What Do You Want in KotOR III?
I didn't really think about that, but your right. I still think that a little more freedom in building your character would increase the playability and would be a nice change that would open the game up a bit more. But that is just my opinion. People seem to think it will be unrealistic to have another Jedi pop up that just happens to be powerful in the force even though he is a young recruit etc. etc.... Pretty much the same build as Revan and the Exile started. I think that more freedom in the build of the Character could help to break that mold and would make each character unique to the player who designed it. But once again, that is just my humble opinion.
- Darth Who?
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Hey, so i've brought up a couple times about how we should answer questions about the first two games in the third one to shape the outcome. how bout this idea...let's say the PC is a teenager on Taris right before Malak bombs the city in KOTOR I. The Sith land a ship on the planet hours before the bombardment and start trying to recruit people to come to the Sith HQ on Korriban or wherever...you could go with them and become a Sith. Or you could hide from their patrols and stow aboard a refugee ship the sneaks through the blockade moments before the bombardment. and that refugee ship is on course for Coruscant or Dantoonie or some Jedi planet, therefore giving you your Jedi path. Of course, you could still stray one way or the other after arriving. but when you get there, you are trained in the way of the Sith/Jedi and you live through the events that shape KOTOR I and II. you are an apprentice or padawan and you hear news of Revan either helping or destroying the Republic and the Jedi (your choice). maybe you're even on coruscant when Revan comes to the Jedi temple with Bastilla the first time, and you hear the a strong but unknown Jedi has arrived with Bastilla and is meeting with the Jedi council. Of course, you can't see Revan because then we'd have to agree on what Revan looks like. man or woman, etc...etc. anyway, you complete your training on either planet and are sent after Revan. As far as the Exile is concerned...i dunno how to fit him/her into it, because if my memory is correct, KOTOR II happens a couple years after KOTOR I yeah? well after the Jedi council is destroyed by Malak and the Sith Empire on Korriban is in ruins. but I think it could be a good beginning there, leaving all the options open to you.
@Darth Who?: Your post above more appropriately belongs in the story ideas thread here in this forum. Please repost it there; when you do, I will remove it from here. Thank you.
CYNIC, n.:
A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.
-[url="http://www.alcyone.com/max/lit/devils/a.html"]The Devil's Dictionary[/url]
A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.
-[url="http://www.alcyone.com/max/lit/devils/a.html"]The Devil's Dictionary[/url]
- Macen Press
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I was sat playing kotor 2 ystrday and i finally got hk up and running but i hate using ranged weapons i never use him very so i would like that is if he would be in the nxt kotor i would like to see a feat where he (hk isnt a he hes a it but ill call it a he) can use mellee weapons bcuz surly if he can use his fists and feet then he should be able to use a sword. what do u think?????????????
"Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear, fear is my ally."
I agree that it would be cool to have some sort of melee combat upgrade, however the problem with that is that he is a droid and they are not notoriously strong. The only droids who ever used melee weapons in the Star Wars series were General Grievous's droid guards. So even if you gave HK a sword, I doubt he would be very good at using it. But that's just my opinion.Macen Press wrote:I was sat playing kotor 2 ystrday and i finally got hk up and running but i hate using ranged weapons i never use him very so i would like that is if he would be in the nxt kotor i would like to see a feat where he (hk isnt a he hes a it but ill call it a he) can use mellee weapons bcuz surly if he can use his fists and feet then he should be able to use a sword. what do u think?????????????
- Macen Press
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I'm with you there. That kinda leads back to another thing I would like changed in KOTOR 3. The size of the party. For instance, in KOTOR 1, I like to have Bastila and Carth with me all the time. Call me crazy, but to me, they just seem to be the only other pivotal characters. All the other characters are just side characters IMO. (That is just my opinion!!) So i keep them for the story. But I really like other characters such as HK, T3, and when it comes to battle I would prefer to have Juhani, or Zaalbar. So you can see my problem. I can either keep the characters that I prefer storywise, skill wise, or battle wise. It is a tough decision and I hate having to make the choice. I want there to be at least 1 more slot in the party so I can keep some of the characters I really don't care for in battle (Carth, HK), and still have at least Bastila and Juhani with me for the battles.Macen Press wrote:True and the ones on jedi academy in the training ground but i would still like it just so i can take him with me even if he doesnt help tht much but i just hate ranged weapons.
