I am having a lot of problems with Epic. It seems that each stage I get to I die at bosses and have to farm for ages to get good enough equipment/levels/ideas for skills to beat them.
I guess you cannot answer every question but here is my build
Concussive Blow: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Battle Awareness: (Rank: 1 of 10)
Batter: (Rank: 1 of 12)
Armor Handling: (Rank: 1 of 6)
Rally: (Rank: 1 of 12)
Quick Recovery: (Rank: 8 of 8)
Shield Smash: (Rank: 1 of 6)
Focus: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Shield Charge: (Rank: 1 of 12)
Rend Armor: (Rank: 1 of 8)
Disable: (Rank: 1 of 6)
Iron Will: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Disruption: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Defiance: (Rank: 12 of 12)
Colossus Form: (Rank: 1 of 8)
Pulverize: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Calculated Strike: (Rank: 1 of 8)
Envenom Weapon: (Rank: 1 of 12)
Nightshade: (Rank: 8 of 8)
Lucky Hit: (Rank: 1 of 6)
Mandrake: (Rank: 8 of 8)
The worst part is that I don't know what to do with the rest of my points as I level. I am hoping to find a good spear/sword and do some blade honing plus calc strike damage with weapon switch at different situations. Plus I guess I could take top of adrenaline tree/max calc strike + %chance shield hit. Batter plus nightshade already slows them alot but I could boost more.
Health 3700 (with equip)
Strength 533 (with equip)
Dex 533 (with equip)
Club: Spinebreaker (legendary)
Shield: Titan Trigonos shield with Epic Carapace
Torso: Etruscan Curaiss (legendary)
Helm: green Mongolian helm with Epic fire dragon relic
gloves: Hunters set gloves (epic)
Boots: green Hardy Banded leggings with Epic Amman Ra
Amulet: shifting beads
Ring: green with cold resist fire damage %str increase plus Epic Dionysus Relic
Ring2: Lightning Resist plus strength or Offensive ability
Resists roughly 30-40 in elements (after epic penalty) 35 piercing 50 stun -25 in other secondary resists -10 poison (shield switch to 20 if poison enemy)
The reason for many of my skills is that I found a legendary club (Spinebreaker) and they are pretty good for a defender skills. I know my dex is high for a club but I didn't know I would find club and thought I was going to do mainly piercing damage.
against the regular enemies I get by. Archers are a problem but I have many ways (Shield Charge, batter, pulverize) to distribute slowing/confusing/fumbling poison plus a good shield ability (focus/quick recovery). Casters are a problem solved by rally. Tough spots or dangerous health solved by Colossus form.
I still die. Not enough so I don't level but enough to be annoying. Also each boss I die the first time I fight them. The colossus form takes forever to recharge and I can't killl them fast enough. I could thearetically run for 10 minutes and do it in multiple colossus transormations but I don't like that.
A more specific question: What form of damage does Ormenos (Mount Wusai Telkine killing me with). I think the fire is hurting me but the stalagtites he telekinesis at me are oneshotting me. Is that piercing damage? I have 100 armor at each location with 200 torso (total 500ish).
Did I not put enough in life? (wish mystic could give some dex to life
PLEASE!! help. death count for me is at 54 now
PS I don't want to play a caster because chopping stuff is more exciting to me than blasting for some reason. Also I don't want farmed multiplayer handmedown super duper legendary items all over me. I consider titan quest a challenge of survival not a quest for fastest time to beat the game. I guess I am looking for somewhere in between. If I find a nice item along the way I don't mind using it of course and I don't have any problem with other peoples styles of game enjoyment (not for me).
PPS I started playing wanting to make a rogue with a few defender skills to kill skeletons... Now look whats happened! Oh my gosh!
PPS I am thinking of respeccing skills to a %shield proc green saber guy (i have one) with max blade honing etc My best guess is my problem is wasted dex (piercing) damage bc I use club.