First off all, Hi to all,
I am new to the DSII forum, so don't shoot me should i do / say something wrong
I bought me Dungeon Siege II & the Expansion last weekend, installed it all right away, and thus, i could start playing !
But wowow, hold your horse, play what, how... and like done before starting a char, and finding out half way the game that skill u pumped is not needed, and wasted talent/skill points, and will be unable to end the game...
So, i did some research, as my nature tells me, im a beserk ,melee, should i be born in the Viking age, I would be the crazy guy, running beserk into the horde of enemies, drowing my swords, and spilling blood every swing.
So, melee it is!
As i recall reading here, Boss has a nice Dual wield Warrior, thus, the idea of dual wielding comforts me, and so be it.once past the trutorial, and getting my task as a prisonner, im free to go and slay some animals in the wilderness.
And there, at the gate to leave town, 2 people, are offering me their services.
I recall reading here, that experience gets splitted between partymembers...
Hell no, I want to be the legend, the fierce prince of swords ! And thus, i started my journey, alone.
Using the 'resonable beter loot' mod, to keep it fun/possible i easily reach lvl 13, not meeting the blade of death yet.
Tho, i must admit, a lone traveler is lonely, so i bought me an Ice Pet in the Elf-town, wich i feed al lhe unnessecary items. ( he is mature already & had a good education ! he listens to the name Glacier (rfr. Killer Instinct ) )
Swinging and swirling my 2 blades i cut myself a way trough hordes and hordes of monsters and other kin of evil with all the same faith, fall before my sword.
Reaching a damage stat from around 110 - 160 damage in inv-stat, i think im on a good way with a satisfied mind.
Reaching Act II, my eye lids got heavy, and decided to make camp in the desert encampent, untill a well rested hero-in-progress can continue in his slaughter in an atempt to make te world a better place, i bid you to answer some of the questions that troubles this almost-hero's mind...
now, as an intro text, that counts
maybe more of the story line will follow as i make progress.
thus here are some questions ;
*I am currently going Melee Dual Wield with some good equip ( since i use the reasonable better loot mod )
and I am currently focussing at getting the Dual Wield skills to 12.
Also, im getting some nature MAgic, Healing myself, and my beloved pet, and buffing my health and strength.
I found a scroll ' Embrace of wind' wich is also a Nature Req.
So i guess for buffing, Nature is pretty good.
So, longterm, i would be a Melee Dual Wield with Nature Combat.( healing and buffing )
I am plannnig on not taking party members ( xept for my pet ) if not nessecary, question is, can it be done with a melee based char, to keep going solo all the way? and how, and offcourse, fellow heroes, what tips and tricks can you give me to survive this journey?
I bid you farewell, and untill more blood is spilled, goobye !
Dungeon Siege II ( + Broken World ) I salute you !
Dungeon Siege II ( + Broken World ) I salute you !
- Mammoth, Fierce prince of blades...
Well for starters, let me say this - welcome to the forums of DSII and GameBanshee of course
Second, taking on companions has a bonus so to say and that is that various side-quests or secondary quests as they are called in the game are actually related to them, the companions so no companion in party no quest for you. While I do like the game, I wound find it dull without all the sec quests, so I am sure that at some point you will have to take on another party member, at least as long as it takes to do the side quests. Not doing them would loose you a huge part of the game.
I cannot tell you if you can go through the game youself, I never tried it, but it would probably be difficult at certain points, doubt I'd never say impossible. Anything can be done.
Second, taking on companions has a bonus so to say and that is that various side-quests or secondary quests as they are called in the game are actually related to them, the companions so no companion in party no quest for you. While I do like the game, I wound find it dull without all the sec quests, so I am sure that at some point you will have to take on another party member, at least as long as it takes to do the side quests. Not doing them would loose you a huge part of the game.
I cannot tell you if you can go through the game youself, I never tried it, but it would probably be difficult at certain points, doubt I'd never say impossible. Anything can be done.
