.

I haven't got a chance to really break into Broken World quite yet, but I've just started it out on Act 4 I guess you would call it. I have a few quests done. But it's sweet - 2 new classes (Blood Assasin - Ranger and Combat magic combined and Fists of Stone - Melee and Nature magic), dwarves available, and you can replay the original dungeon siege with these new classes and Dwarf character. Apparently it's only 15 hours long but they've made the bosses that much tougher. You need to complete the original Dungeon Siege to play this expansion or you can use the pre-made characters.
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