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characters stuck in valdis fight

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characters stuck in valdis fight

Post by LiquidDeath54 »

Im fighting Valdis and first Deru gets stuck behind one of the Eye of Zaramoths, then later my custom guy gets stuck behind another. What the heck? By stuck I mean they just stand there and will not move at all no matter what mode you are in. Now looks like I will have to reload last save which means fighting my way through the 8000 mobs again.

Bad thing is, best place to be to use the Eye on Valdis is behind it, which is where people seem to be getting stuck. Guess ill have to try to stand on the side of it to use it.

This is going to be really hard. Is this another common bug?
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High Five
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Post by High Five »

Hmm, never seen this one. I suggest that you put all your chars on "Wait" mode and just do it with your main character.
w00t?? no images in sig allowed?!?
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Post by Thing »

Try the following:

- select the "stuck character"
- zoom out and select "wait" mode
- move the stuck character along the wall until they are out from behind the eye
- go into "pursuit" mode, use "regroup" (R-key) and get the hell out before Zaramoth zaps you
- save!
-pick up again

Good luck
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tom the terribl
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Post by tom the terribl »


try use the mouse pointer near the left and right screen edges. It should work with any mouse.
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Post by Mephisto »

very strange

Just for a tip
even when you have to fight valdis he is not all that tough
it's these strange ghost / kight things that come down that deal all the real damage
and so you know............... no i won't tell you it's a spoiler

Fortune favors the bold!!!
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Officer Aggro
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Post by Officer Aggro »

A similar thing happened to me. When trying to activate one of the Eyes of Zaramoth, my main character fell through the cracks in the floor when Valdis shook the ground with his sword. I was trapped waist-deep in the floor for the entire battle while the rest of my party proceeded to fight Valdis. The lava kept knocking me unconscious, but I never died. Finally, my other party members reduced Valdis to 1 hitpoint and he became invulnerable. Instead of continuing to fight, the mighty Valdis just stood there and did nothing. I tried for half an hour to move him in front of the big eye or do *something*, but all attempts failed. Eventually, I just saved, exited the game and then restarted. I ran my way to the Temple of Valdis, skipping every single enemy along the way. Really, they're too slow to follow, and I wasn't in the mood to fight them all over again. When I returned to Valdis, things were back to normal and the battle picked up right after the point where the lava fills the room. When I defeated him the second time, things went as normal.
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