And He whispered to me in the darkness as we lay together, Tell Me where to touch you so that I can drive you insane; tell Me where to touch you to give you ultimate pleasure, tell Me where to touch you so that we will truly own each other. And I kissed Him softly and whispered back, Touch my mind.
While it's true that experience is shared by your party, because of how experience gain works (with only creatures within 5 levels giving experience), adding companions won't slow you down. You'll end up at about the same level regardless of how many people you take with you.UnD3RD0G wrote:And there, at the gate to leave town, 2 people, are offering me their services.
I recall reading here, that experience gets splitted between partymembers...
Hell no, I want to be the legend, the fierce prince of swords ! And thus, i started my journey, alone.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
After a day of rest, slowly these eyes open again...
dust, sand, and a burning sun...
The Azurinte Desert...
Foul creatures screaming in the far planes, Time to get up, and continue my search, my journey.
As Wise men told me , being with some party members wont affect my strength and development, i considered taking one...but no one was to be found in this desert, no, i was on my own, the only one near my side, the might Glacier, Elemental from the icy Planes.
Drawing my weapons, en taking a look around, nothing else to do, then ask the guard to open the big wooden door, wich keep those foul creatures away from this kindoff-peacefull camp.
Slaying those guards who protect the pieces of the map , gave me some nice insight into my combat art, and i quickly took some lvls.
Also, in act II, i found some good loot, wearing 6/8 from the louthaner set ( or something like that ) and 3/4 elemental rings.
Damage output has rissen to 300 - 500 reaching act 3, where, after beating the Hydralike snake, and seeing Valdis flee into the portal, he knows im after him, he already fears me, thus, he will not confront him, neitherless, ill cath up to him !
Unlocking the temple Vault was a question of properly slashing my swords between the Plagued Luitenant's ears.And so i Released the lock, and the luitenant from his misery.
A trapped giant, wich i freed after the vault, was offering to join me.
I dismissed my pet, to get him into party, but i could not bear the feeling not having my pet next to me.
No, i decided to end this Playmode with just me and my pet.
Maybe in Veteran, ill take me a nature mage, maybe... if Saar still wants to join me, after all the blood i spilled.
Getting into my hometown, seeing it ruined by Valdis, made my blood boil...
He, and all his minions, dark wizards and helpers shall fall for the might off my blade, and i shall free the world from its destructive grasp !
Meeting Finala, asking me to put out the fire, ive met old face's and seen what Valdis is doing, carving scares into the earth's surface.
As i make my prgress to Act III, i found another teleporter, wich allowed me to return to my beloved town, and take the time to talk to all these people i missed ,and take some time to rest up a little, cuz the next run, will be straight till Valdis, and his doom... his desteny, to kneel and die by true , faithfull powers !
Reaching lvl 25, with a damage output of 300 -500 im still going wel in soloing with my pet.Got some nice equip, and i have maxxed the 2 first skill of DUal Wielding, making me crit more, and doing average 55% more damage on DUal Wield,
inhave a +2 melee skill on set bonus, and i use the bnuffs 'Earthen Strength , Wrath of bear' and another one i can't recall, making me a real hot knife cutting trough butter.
Veteran is coming up, but my hunger for blood is still not tempered !!
dust, sand, and a burning sun...
The Azurinte Desert...
Foul creatures screaming in the far planes, Time to get up, and continue my search, my journey.
As Wise men told me , being with some party members wont affect my strength and development, i considered taking one...but no one was to be found in this desert, no, i was on my own, the only one near my side, the might Glacier, Elemental from the icy Planes.
Drawing my weapons, en taking a look around, nothing else to do, then ask the guard to open the big wooden door, wich keep those foul creatures away from this kindoff-peacefull camp.
Slaying those guards who protect the pieces of the map , gave me some nice insight into my combat art, and i quickly took some lvls.
Also, in act II, i found some good loot, wearing 6/8 from the louthaner set ( or something like that ) and 3/4 elemental rings.