- Macen Press
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Yh i find tht as well becuz in kotor 2 ill always have handmaiden with me and maybe mandalore and in kotor 1 i alway have bastila and the cathar so yh to have a few more players in ur team wen ur out on the planets would be gd.
"Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear, fear is my ally."
Good point. I quite understand you, seeing that I've played Grandia 2 before where you are teamed up with 3 other characters and you travel with only these 3 companions during the whole game. At certain points in the game, you will get new characters but one of the travelling companions will drop out due to different reasons. By the way, I also feel that both Carth and Bastilla in KOTOR 1 are the main characters of the game should be your main travelling companions, seeing that they play a major role in the game instead of having to get a bunch of people who you may/may not use at all to join your group.Ender04 wrote:I'm with you there. That kinda leads back to another thing I would like changed in KOTOR 3. The size of the party. For instance, in KOTOR 1, I like to have Bastila and Carth with me all the time. Call me crazy, but to me, they just seem to be the only other pivotal characters. All the other characters are just side characters IMO. (That is just my opinion!!) So i keep them for the story. But I really like other characters such as HK, T3, and when it comes to battle I would prefer to have Juhani, or Zaalbar. So you can see my problem. I can either keep the characters that I prefer storywise, skill wise, or battle wise. It is a tough decision and I hate having to make the choice. I want there to be at least 1 more slot in the party so I can keep some of the characters I really don't care for in battle (Carth, HK), and still have at least Bastila and Juhani with me for the battles.
To be honest, I never liked having excess characters wasting away back at base like what I've seen in some RPGs, particularly the old ones. As what I mentioned, I'd much prefer the Grandia 2 system like what I stated previously. It's much more logical from a gameplay perspective. I wonder why not many RPGs want to take this direction.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
Kotor 3
Kotor 3 should pick up where the first 2 left off. It should have you going into the sith realm to meet up with revan and you team should be comprised of completely new characters besides those 2. The when you meet up with revan you and him and eventually your new crew will battle through the sith realm to either control it as a sith or to destroy it as a jedi. Which in turn would lead to a fourth game where you return to the galaxy and at the begining you decide whether you destoryed or became leader of the sith realm. In turn later in the game you could remain on the side you are with or have a change of heart.
Kotor 3 should pick up where the first 2 left off. It should have you going into the sith realm to meet up with revan and you team should be comprised of completely new characters besides those 2. The when you meet up with revan you and him and eventually your new crew will battle through the sith realm to either control it as a sith or to destroy it as a jedi. Which in turn would lead to a fourth game where you return to the galaxy and at the begining you decide whether you destoryed or became leader of the sith realm. In turn later in the game you could remain on the side you are with or have a change of heart.
- Darth Rand
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- Darth Rand
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Hi, Darth Rand. Welcome to the forums.
I wouldn't mind if the game explains what happened to Revan after the Star Forge incident but I would prefer a cutscene or a flashback to brief me as to what happened to Revan, in my opinion.
Erm. Wouldn't that make KOTOR 3 a prequel to KOTOR 2?Darth Rand wrote:Um I Think Kotor 3 should be about what happened to Revan after the Star Forge
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
- Darth Rand
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What Do You Want in KOTOR III
Yeah true and thanks for the welcome I want to know what happened to Revan after the Star Forge really badly but in KOTOR III they should meet Bastila and Carth or someone from the 1st one and tell the new party what really happened to Revan
Yeah true and thanks for the welcome I want to know what happened to Revan after the Star Forge really badly but in KOTOR III they should meet Bastila and Carth or someone from the 1st one and tell the new party what really happened to Revan
War is fun until you run out of men
- jedi raphael
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- Darth Rand
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- Mandalorianx
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- Sith_assasin24
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Rice~Boi wrote:A better game Engine
Less LESS LESSS LESSSS Loading time!!!
Ability to choose which characters you want
having the ability to kill anything/threaten
light/night times
driving vehicles
space battles which you can fly/fight also
More cities
maybe a scene which you fight a war
ability to go into first person
ability to snipe mode
more planets
characters which help you but are not apart of your party
That's all i can think of right now....
it sounds like you want a starwars battlefront with the rpg option or like a starwars battlefront and a kingdom underfire mixgame
Code of the west: Never squat while wearing spurs
/ The force is like Duct Tape - it has a dark side, it has a light side, and it binds the universe together!