Damage output has rissen to 300 - 500 reaching act 3, where, after beating the Hydralike snake, and seeing Valdis flee into the portal, he knows im after him, he already fears me, thus, he will not confront him, neitherless, ill cath up to him !
Unlocking the temple Vault was a question of properly slashing my swords between the Plagued Luitenant's ears.And so i Released the lock, and the luitenant from his misery.
A trapped giant, wich i freed after the vault, was offering to join me.
I dismissed my pet, to get him into party, but i could not bear the feeling not having my pet next to me.
No, i decided to end this Playmode with just me and my pet.
Maybe in Veteran, ill take me a nature mage, maybe... if Saar still wants to join me, after all the blood i spilled.
Getting into my hometown, seeing it ruined by Valdis, made my blood boil...
He, and all his minions, dark wizards and helpers shall fall for the might off my blade, and i shall free the world from its destructive grasp !
Meeting Finala, asking me to put out the fire, ive met old face's and seen what Valdis is doing, carving scares into the earth's surface.
As i make my prgress to Act III, i found another teleporter, wich allowed me to return to my beloved town, and take the time to talk to all these people i missed ,and take some time to rest up a little, cuz the next run, will be straight till Valdis, and his doom... his desteny, to kneel and die by true , faithfull powers !
Reaching lvl 25, with a damage output of 300 -500 im still going wel in soloing with my pet.Got some nice equip, and i have maxxed the 2 first skill of DUal Wielding, making me crit more, and doing average 55% more damage on DUal Wield,
inhave a +2 melee skill on set bonus, and i use the bnuffs 'Earthen Strength , Wrath of bear' and another one i can't recall, making me a real hot knife cutting trough butter.
Veteran is coming up, but my hunger for blood is still not tempered !!
- Mammoth, Fierce prince of blades...
It hase been 3 days i have been walking distant lands, reached trough the portal.
My task wat to lit the fir's of the acient temple, where now many evil kin lived.
A massive slaughter brought me to py purpose, i lit the fire again, and Aman'Lu was protected again.
I asked Finala if she would join me, she would, my pet is getting little outdamaged, since he is a t 100 - 200, and i'm at 350 - 700, and finala got some presents from me i found, and she reaches 400 - 800.
Time to leave my mighty glacier.
A new pet, a little fairy, with some healing abilities will help me from now on, on my journey furter on.
my quest was to find Princess Eva, hold by the Dark Wizards themself !
I met a strange clan, even a secte, if i can call it like that.
The wanted me, to hand them over the Aegis of Death...
I did not hand them over the Aegis, tho i did over them Death...
They left me no other goal...and none other goal was ment for them.
Powerlust creatures are no good to this earth.
With finala by my side, and the healing flying fairy, none will be able to stop this massive damage output,
we reached Snowbrook just in time, to find the officer/luitenant in need of some help, and so, powered up, in the snowy valley, we went into our search, to clean Snowbrook !
My task wat to lit the fir's of the acient temple, where now many evil kin lived.
A massive slaughter brought me to py purpose, i lit the fire again, and Aman'Lu was protected again.
I asked Finala if she would join me, she would, my pet is getting little outdamaged, since he is a t 100 - 200, and i'm at 350 - 700, and finala got some presents from me i found, and she reaches 400 - 800.
Time to leave my mighty glacier.
A new pet, a little fairy, with some healing abilities will help me from now on, on my journey furter on.
my quest was to find Princess Eva, hold by the Dark Wizards themself !
I met a strange clan, even a secte, if i can call it like that.
The wanted me, to hand them over the Aegis of Death...
I did not hand them over the Aegis, tho i did over them Death...
They left me no other goal...and none other goal was ment for them.
Powerlust creatures are no good to this earth.
With finala by my side, and the healing flying fairy, none will be able to stop this massive damage output,
we reached Snowbrook just in time, to find the officer/luitenant in need of some help, and so, powered up, in the snowy valley, we went into our search, to clean Snowbrook !
- Mammoth, Fierce prince of blades...