/ The force is like Duct Tape - it has a dark side, it has a light side, and it binds the universe together!
- Sith_assasin24
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what i would want is:
a race choice im getting tired of being human i want to b a twilek
longer like sanandreas long longer
my opinion on the whole lightsaber damage debate is that i strongly agree BUT if we could getahold of a lightsaber right in the begining of the game or not to far into the game then you would dominate the game if it had insane damage amount but if they made it to where its a bitch to get ahold of and when u get it your like a baby out of a womb with it theres just a whole lot of falaling around withought acomplishing much and with the force powers it seams that in the game what take other jedi (dark of light) it takes them years to master were as to our charictor it takes about 1 hour into the game if lesser and with the damage i think it should be uped and the force choke should be like pulling the guy off the ground and sufficating him or snaping his neck not taking damage off his life count and not having much of a side effect but if they make it more powerful then the whole dominating the game erarly on comes into play so make it harder to get ahold of and with blasters--------- ok let me clarify this in that time armour even the weakest is like carring around a light weight tank wrapping well heres something we have rifle rounds today that could penitrate a tank then why dont the blasters have more of an effect so all im saying is MAKE THE GAME MORE OF A CHALLANGE im still waiting for a game that takes me more than 4 days to defeat the that 4 day game was san andreas and i was at work half the time. im a huge phenominal fan of kotor and i dont want to see there last possible game to be a dud and short i would apreciate if they made like a 3 disk game and had it out for the x-box not the 360 i dont care if its for the 360 but it seams resonable if they made it for the x-box becouse thats were it all started in my opinon this isnt a halo this is better and im not a rich family kid i pay for everying my self and some has to speak up for hte little guy and im sayin it now MAKE IT FOR THE X-BOX I CANT AFFORD A 360 YET AND I NEED MORE GAMES FOR THE X-BOX WE NEED THE GENERA TO STAY WITH THE X-BOX LET IT BRANCH OFF TO OTHER SYSTEMS AS LONG AS THEY HAVE IT ON THE X-BOX IM HAPPY.
a race choice im getting tired of being human i want to b a twilek
longer like sanandreas long longer
my opinion on the whole lightsaber damage debate is that i strongly agree BUT if we could getahold of a lightsaber right in the begining of the game or not to far into the game then you would dominate the game if it had insane damage amount but if they made it to where its a bitch to get ahold of and when u get it your like a baby out of a womb with it theres just a whole lot of falaling around withought acomplishing much and with the force powers it seams that in the game what take other jedi (dark of light) it takes them years to master were as to our charictor it takes about 1 hour into the game if lesser and with the damage i think it should be uped and the force choke should be like pulling the guy off the ground and sufficating him or snaping his neck not taking damage off his life count and not having much of a side effect but if they make it more powerful then the whole dominating the game erarly on comes into play so make it harder to get ahold of and with blasters--------- ok let me clarify this in that time armour even the weakest is like carring around a light weight tank wrapping well heres something we have rifle rounds today that could penitrate a tank then why dont the blasters have more of an effect so all im saying is MAKE THE GAME MORE OF A CHALLANGE im still waiting for a game that takes me more than 4 days to defeat the that 4 day game was san andreas and i was at work half the time. im a huge phenominal fan of kotor and i dont want to see there last possible game to be a dud and short i would apreciate if they made like a 3 disk game and had it out for the x-box not the 360 i dont care if its for the 360 but it seams resonable if they made it for the x-box becouse thats were it all started in my opinon this isnt a halo this is better and im not a rich family kid i pay for everying my self and some has to speak up for hte little guy and im sayin it now MAKE IT FOR THE X-BOX I CANT AFFORD A 360 YET AND I NEED MORE GAMES FOR THE X-BOX WE NEED THE GENERA TO STAY WITH THE X-BOX LET IT BRANCH OFF TO OTHER SYSTEMS AS LONG AS THEY HAVE IT ON THE X-BOX IM HAPPY.
Code of the west: Never squat while wearing spurs
/ The force is like Duct Tape - it has a dark side, it has a light side, and it binds the universe together!
/ The force is like Duct Tape - it has a dark side, it has a light side, and it binds the universe together!